Saturday, February 11, 2012

Invasion of Holy See and of U.S.--Call To War

I am hearing news about political elections in the U.S.

It just falls like tin.

Hearing these journalists excitedly talk about political elections, with vigor, and life, is surreal.

They talk about elections as if nothing is wrong with this country. All we need is "Mitt Romney" or this guy or that guy. It's like this superficial cloud of delusion is hanging over the U.S.

The U.S. needs to be invaded by another country.

There is no political process that is going to make one bit of difference when this country is already polluted and corrupt.

Hearing political election crap while my family has been tortured through 2 separate administrations, is like tin falling onto that fake angel hair stuff people spread around at Christmas which is filled with little bits of glass.

Nothing will help this country. They are torturing their own people and then they robustly get on the radio to talk about other things, as if it's not even occuring.

This country needs to be invaded.

The U.S. has gone out and invaded plenty of other countries, and distracted people from the internal issues and at this point, nothing is going to distract them from torturing their own citizens except for war.

We need war and the U.S. needs to lose for once.

I am not kidding.

They quit torturing me for a few hours while they had to refocus attention to the hacked down CIA website?

This country needs more than a hacked down CIA website. They must be invaded.

The only people who do not want war are those who live here in the U.S. and control the torture of others. Those who are getting fat off of our suffering.

Why should I care if there is war in the United States? It would not make my situation any worse. In fact, it would most likely improve my situation.

If another nation invaded the U.S., those torturing their own U.S. citizens could focus on defending themselves instead of turning innocent people here into martyrs and profiting off of them.

I pray to God that I see this country fall in my lifetime. And I pray to God that another nation invades this country quickly rather than wait.

If they are torturing us here, now, you are next. Your entire countries and people are next to be tortured in this same way, and worse. So if you do not invade the U.S. now, you can expect to have the U.S. honing their torture techniques to use against you later.

You can either get ahead now, or wait and have all of your people suffer later when the greed motivates the U.S. to strike out again, against Iran or any country of their choosing, for any falsified excuse.

Please make your plans to strike.

It needs to be worse than 9-11.

Twin Towers was nothing. It needs to be of a greater magnitude and worse. Nothing else is ever going to change this country.

I heard some man from Syria say "The UN can't help us, it's war."

War is what needs to happen on U.S. soil.

These people are so spoiled, they say nothing about torturing their neighbor, or torture OF their neighbors.

They do not deserve to have this land any longer and I hope that someone strikes before there is ever another "election".

Elections and "the vote" have zero effect.

This country is lost.

What can one vote do? Votes of all? nothing. The corruption is too bad.

The Holy See and the U.S. should both be hit at the same time.

They are so intertwined, it would be pointless to attack the U.S. without also attacking the country of the Holy See.

It's fascinating, because the Holy See gets away with this "neutral" image of not fighting while they use all of their members in other countries to start wars and torture in their name.

They need to be taken out entirely.

I would even try taking out the Holy See and then see what effect it has with the U.S., but my opinion is that the greatest difference, positive difference, would be made through a dual attack on both The Holy See and the U.S.

Take out the Holy See and you are getting rid of their central operation station.

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