Saturday, February 11, 2012

Attack of Holy See or Muslim Extermination

See my last post.

The Catholic church has been waging war through their members in the U.S. in the highest levels of government and through other countries as well.

They need to be taken out and their central hub is the Holy See.

Almost every single perpetrator of torture against citizens is a Roman Catholic member whose allegiance is to the Holy See first.

The entire U.S. is infiltrated with this church and they are the ones leading every single major deparmtment and intelligence community.

I am tired of being tortured and I'm tired of their helping eachother to advance their own agenda.

Ultimately, their directives come from the Holy See.

The Holy See is a country.

It is not a "peace zone".

It is a country that has been sponsoring torture of people in various countries. They have RUINED the U.S.

This country is fair game for being hit and needs to be hit NOW sooner than later.


You decentralize the hub that is sponsoring this torture, and you scramble their programs. Maybe you can't take out every single Roman Catholic that took the top position in every single U.S. department, but you get RID of the head of the BEAST and then work on voting out and ridding this country of the religious hate criminals.

If some of the torturers are Jewish, yeah, get rid of them.

But the most difference would be made by taking out the Holy See.

WHY is this country getting away with all these things?

They steal, murder, destroy, sponsor religious hate crimes, and spread it through to multiple countries throughout the world, and no one thinks to give them what they deserve?



The Holy See has tried to seduce some parts of the Middle East. They know they need someone on their side so Panetta worked the ropes with India and worked the ropes with the Middle East, trading arms and deals and trying to sugarcoat what they're really about.

They are the terrorists.

They are the ones who killed Osama bin Ladin after first calling him friend and using him.

It wasn't Protestants. It was the Catholics. The Protestants respected the fact that they had history and had worked together. Not the Catholics. They kill for relligious revenge and don't care about having any other excuse.

They will engage the Middle East and trade and exchange arms and then before you know it, kill you.

Do NOT trust the Catholic church. Look at history. They still believe in Crusades against "Islam" and they won't confess to it. They'll use the Muslims first, and then switch it on them after they get close and get what they want. You saw what Panetta did? He fought a Crusade for his CHURCH, for the Holy SEE, NOT for the United States.

These mother fuckers have RUINED our country.

If you trust them, and beat people up, and fight your "revolutions" by trusting the Holy See and Panetta and these Catholics that have infiltrated almost every single U.S. agency, your countries will ultimately lose.

It was not the Protestant former Pentagon leader that went after Al Quaeda and Osama. Panetta got in. Right?

Think about it.

He took over, got in and replaced the Protestant guy who was more fair and knew about Muslim history, and he went out and put a HIT on every single Muslim leader that any country has ever had, and defamed them and caused all the people to believe their problems were all about these leaders.

Why did he do this?

It's a religious crusade.

The United States has no religious crusade against Islam. The Catholic Church DOES.

Which is why they will use you, and trade arms through the IRA and FBI with you, and set you up to fall with beautiful Catholic hookers, because eventually, they are going to TAKE YOU OUT.

Their "dogma" about killing Muslims and getting rid of Islam never changed.

No one was waging a revenge war and putting hits on all the Taliban when they targeted U.S. military. Did they? think about it.

They WENT after the Taliban ONLY after a hit was made on a Roman Catholic church.

They killed Taliban in revenge for the Catholic church. Period.

These leaders start wars for the Roman Catholic religion and the Holy See.

Do you know where these CIA directors are coming from? The Jesuit branch of Catholicism. Check me on it. If you don't believe me, have your Islamic or Muslim scholars check me on this.

Almost every single CIA director in the last decades have had education from Georgetown, which is a Jesuit college. Jesuits have one motto. You know how Islamists have jiihad? That's what the Jesuits have, but no one in this country holds them accountable for their terrorism of others because we are infiltrated by these people.

The goal of Jesuits is this: "Defend the Faith". This has historically meant: KILL. Torture. Mutilate Children. They will do whatever they can to "defend the faith" of the Catholic church. This is exactly what they've done.

You need to start looking at the Holy See, not as a little church mountain, or Holy Papacy "mecca".

It is NOT MECCA. It is not a Catholic mecca. It is the political hub for all of the religious hate crime that they carry out through their members who take positions in various countries.

They are running the U.S. and almost every department. Even many of the Protestants for the CIA have been educated at Georgetown, the Jesuit University.

Look at our Supreme Court.

ALL of our Judges there are Catholics or Jews?

Holy See or Israel.

Who do you think is controlling the torture in the U.S.?

Most of the Protestants here now, are weaker Protestants. They don't know the Bible, they don't read scripture, they don't have one single clue about why the U.S. was founded, why we should NOT agree with "summary judgment" rather than jury trial, why we do NOT have communism, or believe in dictatorships, and why we created laws prohibiting Catholics from political office.

We now have Catholics running almost every single political office and they are torturing Protestants, like my family, just as the Catholics did in Germany with the Nazis.

Hitler was a Catholic.

The Nazi party was composed primarily of Roman Catholics. Did you KNOW that?

They had a few monasteries and nunneries that shielded little Jewish kids so they could "adopt" them to turn them into Catholics. So they figured that was justified and "God's will". For most of them though, it was experimentation and gas chambers.


Because the Catholic church position is that THEY are the ONE TRUE CHURCH. Their commandments and oaths are to kill anyone who challenges this.

This is why they killed Jews. Hitler didn't go after Muslims there because there were hardly any Muslims there, in that location to begin with.

The Nazi party was led by a Roman Catholic and The Holy See.

Do you GET this? The HOLY SEE. THAT country is the Nazi-land. Not "Germany". It wasn't "Germany's" fault. Germany doesn't have the bad name. It is the HOLY SEE and I am really tired of how the Holy See carries out all kinds of crimes through their agents in other countries and gets away, reputation unscathed.

The Holy See must cease to exist.

It is the Holy See that committed the Nazi crimes and it is the Holy See that has promoted the torture through their Archdiocese in the U.S., their lawyers, and political agents.

Christine Gregoire, Governor of Washington, is Jesuit. Is it any wonder my son and I were tortured?

My family has personally had problems with Jewish and Catholic. The Catholic stuff, is easily pointed to because of the Jesuit influence. The Jewish problem is, I believe, more political and has to do with UK and Middletons. I do not believe the Jewish problem for me, is strictly religious though it's mixed in there. I feel it is a political issue, involving political musical chairs. With the Catholic church, it is religious hate and their Jesuit promotion of their beliefs.

The Jews worked with the Catholic because they didn't want me in any position that they had reserved for someone else of their choosing. For the Catholics, they didn't care about that--they were interested in 'defending the faith" and smearing me when I wasn't even attacking their faith.

I was NOT against the Holy See before. I wasn't. And I was NOT agains the Catholic church.

But NOW, after all this torture, yes, I feel the centralized operation center is the Holy See and that therefore by targeting this hub, you might possibly decentralize the fucking wheel.


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