Friday, February 10, 2012

CT Contrast Induces Seizures (Coos Bay Hospital)

Not only is there evidence that Dilaudid induces seizure, but CT contrast does as well.

So basically, I am PRONE to seizure and have drooling related to it, and I was given 2 different chemicals at the hospital in Coos Bay, that triggered seizure effects.

I pulled on the emergency cord to get help and they pushed me out of the hospital and threatened me instead, and refused to let me see a doctor or point out all the drool in the sink to a doctor.


FUCK COOS BAY hospital.

I had ginko tea, which wouldn't have done anything, but it can cause some seizure symptoms in combination with other things.

THEN they gave me seizure inducing media contrast for CT.

THEN they also gave me high doses (intravenous, 40 mg) of dilaudid which is contraindicated with seizure.

So, I HAD seizure symptoms and those people forced me into a chair, refused to let me see a doctor, and left me outside of the hospital.

FUCK THEM. I hope they lose medical funding for that hospital and that the nurses in charge are fired.

I had severe nausea, not really dizziness, but nausea, and then excessive drooling. Then it was a little bit better but I was still nauseous. In the car, I had the window rolled down because I felt sick and needed fresh air and then back at my house I had another wave come over me and stood drooling at the sink again for about 10 minutes.

By drooling, I mean, as much as throwing up but all clear saliva just pouring out of my mouth. And nausea.

So those assholes at that hospital refused treatment of my seizure symptoms and didn't even listen to me and I had not done one single thing that was loud, or insulting, or obstructive, or anything. I was polite the whole time and they just ganged up on me when I rang the cord for the emergency in the bathroom.

If this country doesn't return my son, they are in serious serious trouble.

I will be praying, every single day from this day forward, for the Angel of Death to sweep across this country.


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  2. "Coos Bay Hospital" doesn't exist. There is a Bay Area Hospital.

  3. Kevin,

    Hmmm, all cigarettes or some?

  4. On the Coos Comment:

    Yes, you are correct. It is Bay Area Hospital in the town of Coos Bay, Oregon.

    It is the only Coos Bay in Oregon and the only hospital in Coos so that's why I refered to it this way.
