Friday, February 10, 2012

Middletons & Hay (potential malignant cysts?)

I just read that these "cysts" I now have, since I was given an illegal injection in Knoxville, TN, can be malignant. It says they are usually 'benign' but can be malignant and this doctor last time wanted to inject me with radioactive materials for a 2nd CT saying, "We want to see if there have been any changes?" Since 2 weeks ago?

Why should there be any fucking changes since 2 weeks ago?

Guess what. There is. Now I have two cysts apparently, instead of just one. In two weeks time.

These assholes knew. They knew something was coming down the line or they wouldn't have started trying to push me to take health insurance or SSI.

They have tortured me day and night and they injected me with something in Knoxville.

Out of all my FOIA requests to the FBI, the only one that ignored me (or wasn't received somehow) was the one from Knoxville, TN.

I sent one request to Memphis FBI but I also sent one to Knoxville. I heard back from all of them except Knoxville.

I HATE the Middletons and especially Kate Middleton and if you look back on my blog posts you'll see why. She was already anticipating something happening to me, my brother, and my son. I hope she doesn't start having bone marrow problems. It would be a shame to lose a lovely long leg to some kind of problem with bone structure. And no, for the record, I've not read anything and I'm not aware of any kind of health problem for her. I just know her family is criminal and have used people over here to commit crimes against us. (why else is our dog afraid of british accents?)

Kate was "paying it forward for kids with cancer" not too long ago. In fact, right after I was injected with a foreign substance in Knoxville. And I know my son has been subjected to things. The Middletons would know what would be get to my parents and how they would "get" it. Most people wouldn't, but they would know how to make a nasty point to my Mom and Dad. I know they are bad people. I did NOT know that before bc I tried to never think of her and decided I'd rather find out bad things after she was married so it didn't look like I was trying to intercept a marriage. So that's what I did. After all of the horrible things done to me leading up to that wedding, and all of the fear I saw from enemies who were worried I might "ruin" it, I should not have been modest or worried about what anyone thought. But my pride did not want to have me appearing like some jealous person attempting to break up an engagment. Once married, pshaw, who cares. He married her. He made his choice. So she's either bad enough to divorce or he's sticking with her, to the bad of a nation.

But yes, all of a sudden, this sudden interest in my having insurance because someone probably already knew what was going on.

Let's think. From point of injecting someone with radioactive materials, how long until a cyst might form? If I was injected with something in Knoxville, that was in July?

And I didn't see any doctor here locally, receive an injection, or go for CT scan until 2 weeks ago. So there was no other form of administered toxin.

I had the first CT 2 weeks ago and they gave me radioactive (or non-so-they-said) contrast when I wanted just a plain x-ray. There was one cyst. Now, 2 weeks later, there are 2 cysts.

And no, my neck pain is not from cysts. It is from the metal in my neck and being tortured.

Someone started pushing for me to have insurance before Christmas.

Let me find out when Kate Middleton did her little charity drop for "kids with cancer".

Oh very interesting. Google search people don't want to pull up the right information. I guess that's because they have no connections to the steel industry or anything, like Roes. They're giving old dates and unimportant info but I just read about it within the last several months and that was just in passing bc I wasn't looking them up at all. But it was last several months.

They knew.

Oh my gosh. September 2011 she and William started a new "children's cancer" ward. This is around the time people were mocking the fact of whether my son had good water to drink or not, when I arrived here in Coquille. The same "friends" that use my parents and have leaked info to Kate Middleton's group were saying this kind of thing. I remember because they kept going on about how important it was to have good water free of radioactive elements and for kids and they looked at my parents and I intuited someone had been giving my son something that wasn't good for him and they let my parents know.

Not only that, Kate's Mossad friend fractured my hand in Knoxville and then injected me with a substance. They were not doctors or nurses and it was at a federal site just an hour away from a nuclear place. This is where they did UK a favor by fingerprinting both of my hands, wrist-up which is European style. It's what they do in Europe, not the U.S. If one is fingerprinted in England for example, it's a handprint, not just fingerprints.

They have done a lot of thing for Kate here in the U.S. which is why I know she and her family are connected to the CIA. She's the "Walker". Catherine Walker. If I had enough money, I would put all of it on a bet that she is a double and works for the U.S. There is nothing else that can possibly explain all of the coverage and support she's received, and torture my family has incurred because of THEM. I am not kidding. It's not like citizens here care, it's been some official and political humping and dumping work. Their travel to and from the U.S. is going to be an ongoing thing. I know someone gave her my FBI files and why they gave HER my files and don't even give them to ME is a serious concern.

Not only that, some others who are Jewish have shared some of my personal family photos with her as well, including photos of me with my Ex from Colombia and photos of me that I have in storage in Seattle.

So let's see. I'm getting my hands fractured and hand-printed UK English-style in July of 2011 and injected with a foreign substance next to a uranium plant. Next, I'm in Coquille, Oregon, showing my parents the evidence of injection site and my x-rays that prove my hand was fractured. Just 2 months after I was injected with a toxic substance, Kate Middleton is opening up a cancer ward, in September 2011.

Funny how many of her mobster supporters got cancer after God decided to afflict them with cancer of his own accord. They weren't injected sweetie pie and they didn't have their food poisoned either. They were damned and now, God damn you.

God damn you Kate Middleton, and your family, in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit and on behalf of my son Oliver Garrett. God damn you. God damn your friend Susan Hay who moved over here to harass my family as well. You will never be anything more than a mock pin-up. I don't ever imagine anything for myself other than what is mine, but I hope William finds someone besides you and frees himself of your family if he ever has a chance to meet an actual Protestant with morals and spontaneity because I guess that's something you lack. God damn you for what God knows to be mockery of children with cancer while you propose to support such institutions. God damn your CIA connections and support and may you fail. I hope someone in your own country routs you out and starts exposing your family's religious and political origins and leanings. God damn your friends who planted themselves around my family to live as "neighbors" while torturing us. In the name of God, may your family and supporters be undone.

It was in late November or December that my mother told me "someone" had said I should apply for disability.

I guess so people like the Middletons don't have to worry as much when I'm bringing up Susan Hay, the British woman who is very easily related to Kate Middleton's former housemate and/or the Hay from Washington State Catholic Archdiocese offices.

I was forced to take down that name. Hay.

Susan Hay.

Why is it so important? Unless it points to Ms. Middleton who is, was, and will always be nothing more than Middleton.

Susan Hay is involved with banking over here. Wells Fargo banking. She is born and raised in the UK, in England and she somehow decided to plant herself into my mother's workplace. She does all the banking transactions for houses my mother sells.

Lorrain Rose is also English born and knows Patty Otterbach, the bitch who comes over here to harass my mother all the time. One Brit who knows another Brit, I suspect, Ms. Susan Hay. Lorraine Rose is Jewish and British. I was raped by a Jewish man from this area, where my parents live and where this British Susan Hay lives. Susan is also in the real estate business, like Lorraine Rose. Both in real estate, both British, and both in close proximity to my mother.

We've been tortured and it is no accident. Kate Middleton knows about it. In fact, my parents have met some of the Middletons. They refused to admit it when I asked, just as they have refused to admit they are tortured. But I did ask, and I mentioned names, and it was clear that yes, they have met one or more of "the" Middletons.

Our DOG is terrified of British accents. He infers extreme violence with this accent. This accent and Irish. So what we really want to know, is why the Hoodlum Middleton is involved with my family at all and why none of them are behind bars.

Is this why I am to take "mental health disability"? For the benefit of some religious hate Catholics and a Jew Crew that raped me and tried to set me up because for years they've been preening Kate? This church group coming from Redding, CA, tortured me in their service. Most of their people were from California and this is where Kate wanted to make her stop to see the Beckhams.

Victoria Beckham, and possibly her husband, is Catholic.

Did William father an illegitimate baby through a Catholic Colombian woman? Did he and Kate arrange to have Victoria Beckham carry their child as a surrogate so they could have one in the U.S.?

Why the Catholics?

Why the peace in Northern Ireland "to-do" and sudden invites of IRA people to their wedding, why the lovely "tartan" for the POPE, and why the sudden "ban" against Catholics lifted from UK monarchy?

She is a bloody Mary and she is not even on the throne. Her family is trash. They have pulled out all stops to conceal the truth about history, and spent billions trashing MY family when we had done nothing wrong.


The people who supported her family got close to me and my family, raped us, and stole everything we had and then tried to blackmail us. Now they want me to agree to be mentally ill and not have my own child either.

She never wanted me to have my son and be independent because it looked "too normal" and made me "too available" (then, not saying any chance now, after I've been tortured and said all kinds of things they hoped I'd say).

She was thrilled to have me drugged and posting photos of myself and my feet even. I'm sure, thrilled.

FUCK YOU. FUCK YOUR scheming conniving, criminal and immoral family.

God help England because you are the stumblingstone, not a cornerstone. They are better off abolishing the monarchy altogether than to have Middletons in power.

If the Middletons are in, after the "changes" they brought with them, just abolish the entire institution. It should end with Elizabeth and Philip. Period.

God forbid any Half-assed Middleton Monarchy.

I could even slightly see Charles maybe, or his sister Anne, maybe, but really, the lack of judgment in choosing Kate Middleton cannot be overcome. It's like, all caution to the wind. She conforms and regulates and nothing else. Anyone who is not tortured could do as much as she. She has not one outstanding quality. Harry commented on her legs.

Sorry, but one does not rule with a "great set of pins".

Everything surrounding her entrance and engagement was smeared with the lipstick of a Catholic. Let's have peace day with the Queen prancing in Ireland and bowing to the IRA! Let's make a tartan for the Pope who has ordered the torture of millions and celebrates the day the Nazi's killed Jews! They fucking gave the POPE his own TARTAN??! WhAT the FUCK. Not only that, they gave him one in colors I used for a poem I wrote, about "Punishing the Peacock". Believe me, he is no humble "peacock". It was wrong. It was wrong to stoop to making a tartan for the Pope. Why not Hitler himself? Does England make special tartans for Hitler or the prison guards of concentration camps? And then 9 months after this horrid "engagment" of Kate and Will, they prace over to the Catholic Beckhams where a new baby is born and it's anyone's guess who the baby really belongs to.

She's a CIA bitch.

Do you know what the CIA would want their agent to do? Make peace with Northern Ireland, and bow to them, make a nice tartan for the Pope who runs the CIA, and make a baby with a Catholic babysitter.

Sorry, but there is nothing "English" about that.

Very Valerie.

And she's not English. No, I believe she is Catholic first and Russian second.

Which is maybe why I had a dream about someone that looked like Kate speaking Russian.

The monarchy took this huge nosedive when they became a "blended" family. It's like mixing lemons with dried carnation non-dairy creamer. Keep squeezing the lemons and try to stir it with the creamer and it's just disgusting clumps of tart chalky glop.

THEN! This Catholic Beckham group names their kid "Harper?" in the same day, or actually, AFTER I was thinking this girl I was watching was like Harper from a book? What? Panettas CIA reach goes to Hollywood and the "Rood" as well? Since when are Catholic kids that are being held by royals being named the same name I am thinking of before it came into their minds? Oh yeah, and she is 7 years old, and I was thinking of her as like "Harper" and then the fucking Catholic Beckhams decide to name their (or Kates'?) kid this.

I tried to be discreet before, but sorry, this is just beyond normal. I don't appreciate the hump and dump. And I don't appreciate the Holy See attempting to take over The British Throne or Mossad torturing our family through their British connections either.

He married into a horrible affair.

I think it is very sad that they have pandered to Roman Catholic interests when the Roman Catholics are a great reason for the torture of my family in this country. It is a shame and an indication that this monarchy is being set up to go downhill.

Let's hope it goes downhill and ends before it begins the slimy ascent to the Mountain of the Holy See.

It was wrong.

Everything is wrong. It's deceitful to the English, it's wrong in every way. And it's fucking wrong to torture my family and allow this.

I don't get to see my own FBI files but Kate Middleton does.

Real "English".

They want to have children in other countries raised by Catholics, no doubt, rather than in their own country perhaps, as well. Who knows.

Stop fucking using ME.

Find your own fucking original names for your kids and keep your fucking Catholic PAWS off of my family.

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