Saturday, February 11, 2012

Harper Seven (who is the original?) & More Middletons

She's not the first Harper.

I don't know who decided to name that baby girl of the "Beckhams" "Harper Seven" but she didn't have the name first.

I thought of it and it was in my mind and the next thing I knew, I am reading they fucking named their KID this.

So basically, either Kate Middleton or her mother, or the Panetta Catholic fanatics, or someone else, knew what I was thinking and took that and used it.

I didn't think of it AFTER they named the baby. I thought of it before.

So it's kind of like, you have 2 kids and one has the essence of something and the other has the name and which one does it really belong to? The older one? or the one that came later, after the original?

You can have pure and then you can have a name that means pure. Which one is the pure one? 7 or 8 years apart.

There is always someone who is the firstborn, the Jacob. And then there are always people trying to take away something from the original.

My family is The Original.

The Middletons are the Second-Best imposters. Theives.

I am tired of the CATHOLIC SHIT.

They steal my ideas, steal my song lyrics, my melodies, my voice, my clothes, and then, ha, they even try to steal names and ideas for baby names. It's fucking unbelievable.

I was discreet before and I'm not being discreet now.

I know exactly where I was and who I was looking at when I thought "She reminds me of Harper" and she is 7 years old.

Then a baby was born.

They named their baby Harper Seven, after I thought this about a totally different girl who was 7 years older than the newborn.

So is that what happened with Kate? I was born and Diana somehow knew my family and then the Niddletons tried to push their way in and claim a name for themselves?

She is this blond girl who is 7 years old and she was walking around at this outdoor party and I thought, "She reminds me of Harper" (from the classic book).

All of a sudden, the Catholic Beckhams are naming their kid, the one that came 9 months after Will proposed to Kate, Harper Seven.

In my opinion, it's odd that Will proposed to Kate and 9 months later they are visiting their friends in California for a baby to be born. What's the deal? proof of fertility or embryo transfer success required before marriage proposal?

Fuck all of them because they steeal.

They FUCKING STEAL EVERYTHING and don't have ONE fucking original idea to hold onto themselves.

What the FUCK?

So it's the Catholic Beckhams and by the way, our dog is terrified over here of British accents. Like, uh, Beckham accents, and Middleton and Hay accents and we have a fucking Susan Hay right next door. And they are there with William of Wales and Kate Middleton and whose idea was it?

Who wanted to name the kid that?

So don't fucking tell me that I am unimportant and that I'm not being TORTURED and used by Catholics who try to read me just to get to me and wrangle their own plans.

They are criminals.

Do you want me to write a song for you next honey?

Maybe I could start writing a few poems and you could copy down my original poetry too and then publish it in your own name and call yourself a genious. Or original.

Kind of like, uh, wearing my MOTHER's skirt and wanting to call it your own idea?

There is a CAT. And then there is a COPYCAT.

Copycats torture the real cats and steal from them and get friends to steal from them.


I can name the date of the day I thought what I thought, and how it was before the birth and naming, and I can also show that I refered to it discreetly in my blog.

I am tired of fucking copy cats.

Come up with your OWN fucking shit.

The Middletons raped my family to put bread on their own fucking table. I hope they get what they deserve. It is really too bad when divorce affects children.

That family is full of criminals who initiated crimes against my family.

Stealing my clothing and taking items to California, trying to ruin my life, torturing my mother and father, Carol Middleton making a skirt for her daughter that matched the one I wore in high school, that was my mother's in the 70s.

My parents have met some of them. The Middletons. I just don't know which one. I would love to know, if Diana were alive, what would she be thinking?

So let's get something straight. Someone over there is stealing my ideas but I have also seen things about you. Its not like it's one way, and you are just stealing things from me. I saw your colors when I asked. I saw your descent into a tunnel and maybe the fucking "hole" is Kate.

Chris Dabney is connected to Beckhams. So is Alvaro Pardo and I cannot wait to see all of you in jail. I mean all of you dears. Beckhams, Hay, Dabney, Pardo, Middletons, ALL of you.

Can you see your kid through bars?

Because um, as far as I know, it's illegal to hold people hostage in the U.S., and to drug them and medicate them and then try to entrap them to go to jail to keep your own family free to do what you want.

So, is England supposed to think Kate or the Middletons are not with the CIA now?


Your fucking gangsters have TORTURED my family and my son.

I want you in fucking PRISON Middleton.

My Mom and Dad are blackmailed into DENYING anyone tortures us. Who gets blackmailed to that extreme? They are tortured. I have been brutally tortured. My son has been. And my parents can't talk about it?


I know Mike fucking Middleton heard about what I wrote because I saw and you'd better control yourself fucker. You've done enough damage Uzi slugger. No, I didn't try to see him. Maybe it wasn't him. It looked like him or close to the guy that took my fucking handprints in Knoxville, TN. But I had the impression it was her Dad.

You people are criminals. You need to be In JAIL.

If my parents won't put you there, I WILL.

Let's see, my parents dog is freaking out over English/British accents and we just had some British speaking assholes from Redding, CA over here and the dog recently terrorized again. Any, ya know, connection between your Redding people and the Beckhams in CA? Then we've got Lorraine, the British Jew and most significantly Susan Hay. Susan Hay I have a bad feeler on.

My mother is forced to do things for people here just to even sell a house through the banker Hay.


Do you have ANY idea what my son has been through because of you fuck-ups? We have all nearly died and have been barely hanging on at all at some points. Our children brutally tortured. This Kate is a bloody fucking Mary.

I was so mad, I left this computer for a minute after writing about the copy cats. The fucking COPY CATS that TORTURE people. That's when I had this sudden impression of Kate's Dad looking mad and like he wanted to "do something". Pissed. I said, in my mind, you'd better stand down fucker. Then I was in the bathroom and I prayed for something about Kate, and saw her bent over her stomach, like stomach cramps.

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