Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nurse Stephanie Steals $20 From My Bag @ Coos Bay Hospital

This nurse stole $20 out of my bag and now it explains why she pushed me out of the hospital instead of calling a doctor when I asked for one for seizure.

I have not gone anywhere since that trip to the hospital. Nowhere, and my bag was with me the entire time.

I had over $30 on me, zipped up in the pocket of my bag and the only time it was not with me was when I was in the ER.

At all times in the ambulance and elsewhere, I had my bag on my lap in front of me and any ambulance attendent knows this. Actually, the first time, to the Coquille one, it was always in front of me. The second time, someone had it for a moment in the ambulance on the way to Coos Bay. There were 2 men there.

However, I never heard it being unzipped once.

The only other time it was not with me was when they wheeled me from the ER room in Coos Bay to the CT room. My bag was left behind in the ER room and someone got into the front pocket that was zipped and stole $20 from me. They left me with $9 and stole $20.

I believe it was that nurse Stephanie, because she was the only one going to that room. It was a room closed off where someone oould do this too. And SHE was the one who was acted suspicious when she wanted me to sign a paper but I was sick and said I needed to use the bathroom first.

I was nauseous and drooled all over the sink and then pulled the emergency cord to that restroom and SHE had called POLICE/Security guard and a hispanic nurse to force me into a wheelchair and she wheeled me right outside of the hospital in the middle of my drooling and while I was saying, "I'm having seizure symptoms and I need to see a doctor."

This money was not stolen from me at my house because I've been here the entire time and I locked the door each time, and had a chair over the door as well, in the middle of the night.

The woman who stole my money was this pregnant nurse Stephanie.

She was the one who acted strange and now I know why she shoved me out. She was worried I had found out I was missing money so she wanted to use some of her friends to push me out. We hadn't had any disagreement or anything. I just had my bag with me and said I was sick and I would be right back but needed to use the bathroom. It wasn't a big deal.

It would only be a big deal to a thief who was worried I had found out she stole from me and that I might be going to the bathroom to make a call to police to report theft.

That was why she called a police/security guard over there.

I had no clue why they were treating me this way but now that I know they stole money from me, it makes more sense.

It was the same $20 that is marked with a 21 in the middle and a circle around it. It's a marked bill and she stole it.

I had it missing from my pants pocket and it was stolen from my house but I had my doors unlocked and then left them unlocked again so someone had a "chance" to decently return it from where they stole it the first time and they did.

The first time they stole from me when I had not locked doors or barricaded my doors or anything.

It's not "Air Force". That bitch nurse stole it out of my bag when I was wheeled into another room for a CT scan.

Then she acted totally bizarre when I needed help from the bathroom from seizure and the only explanation is that she got self-defensive and worried that I was calling police about the theft or something. Why else call all those people and keep me from seeing a doctor? and stare at my bag while I was taking it with me to the restroom first?

It was her.

Since then, I have not left the house and not only that, I barricaded my doors.

The thing is, I don't think it's going to "show up" again and there are people that knew I only had so much money for paying my safety deposit box with. I had already figured out if I spent ALL of my foodstamp money on bottled water, for the next 2 months, just to get 5 cents per bottle, that's $48 a month which makes close to $100 and then I had close to $30 with me. My deposit box fee is $130.

So Stephanie's theft of my $20 brings me up short.

And I asked for a loan on paying for the box and repaying, while I don't have work and my parent's refused because the FBI apparently thinks they can get into my box.

So I was going to have enough money to pay off my safety deposit box and also have money for legal papers for my case with my son and now I don't.

These fuckers knew.

I had already stated out loud, to my parents, and in the house as well, that I was going to have to go to food banks then for a couple of months and get food that way and spend ALL of my money on bottled water. Anyone could figure out how much I would obtain from doing this.

So they stole from me to cut me short, because #1 they have tried to freeze me out of money to fight for my Appeal to my son Oliver, and #2, they are worried about my paying for that box and don't want me to be able to pay for the annual fee. Why? Because I have some SHIT against them and they know it and they want their fucking hands on it and don't want me to have it.

They were telling my parents to ask Wells Fargo if they would "mail" me the contents of my box. I said, "I don't trust them to handle my box and the contents and they're just going to go through my stuff and mail it to me? They don't do that."

Who wants to go through my personal papers?

How about legal bitches that never sent me the records they were required to send me, or OIG bitches that know I have proof that I made requests to the OIG for investigation and saved copies to show the UN, and FBI requests, and notes from the shit they pulled on me at the psych ward?

I would like to know what religion that nurse Stephanie is. It's one or the other.

Catholic or Jewish.

Does she know Anne Crane?

So now, if I spend all of my money on water bottles, which is pathetic in the first place and proof that this country is FUCKED, I will have $96 if I buy the cheapest ones (which they already figured out) and then I have $9 left to my name at my house. Grand total of $105. My safety deposit box fee is due April 28th, they told me.

What a nice date. April 28th. First they said it's actually the 24th and then they made it the 28th. Just for fun.

Before Stephanie stole the $20, I would have had $125, which is just $5 short of the amount needed to pay for another year, and I have that much in bottles sitting around the house.

So I was barely able to pay for my safety deposit box and possibly pay for some copies for legal things for my case that I have to mail.

So when this BITCH stole my money, she wasn't doing it for a thrill.

She was doing it knowing it kept me from paying off my safety deposit box on April 28th.

And she pushed me out of the hospital while I was in the middle of seizure symptoms too.

I get foodstamps disbursed on the 2nd. So on March 2nd, and April 2nd, I had $400 total in those 2 months, to buy water bottles with. I didn't spend a lot on water this month bc I still knew and planned for the next two months.

I wonder if that bitch was jewish. That would be even more interesting.

It wasn't Air Force. Yes, they've done some things, but I am 100% positive and I locked my door at all times and also barricaded it here. Also, when I went to the bathroom with my bag, Stephanie had her eyes on my bag, when she didn't want me to go in there. Why did she care about my bag?

There was no altercation at all. No argument or disagreement. Nothing. She came around and I had not complained about one single thing and she said can you sign this ? and I said yes, but I need to use your bathroom first (because I was totally sick). She then watched me go in and eyed my bag. She also said, "Can you sign this?" and I said, "Let me use the bathroom first."

No yelling, no problem. I mean, calm, all the way around. No big deal at all except for my being nauseous and her eyeing my bag the whole way in. So I sat, and seriously used the bathroom and then stood up and felt sicker and just drooled and drooled and then pulled on the emergency cord bc of seizure symptoms.

I was "greeted" by a security guard/police, a Catholic hispanic nurse, and Stephanie, staring at me coldly from a distance and I said, "Can you please get a doctor? I'm having seizure symptoms?" They said, "You're leaving right now." They PUSHED me into the wheelchair and wheeled me outside of the hospital.


It is one of the craziest, most unprofessional moments I have ever had in a hospital. After that, my mother picked me up and my bag on my lap the whole time and then in my house with me and I locked and barricaded my door.

That nurse is the one who stole my money and that is why she acted so weird. I think she was worried I knew or found out and that I was going to use time in the bathroom to call police or something.

So yeah. Coos Bay Hospital stole $20 out of my bag when I was out of my room and then they pushed me out of their hospital while I was asking for a doctor because of NEW seizure symptoms that started because of interactions with the medications they gave me (all of them are contraindicated for seizure prone, or to be used with caution). They had given me 40 mg total of dilaudid and CT medium-contrast. And I'd had ginko tea about 2 hours before showing up. The whole combo triggered seizure stuff for me.

I got home and had another wave of the same, and just stood at my sink, drooling and drooling.

I really, really, hate this country.

This country has used me and treated me worse than a piece of shit and they are doing the SAME thing to my son Oliver. They sucked him into a mind control program that I did NOT consent to.

So that's how rich I am, in this "great" country where you can "have the American dream!"

FUCK this country and God damn it to HEll.

The American Dream is having every single thing stolen from me, including my only child, AND being tortured and robbed blind and forced and pushed to marry a Catholic man for the FBI, and used as an experiment by your own parents, and deprived of college education and validation that I'm being tortured and then having a bitch nurse steal $20 out of my bag so I can't pay for my $130 security box to prove these legal firms are liars?

All that they have done is use me and torture me and torture my son.

That's the American Dream.

Buying bottled water to scrape together 5 cents per bottle because I refuse to fuck the military men or FBI men and refuse to work for these assholes without full disclosure of what and who I'm working for.

Like I said, I'd love to know what religion Stephanie is. Catholic or Jewish. It's one or the other. On the slight, slight chance she's neither I would then have to throw in the outlier of simple FBI or government scrub.

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