Friday, February 10, 2012

Good Job Hacking! CIA Site DOWN--Satellite Next

I just heard news that the CIA website was hacked and down. Good job hackers. I was thinking take down the satellites, but maybe you could try that next time.

I was actually torture-free for a little while today too, this afternoon mainly and then it got pretty bad about the same time the CIA site was functional again.

I just heard the news at about 11 p.m. I didn't know it was down at all. But honestly, I had hardly any torture at all for awhile this afternoon until these fuckers quit working on their website problems and refocused on torture of me and my family again.

I think the CIA needs to have more things occupying their time.

If they have time to torture citizens, they have too much free time. I think they need to be working on fixing their websites more.

Seriously, can you guys do a satellite?

Can you guys hack a satellite out of commission?

I mean, satellites are in space but can't you do something digitally to control them? I mean, there must be some kind of computer controls that run those things. They're not free-standing right?

I want to see you guys hack down a satellite. There's your challenge.

Just...shhh...don't get caught.

Maybe hack down the CIA site AND do a satellite because that would really freak them out and keep the military occupied too. You know, might have to think about national security and important things like that instead of torturing kids and my family and things.

I know one of the guys who did it is tall, white, and male. Saw him cheering or laughing. Anyway, don't come around me if you're anyone in intel because I will probably sniff you out and "out" you accidentally no matter who you are.

You can't come near me. The U.S. has tried to read me in order to use me around others and read them through me. Know what I mean?

And then in the downtime I'm just tortured.

I think they wanted to try to use me for spying without my consent basically, and think if they tap me now, if I leave, they can follow who I'm around later, if I'm in another country. If that fails, they just want to anticipate legal moves for the Holy See.

It's pretty sick.

So since the CIA has not been worried about their little shitty website, they have had their people torturing me again. The heart suction stuff, the infrared and burning, the tapping into my metal in my neck, everything.

I wonder if anyone ever thought to plant a few crocus around their fucking igloo.

This is totally out of order from my other post, but I tried looking Coldplay and throat stuff but nothing showing. Guess it's private. Lots about "adele" but it's not about her. It's about Coldplay. Some throat issue. Maybe it's not known yet.

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