Friday, February 10, 2012

Dilaudid NOT For Seizure Prone & Cysts

I am correct.

Dilaudid is contraindicated for seizure prone people.

Dilaudid can cause seizures when taken in
high doses and, if you have a seizure disorder, can make the seizures worse.
Be sure to tell the doctor if you're sensitive to sulfites (preservatives
commonly found in red wine), since Dilaudid contains this substance.

I had a seizure reaction last night. I had only one cup of ginko tea maybe 2 hours before I went to the ER so it wasn't that. But then I was given dilaudid and also radioactive contrast for a CT.

That whole combo did me in.

I was drooling in the bathroom over the sink and for the very first time in my entire life I had to pull on the emergency cord in the restroom.

It was the first time in my LIFE that I had to do this.

Instead of getting help, I was accosted by Catholic nurses and a police guard that pushed me into a wheelchair, refused me a doctor when I told them I was having seizure symptoms, and they fucking wheeled me OUT of the hospital.

I am NOT kidding you. I told my parents the exact same thing today.

I wasn't being forced to leave the ER, there was no upset or problem, nothing at all. I was just nauseous and I said I needed to use the restroom so I went in and then I peed and was so sick and started drooling into the sink. They could SEE it. The sink was FULL of drool by the time I had pulled on the emergency cord.

Instead of giving me a doctor, they treated me like a criminal.

I fucking hate them and hope they lose their licenses and are on unemployment indefinitely. I am never going back there. Ever. I mean, NEVER.

Also, I had TOLD them I just had a CT with contrast only 2 weeks ago and they could have sent for it. They could have done a plain x-ray or MRI or asked for my CT and instead, they jacked me up with MORE radioactive contrast???!!!! and did another one and then said now I have MORE "cysts".

But they did nothing about it. No MRI. Nothing.

So what's the point? Inject me with radioactive materials and watch it grow? Like I'm a walking Petri Dish?


I'm going on disability because I'm forced to, but that doesn't mean I have to get medical care here. I refuse.

Everything I find about Dilaudid states it is to be used with caution for anyone with seizures or who is seizure-prone. I was given 20 mgs and then another 20 mgs. I had a very bad reaction and had it again at my house, hours later. I don't know about the contrast, if it contributes to seizure. But I am allergic to Dilaudid. So I can't have it anymore.

I will have a good life when I am no longer living in this country. I would fully support some other country invading and taking over. Let me help! You need some more land or somethin'? Do you like our resources? Are you tired of the shitty people and hypocrites you have to deal with? Well let me be your own personal tour guide to taking the U.S. by surprise.

They torture citizens here so ummm, yeah, I fully support an invasion.

I mean, I think that's the big justification the U.S. gave for invading Iraq and Afghanistan right? "The people are pleading, asking us to save them and rescue them!"

So please, invade. Just don't be connected to the Middletons. I think they're happy enough with a piece of CIA pie and a chunk of castle rock to plant bombs around. Kate The Fraggle-Rock. Rock on Fraggle! You ROCK! Love the dark-haired men you keep around for your envoys. Ok, now I have to look up the definition of "fraggle". Oh my word. It's a London phrase. A fraggle is a nutter.

2. fraggle rock 23 up, 13 down
london slang term for the medical wing in prison people who are there are offen given powerful medication which turns them into zombies, they are then refferd to as fraggles
yeah Tom hes a nutter, hes in Fraggle rock, hes well fraggled now.

(Is God hooking me UP or WHAT!?! that is hilarious. Here's another definition)
3. Fraggle Rock 2 up, 1 down
When a girl is so drunk/coked up that her appearance has declined significantly from earlier in the evening, usually used in a bar/club setting. Refers to hair being messed up to the point of looking like "Fraggle Rock".
"Dude look at Brittany, shes a mess, looking like Fraggle Rock"

Whoa. Or it's a drug!

7. Fraggle Rock 9 up, 14 down
A form of intense, uberl33t marajuana, most commonly found priced at $20-$35 at your local street pharmacy.
Man, that fuckin fraggle rock kicked my fuckin ass, i'm still blitzed. I ... Oooooh cookies!

Well that is funny. Frag is also fragment. Kinda like a piece of a party. You know, see above (point 7)

I guess I'm having a good time ripping on Kate Middleton tonight. First of all, she really is evil or I wouldn't. Secondly, I really did "see" her Dad toting an Uzi and using it and my own Dad was shocked and surprised about that and HE IS psychic. Also, you fit into the evil category when you harass people across the ocean and use others to torture them even, and then make fun of what you know is going on, by "paying it forward for kids with cancer" when you know exactly what your thugs are up to. I am absolutely justified. She even came to California for coke. I would bet. I know she does in UK, and I seriously wondered about CA as well. I just don't know who her Daddy was working for. I mean, my Dad has some gifts, but he pack an Uzi around sweetie. Just not his style. So I am wondering who he was working for.

This song just came on by Coldplay "Paradise" and it's so wrong. I hear it differently now. I hear it as "Perez-dies". By the way Coldplay, one of you is going to have a problem, or already has some kind of vocal problem, but I don't know what it is. I just had an intuitive flash that someone has a vocal issue or will have one but I don't know who or why. So I might look it up tonight to see if there is any news to that effect.

(hmm. doesn't even deserve honorable mention so I deleted it)

So, dilaudid and seizures--it's listed on every single site about the drug.

Dilaudid Side Effects, Overuse

Serious Dilaudid side effects that require immediate medical attention:

•Cold, clammy skin
•Feeling light-headed
•Seizure (convulsions)
•Severe dizziness
•Severe weakness
•Shallow breathing
•Slow heartbeat
Seek emergency care for other conditions of opiate poisoning and overuse, as Dilaudid side effects that may persist:

•Chest pain
•Clay-colored stools
•Coma, unconsciousness
•Dark urine
•Irregular, slow heartbeat
•Lack of responsiveness
•Muscle stiffness or tremor
•Pinpointed pupils
•Severe sleepiness
•Tightness in chest
Allergic reactions that require urgent medical attention:

•Airway constriction or obstruction
◦Sometimes indicated by wheezing
•Breathing difficulties
•Hives, itching, or allergic rash
•Swelling of the face
•Seizure, convulsions
•Shallow breathing
•Slow heartbeat
•Stomach pain
•Unusual thoughts or behavior
•Yellowing of the skin or eyes

Doctors will advise against Dilaudid use if patients have a history of:

•Asthma and respiratory disorders
•Bowel or diarrhea disorders
•Brain tumor, head trauma or pressure
•Constricted airways
•Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
•Cor pulmonale heart disease
•Irregular breathing during sleep
•Other breathing disorders
•Taking sodium oxybate (GHB)
•Or during labor.
Adverse Dilaudid side effect symptoms need to be conferred with a doctor in patients with a history of:

•Addison's disease
•Adrenal gland or thyroid disorders
•Alcohol or drug addiction
•Enlarged prostate
•Epilepsy or seizures
•Liver or kidney disease
•Low blood pressure
•Mental illness, suicidal thoughts
•Pancreas disorder
•Stomach, intestinal disorders
•Under-active thyroid
•Urination difficulties

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