Friday, February 10, 2012

Angel Of Death: Praying For Invastion From New Country

I explained what I mean about the Angel of Death in my last several posts, but from this night forward, I am keeping a constant vigil and prayer for The Angel of Death to sweep across the United States.

Probably stupid to write, but since I've never prayed for this before, and since it's all in God's hands anyway, and nothing I can control unless it's God's will, there shouldn't be a problem.

I am going to pray for the firsborn to begin to die. Protection for my family, even though we've been poisoned and tortured, and for others to see that my prayer has nothing to do with me.

I really hope that someone sees something dramatic that they haven't seen before.

I hope the firstborn died, just as they killed my parent's firstborn and tried to kill my son and abducted him from me. Until they return my son, I pray those responsible contract cancers, illnesses, blindness, and lose their firstborn. And their pets. May their pets die off.

Not because I don't care about animals either, but because I think something extremely bad needs to happen to this country.

They can't figure it out.

They can't.

They refuse to change.

They tell ME to change..???!!!

I AM to change?

They refuse to budge or move and they torture us.

I want another country to plan and prepare to invade the United States. I will gladly help any way that I can.

These people and this government is corrupt. They are torturing their citizens. We are dying, and we are being injected with radioactive materials, our children are kidnapped in front of our eyes and held hostage, we are cut with knives and told not to say anything and it involves local police to highest levels of government.

Every single law they hold up to protect THEMSELVES with, are lies. They hold up papers to shield themselves, claiming they are good, and better. They are not.

They are criminals and they are torturing innocent woman and children in THIS country, under "laws" they no longer follow.

This country is far far worse than anyone even imagines it is.

No ONE, WHAT intelligence, KNOWS how bad of shape this country is in? They are corrupt. There is no possible way for the slow others to gather and revolt.

They don't have the guts. They are the middle class, poor, and rich who are complacent and play games and think nothing is that bad if it's not them--if their kids are not the ones being tortured, everything is fine.

People are frozen in their ignorance and stupidity. They will not revolt because they have not been tortured as my family is tortured. They do not have the foresight to even think that if this is allowed to US, down the road, it's worse for MORE people. They're blinded and consoling themselves with T.V. and shopping and jobs and not thinking about the fact that there are no civil rights.



TAKE OUT the U.S. Satellites. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for something? TAKE OUT their satellites.

I can't say anything like "bomb" or be descriptive without having ATF using excuses to say there is something wrong. But I do have a right to free speech and the fact is, WE ARE TORTURED.

This COUNTRY IS WORSE than Iraq. THIS country is WORSE than Afghanistan. The U.S. is torturing more citizens per capita than Saddam Hussein ever tortured. Saddam tortured people in obvious ways, by throwing acid on them, because he wasn't as sophisticated as the U.S.

The U.S. is doing WORSE.

They are basically forcing people to drink their poison and conceal the evidence. The U.S. is torturing people through sophisticated technology that they hide evidence of. This is what they do. It is the same as throwing acid on our faces, but they don't want that evidence, so they torture us day and night in other ways.

What is worse? throwing acid on faces one time?

Or torturing babies, children, men and women all day and all night, for years?

The United States is committing crimes against their own citizens and they are using official means to conceal these crimes. The FBI is supposed to investigate and they don't, they have colluded to encourage and protect those who commit these crimes.

Again. What is worse? Throwing acid on faces one time?

Or torturing people all day and night, for YEARS?

Which one? Which is worse?

We need to see Joe Biden in his underpants.

The entire world was shown photos of Saddam Hussein in his underwear when the worse criminals are Biden, Mueller, Panetta, and Hayden.

Where are the underwear shots of the U.S. men in their white underpants?

Do you know who will be cheering?? if we have an effigy of Biden hanging in Washington D.C., and of Hayden, and Panetta, and Mueller?

I will be cheering. And I will not be alone.

How do you know it's just me?

Maybe others are tortured too, and can't talk about it. They are intimidated and tortured to be silent, just like my mother and father and brother. We have military assaulting us on our heads, so they swell up and they can laugh internationally about it.

Compare. Please. Saddam was NOT right to torture people, including his own family. But like I said, the U.S. INVADING with the entire justification that the Iraqi's were suffering. Meanwhile, on our OWN territory, the U.S. is allowing religious hate crimes.

It's not just here and there.


The CIA is fucked up with a bunch of Holy See ass-kissers. The FBI is almost worse. They are also predominantly Roman Catholic IRA supporting ass-kissers who can't even acknowledge the fact that the Holy See is a country. Do you know why the CIA wants to say the Holy See is a "neutral" country? Because more than half of THEM give their primary allegiance TO the Holy See.

So basically, for them it doesn't look so bad if they're Catholic and working for the CIA if they try to claim the holy See is "neutral" and not politically active. It helps to minimize the important fact that there is a conflict of interest in being dual agent for two different countries; one is the Holy See and the other is the U.S. and the Holy See is #1 but oh, they want to minimize this by lying and saying it's a politically "Neutral" country.

And yes, I'm being tortured while I write this. What else do you expect?

Washington D.C. is full of Catholics. It's corrupt. All of the Catholics are in suburbs of Virginia, D.C. and Maryland. It's all right there and most of them are Catholic and they running the country as the hub. Did you see how many CIA directors come straight out of Georgetown University? If you check, almost every single CIA director went to Georgetown. It's a JESUIT University. Run by the Holy See. And that is where we're getting the CIA directors.

So the FBI is proven to be actively recruiting most of their people from Roman Catholic colleges. It's a proven fact. They already have about 70% Catholics in the FBI, or Episcopal, which is the exact same thing. Episcopal is not "protestant", it's in "communion with the Roman Catholic church" which means, it acknowledges Roman Catholic alliance. So saying Mueller is Episcopal and "protestant" is a falsehood. He is more Catholic than protestant. It is impossible to be "in communion with the Catholic church" and be Protestant at the same time. You are either Catholic. Period. or you are Protestant. Period. You cannot be "in communion with the Catholic church" and be "Protestant" at the same time. So as long as Mueller claims to be protestant, call him a liar. Protestants are NOT "in communion with the Catholic church." So Mueller is not Protestant. Episcopal used to be protestant but it's changed and it's not protestant anymore. It's Catholic.

So basically, every single leader of intelligence and CIA and FBI, are Catholic.

FUCK THEM. Why? because they are the ones condoning torture of Protestants.

They are not Protestant. They are ALL Catholic. Pick one. Catholic. Pick another. Catholic. Oh, well, try that department. Catholic. Uh, how about this one? Catholic.

Fucker, fucker, fucker, fucker, all of them. Fuckers and criminals.

Why are ALL of the CIA directors coming out of Georgetown, a Jesuit University? and then the FBI is doing all the recruiting from Catholic colleges? and now Panetta is in charge of the Pentagon? That is total and absolute infiltration of our country by God damn criminal Catholics who work for the Holy See. When you have Jesuits running the CIA is it any wonder that criminal politicians like Gregoire, another Jesuit, is running Washington state into the ground? Department of Education leader? Catholic. Office of the Inspector General? Catholic (former CIA). The Supreme Court? 100% Catholic and Jews. Directorate of Intelligence. Catholic. Right now, there is ONE non-Catholic person in charge of a major agency and it's an Army guy. That is IT. Every single Washington D.C. agency has crammed in Catholic shoes to fill the slots. And they've got their mafias with Northern Irish, Italians, and Mexican/hispanics. Then throw in some Jewish mobsters.

My case with my son, is ALL Catholics. There were maybe 2 people out of 60 who were Protestants. They are ALL Catholic mother-fuckers and child abusers. There were actually Jewish on the outskirts that didn't want to be noticed. But in the fore, all Catholics.

Holt, Chris Rozollo, Titus, all Jewish. I was stalked by Jewish and Catholics in Wenatchee and by a ton of Jewish in D.C. as well. The Jewish stalked me at the coffee houses and attempted to frame me in D.C. as well. They wanted me out of the way. One guy was a cop and tried to pull a sting, another couple were Jewish guys who just wanted to try to swap me around and pretend to want to sleep with me while stealing samples of my hair for DNA (I am NOT kidding).

My parents have been oppressed by Jewish mother fucking mobsters as much as Catholics. Think about it. Do they want my mom or dad to expose the jewish rapist and who he's connected to? I would bet money, my parents know who he is connected to. My parents have to lie to me about everything. They lie to MY FACE about "not being tortured" when the evidence is right there. When I feel it myself and have evidence myself. It's on their faces. I see them being tortured and they look me in the eye and lie. If they have to lie about being tortured, you know they have to lie about a lot of things they know about.

I would bet they have even had someone say, "You either let us film you torturing your own kids, for our security, or you're all dead (or in jail or psych wards)." It is this bad. It is bad enough that I would absolutely believe my parents would torture their own kids and be filmed, knowing someone will use it for blackmail, because they are trapped and are not given other options. This is how the CIA is working.

There are a lot of "Koch"s here.

Koch. The Jewish name Koch, like the Koch mayor in NY, the multiple Koch's in CA and WA and OR. Living right next door to Gatov.

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