Saturday, February 11, 2012

Alvaro Pardo Drugged Me

Alvaro Pardo was a big mistake. I wasn't tortured when I was with him but what was that? a perk for being medicated without my consent and set up?

I don't care who he's connected to, whether it's William of Wales through Colombia connections, or that guy from El Salvador, he was not a good person and my son and I were tortured.

I have no respect for him or his group because they tried to entrap me while pretending to be something they were not. They know who is responsible for the torture of me and my son and do nothing about it so that is a clear warning sign.

Like I said, it would not matter to me if I found out William of Wales was involved. Or the El Salvador man. It really makes zero difference, because what I know, is that he drugged me without my consent, worked with U.S. government and mafia, and he knows exactly who is responsible for torturing me and my son. When was he brave enough to stand for the truth?


Then they tried to write to write me off on the "shame" ticket and left me to be practically mutilated alive.

God damn him and his entire group for that. God damn them.

This country literally attempted to force me back to him by every form of illegal "sanctions" one could come up with. They froze me out of all money, work, healthcare, and put me in jail a number of times. They forced me into the dirt, to sleep in alleys, like an animal while they used local Wenatchee police to follow me around and watch me being tortured alive.

God damn them and God damn this country.

This country needs to be invaded. First, all nations must sanction this country and refuse to trade. And then someone needs to invade and take it over.

Alvaro Pardo drugged me and the Post Pub people drugged me. That includes Chris Dabney. I was given birth control against my consent and will while I worked at The Post Pub and took a free meal from them (part of working for them). They doped up my food.

I do not believe this black guy Will doped me up. I'm not going to say I know all about him, or that he was good or bad, but I do not believe he doped me ever. He flirted with me and he did nothing inappropriate. He never doped me, to my knowledge. So to this black man's credit, he did not sexually assault me, dope me, or try anything illegal. That is to his credit. Again, do I know if he's a good person? I didn't know him long enough, but that much I know. And guess what?


Which sort of maybe makes all the difference in the world. Will, the black guy, was Baptist. Sort of nominal Baptist, maybe, but just Baptist and not super religious. I've met criminal "Baptists" like the Army's Russ Strong in Wenatchee, but Will was not criminal. Out of all the people I met on the East Coast, probably the one who I am most certain did not dope me up would be this black guy Will. He had a hoopah or whatever, one of those smoking things from a vase, but only smoked tobacco or flavored stuff. He had liquor and I had a drink but never got drunk and he never encouraged me to get drunk or tried to take advantage of me either. So when I say I am telling the truth, believe me. I am telling the truth.

Because it's odd when I look back and the only man who didn't drug me or assault me is the non-Catholic. And non-Jewish.

My problems are not "political". They are religious hate crimes.

When I later worked at The Post Pub, I was doped. I was also given doped up food by military men staying at the house where Chris Dabney stayed, on Euclid Street. I was being medicated with birth control without my consent and possibly something else. Birth control I know for sure, and then also my rash from the tinea went away and that only goes away with meds. I know, because I've had it since 2006 and the only thing that makes it go away is medication.

So The Post Pub people were mainly Catholic and Jewish. And I was drugged there. They gave me birth control, something for the tinea or systemic thrush, and possibly something else. When I got pregnant and they had to quit doping me, then they put on this shitty act of hostility and harassment so it appeared as though I became "paranoid" and antisocial without their medical crap cover.

They are criminals.

Alvaro Pardo also drugged me. I went from The Post Pub, being medicated without my consent there, to being medicated with Alvaro Pardo. I think the U.S. wanted me to stay with him for 2 years just so they could control their experiment and get a green card for the man they wanted to legally employ to work for the U.S. FBI instead of FBI contract work in Colombia. All of these people were also connected to U.S. military.

My problems are not political. They are from religious hate crimes. I had no problems with Protestants in D.C. at all. In fact, they were the only ones NOT drugging me, or lying and trying to medicate me and then claim if I wasn't medicated I was nuts.

The Catholics and Jews were the criminals. Not the Protestants, and it was the criminals who went out of their way to try to give me work in their territory to attempt to control me so they could create their own version of events.

Mark, this truck driver from Boston, who gave me a ride to the East Coast from New Mexico, was Catholic, military, and a criminal. He was Roman Catholic and he was not on my side even though he pretended to be. He knew Chris Dabney and Chris gave me a job at the Post Pub but he sought me out for it and he was also Catholic. Basically, I got away from the Roman Catholic military truck driver Mark and found a decent guy Will, who gave me a place without harassing me, doping me up, and no intimate relations. He said, "You had better be careful because most people are not nice like I am." He was right. Everyone else tried to dope me up, get me drunk, or use me for sex and lie about me to the United States government. And God damn them.

I was safe with Will and that was probably the only one in the entire D.C. area that I was ever safe with. And incidentally, everyone else who was NOT safe, happened to be Catholic and Jewish.

I got away from Mark and found Will and was safe. Then I got work and that was good but people came in on purpose to make me look bad, at this coffee shop I worked at. Some of the people were even British and I couldn't figure out why they were interested in me. But people tried to bump me out of work there. I worked for a middle eastern man. Then I was at a coffee place in downtown D.C. and Chris Dabney picked me out and told me to come work at his place. As it turned out, I did not know this, but he knew the truck driver Mark.

Of all things, right? Mark the Roman Catholic military guy who hates my guts and picks me up from New Chris, the Roman Catholic who calls me a "hole" and drugs and medicates me after selecting me to work at his joint? Chris Dabney nodded off to Mark the driver, and I saw then, clearly, they knew eachother. I think Dabney was also Irish. I believe there is a connection to Dempsey actually.

So Mark was making jokes about "aliens" in his vehicle and knew I'd been tortured. He backed off only because he was interested in me physically. So like I said, if the Catholics think they can use you, they don't torture you. WHich is exactly what happened. Chris Dabney acquired, at some point, a Jewish girlfriend, but that was after he was saying I was his girlfriend. Which was after I had met The Chief Strategist.

While I was at The Post Pub, they medicated me. I started to get an idea that this was happening and began eating off-site and I noticed some of them didn't like this. I bought my food across the street at a store, a bakery, a deli, anywhere. And when I quit taking as much of their "free meals" they, the Jews and Catholics, turned on me. They had people coming in harassing me, saying I wasn't doing a good job, mixing up orders, and Kathy, this Catholic supervisor, began mixing up my orders on purpose and accusing me falsely of stealing from the till or not adding things up right or giving away free drinks. I never did, and they had cameras running with the info playing upstairs the entire time. Anyone could check. They started lying about me.

Basically, I got away with Will. Also, at Cherry Point, in Blaine, those guys knew I wasn't nuts. So I think some of the Jews and Catholics got nervous about their liabilities in torturing me, calling me crazy falsely, and abducting my son.

So they coralled me to work for THEM, under their control, and then if they couldn't medicate me to their advantage, they wanted to create false records to benefit them by saying I was mentally ill.

Mark and Chris knew eachother and both were Irish Roman Catholic. They even had an Irish priest come into the pub and he was nice until I quit eating the free meals and then all of them jointly started to put on hostility. The entire objective, I believe, was to illicitly drug me and claim it "worked" while they adjusted their behavior and then if I wasn't drugged, they reverted to being assholes and then wanted to say my perception changed because I wasn't medicated.

It was all self-protective legal religious bullshit.

Out of all of them, the only man that did not sexually take advantage of me or drug me was the Protestant.

I wonder how many decent Protestant black men are in prison because of corrupt Catholics and Jews that tried to frame them and set them up.

Jews hated me and slipped in their Jewish woman for Chris Dabney and Catholics hated me. That's just the way it was. At Cherry Point oil refinery in Blaine, there were more Protestants there than Catholics or Jews.

I'm sorry, but those are the facts.

Where the Protestants outnumber Catholics and Jews, I have not had problems. The bad apples in my life are 100% Catholic and Jews and then some of them just created problems or tried to provoke reactions from me to show Protestants in an attempt to make me look bad. But literally, the criminals and hate groups are Catholic and Jewish.

So anyway, I stayed with Chris Dabney at this house on Euclid with other Jews and U.S. Catholic military. They medicated me through food. One guy there was with the U.S. Marines and he wanted me to eat these balls of some kind that had a drug in them. I stupidly ate them. They also did weed, and they worked for the U.S. at the same time, so anyone doing weed with hookuhs or whatever, and working for the U.S. government starts sounding more like CIA than anything else. Am I right? or am I right. One studious Jewish guy living at that house couldn't stand me. He was studying to be a doctor and then guess what? he showed up in Knoxville, TN at the psych ward to observe my being toxed up with Haldol. It was the same man.

The same man I housed with in D.C. then saw me overdosed on Haldol for government research and punishment shit. His eyes were as wide as saucers and I just stared at him. I think his name was Ben but I can't remember. It was the same guy so I guess he graduated from his studies in D.C. and had moved on.

Fascinating how the U.S. has tried to humiliate me isn't it?

Chris Dabney was tied in with a bunch of Jews and Israeli Jews too. He had me set up with one of his Jew friends and then I was taken to this house where there was a framed photo of someone that looked like Chris, skating while being pulled behind a car, in the snow near Dartmouth or something.

He had a friend in town named Alan. And then another who was a diplomat's kid from Turkey.

Dr. Crane, in Wenatchee, his mother is connected to the Turkish embassy in D.C. and she was good friends with Christine Gregoire before she passed away.

So these people are interconnected and motivated to blackmail others.

Then I was with Alvaro Pardo after I almost died from miscarriage. In one phone conversation, Chris Dabney was on the other end. They played a lot of mind games. When I was hacked in the back by the Nigerian woman, Alvaro was doing a favor for someone by letting another guy know where I'd be to try to stop me, obstruct me from correcting the matter, and then that same man attempted to set me up to be entrapped in federal marriage fraud.

He was connected to Alvaro and Chris who is connected to Mark who I met in New Mexico where the FBI SAC is "Carol Knock Out" or something. Clever.

The Catholics first use illegal contacts to try to knock me out of lawsuits and work by military induced migraine and then they torture me, steal my son, medicate me and try to entrap me to go to jail.

I was at this birthday party dance for Alvaro's birthday in D.C. and went and his other girlfriend Jenny showed up and he kissed her right in front of me. I mean, actually my back was turned, and I turned around and saw it. Right after that, I made a text about "true blue" Chris Dabney and the Jewish people there found out and thought it was hilarious because none of them were "true" and nothing was real. It was all fake. They mocked me. They slipped in another woman and then wanted Alvaro to dump me off. So first he tried to set me up to go to federal prison, after he and his friends medicated me. Then he tried to dump me while I was bleeding in the hospital and then next he was holding me hostage unless I married him and I was required to stay with him for 2 years at least.

Which is maybe how long the U.S. wanted to use me for illegal medication research.

He worked with the FBI in Colombia and I figure the FBI here in the U.S., or CIA, wanted him to work here in the U.S. Also, Alvaro wanted his daughter here and I believe he has sons that are already here being raised by others. So the U.S. didn't care about me. Maybe they cared about William of Wales, or Charles, or El Salvador, or their own cover and their own interests, but no, they never cared about me or my son Oliver.

They tortured me and my son Oliver.

The U.S. and FBI knew all along what was done to me and my son and they attempted to use torture to force me to do favors for THEM.

I resisted.


I'm still not married.

I have been tortured, and lost my singing voice, and lost everything.

But I still have more dignity than sell outs like the Middletons.

I sold some of my property but I didn't fucking sell my values or my soul.

When this was several years ago, and I was younger, prettier, and still talented, I believe some of these assholes wanted me married off to Alvaro to make me unavailable and "off-the-market" so I was less of a threat.

No worries now, I'm sure. But then, I think they were concerned and they wanted me out of the way and married to be out of the way. If I married Alvaro, it made it impossible for me to be available. And as long as I was looking down and out, and didn't have my own son, and looked impoverished and nuts and like I couldn't support myself, I was no threat.

So it was either that I be impoverished, tortured, and without my son and falsely accused of multiple counts of harassment and crime, OR I alleviate their concerns by marrying myself off to someone who they felt would either screw me over or control me and keep me out of the way.

I chose my independence and look at what this country did to my family to punish me.

They forced me into the gutter and stole everything I had, married off the people they wanted to have married, successfully tortured and drugged me to the point of provoking undesirable reactions which would prejudice me, and now they want me to go on disability.

This is America?

Did I care about Alvaro? sure. Did I love him? In a sense, yes. Did he medicate me without my consent and lie to me?

Yes. He medicated me without my consent and he lied to me.

Did the U.S. formally engage in human trafficking? Yes. The United States of America tortured me and my son and then formally engaged in human trafficking of me and my son. Did the U.S. blackmail my parents to lie and say we are not tortured and that I am nuts? Yes. My parents are blackmailed to lie and say we are not tortured and that I am nuts.

This is the truth.

Did Alvaro or Henry torture me in Maryland? Yes. On the one occasion where I wanted to sleep on the couch instead of in the bed with Alvaro they tortured me by ultrasound to my back to create such severe pain I had to go to ER with Alvaro acting and lying as the concerned "savior" when he was party to the crime.

This is what the Catholic church and Jews like to do. Torture you and then try to pretend like they're the ones helping you. Stockholm Syndrome all the way.

I hate the United States.

They are guilty of high crimes and treason against the laws of the land, my son and my family. The United States is corrupt and should be sanctioned with economic sanctions from every other nation.

Alvaro came over here to work for the U.S. so this is a federal liability.

The U.S. tortured and punished me even worse when I decided to wait rather than marry him.

I don't care if the UK is involved, or any member of the royal family.

I don't care if Mr. El Salvador is involved because people sometimes bring that up too.

I care about the fact that I have met a lot of lousy cowards.


My true husband probably got killed. Most likely, the best man is not even here anymore because he was the one with courage and was killed for it. I have no husband and there is not one single man who is worthy of me or my son. I have never met him. Ever. If he was around and died, then he died.

What was he? A Urriah? sent out into the front line to be murdered so some pansy who saw me "bathing in the moonlight" could take a stab at me and then back out like the coward he is?

Shame on you and your family. My son's blood is on your head.

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