Friday, February 10, 2012

Parents Forced To Torture Their Own Children

My parents have to lie to me about everything. They lie to MY FACE about "not being tortured" when the evidence is right there. When I feel it myself and have evidence myself. It's on their faces. I see them being tortured and they look me in the eye and lie. If they have to lie about being tortured, you know they have to lie about a lot of things they know about.

I would bet they have even had someone say, "You either let us film you torturing your own kids, for our security, or you're all dead (or in jail or psych wards)." It is this bad. It is bad enough that I would absolutely believe my parents would torture their own kids and be filmed, knowing someone will use it for blackmail, because they are trapped and are not given other options. This is how the CIA is working.

I am positive. I am 100% positive either the U.S. military or CIA has forced them to torture their own kids or grandkids and then filmed it, having them know it was filmed, in order to have blackmail.

I'm positive.

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