Saturday, February 11, 2012

Slay Those Who Persecute: Economic Sanctions Against U.S.

This is the first thing I chose to play this morning after praying on my knees and it won't play.

Slay Those Who Persecute

My prayer this morning was lead me to the things I should write no matter how brutal it is and guard my mouth against anything I should not say or make me forget so I will not say it.

Then I stood in front of my laptop and knew I was to go to a song before I wrote anything and I typed in "german persecution songs" and then chose this one from the offerings.

"Slay Those Who Persecute".

Angel of the Lord, Angel of Death, go before me.

Now it's playing. Someone had removed all tabs to prevent me from playing anything.

Slay Those Who Persecute. Amen.

I've never heard of it before. It is by Mortal Infinity. I will look up the lyrics.

Imagine Being Persecuted For Doing This:
Persecution in China.

The United States military is targeting metal in my neck since this morning and last night I did not sleep because of technology that forced my feet to curl and cramp.

It is the United States that needs to have economic sanctions from the rest of the world. No country should be trading with this one, or accepting any goods from the U.S. until the U.S. improves its own civil rights record and international relations.

If other citizens in the U.S. refuse to stand up for the basic rights of their fellow citizens, and do not share in upholding the laws and freedoms, then they should then suffer the consequences of economic sanctions.

The U.S. should not be the world dictator to other countries, and the UN, as to which country should be sanctioned. They are guilty of crimes enough to merit sanctions against them. Not one country should be engaging in trade with the U.S.

The other nations and countries should jointly form a pact to refuse trade of imports and exports to and from the U.S. and should be strengthening trade between other countries. They should be freezing the U.S. out entirely until the U.S. makes the changes that are required for a healthy global economy.

Trading with a corrupt country only makes the corruption worse and the money is going into corrupt hands that have ruined things for everyone else. It is also not the sole responsibility of bureacrats to be involved in trade and responsible diplomacy, but the fault of the citizens for allowing corruption and torture of their own citizens.

They should bear the consequences of allowing a justice system to fail.

The United States should not be dictating to other nations, about how Iran will be sanctioned, and Syria may be sanctioned, and who to put economic sanctions on.

If the other nations froze out the U.S. entirely, until they change and comply with their obligations which they signed for voluntarily in the Geneva Convention, then maybe they should be allowed to import and export again. Until they change, no nation should engage in any kind of trade with this one.

Find other countries to trade with.

Freeze out the U.S., just as they have chosen to freeze out their own citizens, and fair competition, and justice, and commit torture--freeze them out for their crimes and superiority complex.

I do not believe in a pipeline agreement between Canada and the U.S. either. Both countries have engaged in corruption and we do not need a pipeline for further corruption. When they choose to change, and quit telling innocent victims to "change" and be corrupt as they are, they should be rewarded for better behavior and choices.

The United States needs to receive a worldwide economic sanction and when this happens, they need to then focus their attention on their own internal domestic problems.

Look at that beautiful lotus at the end of the clip. Both times, seeing that in the hands of the child, brought tears to my eyes. I didn't know they come in that color and are so transparent. It's a beautiful photo with the music.

Maybe I am imbibing Chinese things early morning. I had some new hair samples and used the ones from China. I took a photo because it has Chinese characters on it and I don't know what it means but I'll try to find it and if not, I'll find the link to the website so you can read the characters. I used the Chinese shampoo and conditioner, and then a bunch of other things, body wash, scrub, lotion, face scrub, and facial moisterizer and hair gloss. The works, in 5 minutes because that's as much water as there is in this little hot water tank. I worked fast this morning, thinking of the Angel of Death.

It's Giovanni's Wellness shampoo and conditioner that I used:
(I took a photo of me next to just the shampoo but it wouldn't come up so I am posting a link bc I'm curious about what it says in Chinese)

I don't know what these Chinese characters stand for though, and then I was looking at the 3 characters at the beginning of the link for the persecution in China.

It's like I'm Chinese. I may as well be a persecuted Chinese person, I'm American instead, persecuted and using Chinese hair trial samples. God knows I am not lying. We are tortured and persecuted as badly as anyone in any other country.

I do not believe any nation should be engaging in trade with the U.S. for any reason.

On one hand, it is true that sometimes discontent and crime proliferates in hard times. So yes, there has been more turmoil and some are more easily induced to commit crimes for the rich, because they are strapped economically. However, the U.S. is way overdue to be punished. You can give a bully a candy bar and hope they'll be nicer for awhile, and you can notice that if they are deprived of some things they might be intolerable and crankier. However, at some point, you no longer tolerate their bad behavior. If you do, and if you continue to reward the U.S. for bullying other citizens and encouraging this, you create a monster. The only way to correct a spoiled and corrupt country from turning into a worse monster than it is already, is to punish it.

It is the U.S. that needs to be sanctioned.

How dare the U.S. try to "freeze" Iran, or Syria, or ANY country when the U.S. is THE country that is out of control.

Try it.

Has anyone ever tried to sanction the United States?

Bring a sudden halt to all imports and exports of the U.S. and make demands.

See what happens.

Maybe the U.S. will quit kidnapping and abducting and torturing their own children. Who knows.

I don't believe the United States has learned how to live within its means yet either. That is another lesson they have not mastered. They want pipelines and oil and there is no reason why most of them cannot use public transportation, walk, or bike to work. They're dependent on foreign products and allow their rich friends to exploit poor countries when they could be creating jobs in the U.S. for U.S. citizens instead. What they buy is cheap labor and bribes from poor countries to benefit the greed of the masses in the U.S.

The United States needs to know what a full blown sanctions is like.

THEY need to "change". Stop telling victims to change and reform yourselves.

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