Friday, February 10, 2012

Middletons & Corrupt Coos Bay Hospital: Epilepsy & Angel of Death

I had an epilepsy attack after I was drugged up at Coos Bay hospital and I went to the bathroom and was leaning over the sink drooling and pulled the emergency cord.

Instead of getting help from a nurse or doctor, this one nurse who was a bitch the entire time, named "Stephanie" (pregnant) and 3 police officers came over to tell me to leave or they'll kick me out.

I said, "I need a doctor--I'm having an epilepsy attack."

They refused to get a doctor.

I was standing right there in front of them, bent over the sink drooling and the sink was filled with clear and bubbly saliva because it wasnt the toilet and wouldn't all go down.

I could not believe it. I have no idea what their problem was but I was about to be discharged and sign papers and then I stood and and needed to use the restroom and felt extremely nauseous and started to have an attack and was drooling.

They refused treatment and evaulation for epilepsy. They forced me into a wheelchair with 3 guards and out the door.

I am not kidding.

And then even when I was eventually home at my own house, I was drooling more into the sink again, having another attack and nauseous.

They gave me more radioactive chemicals when I was there.

That was all they did--was to jack me up a second time with radioactive chemicals. I am not lying.

I went there because the pain from my neck was not any better so they drove me there. I've already HAD a CT with radioactive chemicals, and it showed a "cyst" or some other object in my thyroid.

Then last night, I TOLD that doctor, and they all KNEW, I had already had a CT only 2 weeks earler, with contrast. Instead of doing a plain x-ray or MRI, they filled up my entire body with radioactive material again.

They also gave me heavy doses of Dilaudid which I believe I am allergic to because it does't help the way the other painkillers do and only made me sick.

The combination of being injected with radioactive materials twice in 2 weeks, plus the dilaudid, triggered an epilepsy attack and they were all standing right there to witness it and they shoved me out the door like I'd done something wrong.

I am not going to any of these local doctors ever again.


I don't care if I have to die first. Let me die, because these doctors are filling me up with harmful chemicals and doing their own sick research and nothing to help.

FUCK them and God damn that nurse Stephanie and her child. She has no right to be a nurse or in the position she's in if she is defaming me to police to have me thrown out when I am making an emergency call from the bathroom because of a seizure.

I even told them I had history of seizure on my chart.


I will never, EVER, go to any of these local doctors again, for any reason. EVER.

The next time I go to a doctor, will be when I live in another country and I'm naming the ones over here as criminals.

So they supposedly took this second radioactive CT of my neck again, to see if there were "any changes" when they should have done the MRI or x-ray instead. I told the doctor I wanted to see the results and he refused and said he'd give me a page with 4 pictures on it. I said thanks, and where is the photo of the cyst in my thyroid?

He said he'd look for it.

Then he told me he couldn't find it.

That's one of the major new presentations, is a CYST in my thyroid and this fucking doctor gave me photos of my tooth fillings, (seriously) and NOT of the cyst.

Like I said, I am never going to any of these local doctors again unless it is only to be evaluated for disability so I have money to leave this God damned country with.

When I get out of here, I am listing every single one of the Nazi's and criminals I've had to be around.

This is OVER.

Not only that, KNOWING I have some kind of cyst in my thyroid, they gave me a DOUBLE dose of MORE radioactive chemicals?

They want to kill me. They did not treat me for seizure and kicked me out in the middle of an attack. That means criminal.

Any doctor or nurse kicking someone out in the middle of a seizure attack is a criminal.

No wonder my parents don't go to any of the doctors here. They didn't even want to take me, or drive by, so I called an ambulance. Now I know why they didn't want to take me at all--the doctors here are corrupt and criminal.

I would put all my money on a bet that that nurse "Stephanie" from ER (dark brown hair and pregnant) is Catholic. There was no other reason for her to treat me the way she did unless it's religious hate crime.

No Protestant would do that because they don't have an agenda against me from the start. Catholics would, because that is the kind of treatment I get, every single time. So I'm about 95% positive she is Roman Catholic.

No one else would try to make me look bad, or call 3 police when I was in the bathroom drooling from seizure. And those guards and officers can have their place next to her in a lake of burning fire. There was a hispanic nurse that was involed and who came over to have this done to me and he is Catholic.

He forced me into the wheelchair while he was laughing.

It was him, this hispanic or Mexican Roman Catholic, who was a nurse there, and her, "Stephanie" and then 1-2 other police or guards.

But the man forcing me into the chair was Roman Catholic, and he was directing the guards just as the nurse Stephanie was. I asked to talk to a doctor and they refused.

God Damn them and their families. May their children see and know suffering by the consquence of their own actions.

Roman Catholic hate crime.

I have more than enough evidence to prove it. I think the doctor who saw me was also Catholic as was the radiologist nurse but I am not sure. I know the radiologist nurse was happy to be injecting me with more radioactive materials and the doctor was the one who ordered it, and AFTER I told him I already had a CT with "constrast".

You don't keep filling someone up with contrast when there is a cyst in the thyroid. You use MRI fuckers.

Where did you go to med school? The Vatican?


I have a cyst, and they said it might not be a cyst but something else instead.

That's fine. Based on the treatment I've received, I will never show up at their medical facilities again,no matter how much Panetta tries to do them a favor by aksing military to assault me with technology to drive me to the hospital. It will not happen again.

The next doctors who will look me over will be from another country and they will confirm the U.S. has harbored criminals.

I asked for 2 simple things: to see a photo of the cyst and they "couldn't find it" which is why I was even there to start with. Then I asked what the name was of the contrast they were using and they refused to tell me.

So FUCK YOU and God damn you, truly. I pray God puts his angels over your households until you see what the Angel of Death can do to those who are criminals and persecute innocent people. I pray the Angel of Death over your doors. Amen.

Usually, I can't imagine getting a "good vibe" from pronouncing or praying something like this, but I got very good energy when I prayed this so I do believe it is within God's will. God saw for himself what you did to you and He will repay you back for what you have sown.

Do you believe in the Angel of Death?

You might want to think about it and do some research--read your Bible and ask around. There is an Angel, a holy Angel and it is the Angel of Death. You can go on and on about Michael and Gabreille and the names of other angels who are commissioned to do other things but how much have you given credit to the Angel of Death? Is the Angel of Death "evil"? It's not a demon of death. It's a holy Angel of the Lord who will go after and take out those who put themselves in God's way.

I'm surprised your doctors and nurses claim to have no knowledge about the Angel of Death. You see death all the time. However, you see with natural eyes and do not see past the natural to the spiritual. Yes, most people die of natural causes, and God lets chance happen to them all (ecclessiastes). Time and chance, death, happen to everyone.

But I don't believe I've yet introduced you to my good friend: The Angel of Death.
The Angel of Death stood beside me while many other died around me and I was left unharmed or barely injured. The Angel of Death knows my face and saw it and passed over me because he saw God's mark on me.

The Angel of Death is real, and the Angel of Death can carry out any request any person of God makes, if it also in line with God's will and desires. It doesn't carry out orders on behalf of others just because they call on it, it carries out the will of God. But if I pray, in faith, knowing God knows what has been done to me and my son, that you are visited by the Angel of Death, I have faith that it will be done.

I've prayed for cancers for others and it happened. I've prayed for other injuries when someone is extremely wicked and hurts others, and it has happened. It hasn't always happened how I wanted, but it happened. And most times, I never told anyone and gave my prayer to God alone. Sometimes, after they got cancer, I felt sorry about it. Sometimes I didn't. Some recovered. I only prayed they'd get cancer, not die from it.

But it has happened, and I therefore know and believe in the Angel of the Lord who can bring about sickness and death with not single human being being involved.

No one has to spike a drink or food, or put out a biochemical, or be a wicked person who lays out elaborate spells. No one has to hire a hit man.

My hit man is not for hire.

He doesn't take bribes to carry out his hits. He belongs to God.

So you can think whatever you want: that I'm crazy or that I'm not a christian, but throughout history, God has shown his power through the Angel of the Lord and the Angel of Death. Some Irish called it The Banshee but that's not necessarily from God. It's a spirit that takes life, but not in the name of the Lord.

The Angel of Death takes life and is yet holy. The Angel of Death strikes down women with cancer who did wrong to others, and yet is holy.

Again, does being sick or afflicted mean you're being punished from God? no. AIDS is from the government, not God. And many very good people have horrific things happen and it is not from God and not God's will.

But the beautiful and fearful figure of the Angel of Death is alive and well. The Angel of Death looked me straight in the eyes and said, "No, not this one." God said no, not that one.

But as for you, do you have the blood of the lamb covering YOU? for your wicked and deceitful ways? You don't even believe in the Angel of Death or in the power this angel has from God so how can you begin to protect yourself.

You pushed me down into that wheelchair while I was drooling from seizure, after I was injected again with radioactive materials and the Angel of Death was over you and watched and you are marked now.

Is the United States treating my family like crap over this? Because of God's favor which they want to manipulate into soemthing else? Then you are damned. Any one of you that attempts to steal from us or take gifts of God is damned. God does the giving and taking, not you.

Am I terrorist? when I've never harmed a person my entire life? I have never once laid a hand on anyone. I have never physically assautled anyone in any way, or even lied about them mercilessly to cause them to suffer as a false witness.

How do you put the Angel of Death on your fucking terrorist list?

#1 Enemy of the State: Wanted: The Angel of the Lord. Aliases: Angel of Death.

Go ahead, you just GO after the Angel of Death. The Angel of Death struck down every single firstborn child of the Egyptians for their stubborness in holding others hostage. Every single one. The Angel of Death struck down the man whose arm faltered in carrying the ark or who accidnetally touched it and he died instantly. "God WHY did you do this to that poor man who was trying to carry your sacred ark?"

God doesn't have to give reasons.

He sends out the Angel of Death and sometimes, it gets right up to you and sees you and smells you and knows you and passes by. Other times, it comes right over and touches you and you never feel it and you were just hit with cancer that will begin to fester from that moment on.

The Angel of Death sneers at voodoo. Sneers at military black operations and biochemicals. Sneers at wiccan work and kaballah, and secret agents with special vials. The Angel of Death sneers at the efforts of the Pentagon and CIA and any other country. Sneers at the Holy See and the Pope and his indulgences and proclamations.

The Angel of Death is watching "the invisible man" with amusment.

The Angel of Death can take any one of you OUT in an instant, just as you fucking threaten my family with instantanous gunshot wounds or incapacitation from technology.

Don't be surprised, after mistreating us, if you get paid an unwanted visit. Amen.

And don't blame me for anything either, because this Angel can only do what God orders and agrees for it to do. I don't lay spells or wish for bad thigns. I have rarely prayed for retributation because "vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord". That vengeance sometimes comes through a visit from the Angel of the Lord. I can't control it, and I can't control what God chooses to do.

So if you get HIT by God's hit man, the #1 Enemy of the State, then don't go crying to me.
I had ginko tea before I went to the hospital and was then injected with radioactive materials and high levels of dilaudid. My reaction was to have seizure symptoms and while I was in the bathroom over the sink drooling, and pulling on the emergency cord that was inside there, I was then accosted by police, denied seeing a doctor, and shoved into a wheelchair and pushed outside of the hospital and left there.

God damn all of you. I hope you lose your licenses to practice.
I just turned to my Bible and since it fell on 2 Kings 2:23, I thought I would list it here. Just last night my parents asked me about forgiveness and cursing and I said "I have never cursed God". I have cursed others, as in, God take revenge, but swearing (f you, shit,) is not cursing. Swearing is using language to insult. Cursing is when you pray to God or imply to God that you want another to receive retribution from God. That's holy cursing.

There is bad and wicked cursing, done by voodoo or charms or witchcraft, trying to lay out harm to a person through chant or evil will. Then there is righteous "cursing" which is what prophets of God used. And non-prophets as well. If God agrees, he will do it. So I mentioned to my parents, about Elisha being made fun of and he sics a bunch of bears on kids to maul them. My parents said, "That's the old testament" and I said, "Jesus cursed the pharisees and scribes." They said, "Jesus was on the cross and he said, 'forgive them for they know not what they do." I said, "That was for the soldiers who were acting as grunts for others. Jesus looked at them, and he knew they DIDN"T know what they were doing because they were just following orders. Even if they mocked him and were cruel, Jesus knew their thoughts and knew somehow that they didn't know. Jesus knew there were others behind this, the Pharisees and Saduccess, who DID know what was going on. He did not forgive THEM." They said, "Jesus forgave everyone." I said, "How do you know who he was addressing?" Jesus himself cursed the Pharisees and Sadducees, calling them hypocrites and brood of vipers. When he was on the cross, the only people around him were not those WHO KNEW. Those who were ultimately responsible were not standing there at the cross. Instead, it was Roman soldiers who mocked him and made fun and tortured him by prodding himm worse, and Jesus said to THEM, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." And they didn't. They were bad people, but did they really know what was going on? probably not, and Jesus knew that. Those who KNEW what was going, were letting the soldiers carry out the beatings and crucifixion while they hung back protected and didn't want people to notice them. Did Jesus forgive those who KNEW what they were doing?

I don't think so.

Nor do I forgive those who know what is happening to my family, who call out the orders and are too cowardly to do anything themselves. They are not forgiven. Which is why I say if there are some who mock and do things because they're forced to or don't know or understand, they are not as liable, or held to the same standard as those who DO know and who are ultimately responsible.

The religious hypocrites who put Jesus in prison, and hauled him into a mock court and bribed Potipher and who defamed Jesus and stirred up trouble against him, THEY were the ones who were ultimately responsible and I don't believe even one of them actually bloodied their hands.

History repeats itself.

When the Angel of Death, however, looks over the group, it just does as God commands. The Angel of Death does not work slow-mo. If God commissioned the Angel of Death to kill all the firstborn sons in a night, do you think this was a slow Angel? If God had to say, "But don't kill any child where there is blood on the doorpost" why do you think God said this? would he need to say this if the Angel stopped by at every house and looked into the windows and bassinets? This Angel was sent out that night to SWEEP through the town, spreading out death to the left and the right and only hesitating or passing by a house with blood on the door. Maybe if it saw blood, it stopped there. If there was no blood, it swept through into the house and sent death to the child.

God loves children.

He killed children too.

GOD killed kids who were the children of wicked parents. Not because it was the child's fault, but because these parents were ignoring what He said and holding others hostages and using them and they refused to quit.

You refuse to quit? You want to trust in Dempsey, Mueller, and Panetta? and the others who make orders to torture us? Be my fucking guest. And let the Angel of Death know what your excuse is when your kid dies.

So this Angel of Death is not one of your walzing angels. This Angel does NOT fucking "dance".

There are Angels of all kinds, from all 4 winds and directions, and with different orders and directions and attributes. And the Angel of Death is not a dancing angel and it is not a slow angel either. It is a ruthless and righteous Angel that does not hesitate to carry out orders from a Holy God and who will never violate an order and kill an innocent that God marks out to protect.

I believe this same Angel of Death is possibly also the Angel that will distribute disease, like cancer, but maybe I'm wrong--maybe that's a different one, and how should I know. They must be the only ones that sit at the same table while the other Angels keep to themselves. Let's invite "Death" to the party. Right. The other Angels probably think, "You do what you have to do, but please don't rain on our parade."

In fact, the Angel of Death is possibly one of the lonliest Angels. I don't mean, feels lonely, but acts as an independent and lone mover. I don't see the Angel of Death hovering above the stable with the other angels upon the birth of Jesus in the manger.

The Angel of the Lord goes before battles into war:
(do you hear the sound of the branches and leaves rustling, the sound of marching in the trees? that is the Spirit of the Lord and then move, he will go before you)
The Angel of the Lord kills without thinking twice:
(I command you to kill all of the firstborn sons of the people of Egypt for refusing to let MY firstborn be released. Do not stop by any house with blood on it because that is a house of the Israelites)
The Angel of the Lord kills holy men who make innocent mistakes when handling holy things:
(A man carrying the ark was strucken down to instant death for stumbling while carrying the ark of the Lord. David was angry with God and yelled at God. Was God offended that David yelled at him? Is God a coward or not able to "take" being yelled at? Was David "unholy" for yelling at God? or does God know all things and say "fuck you" to the people who claim they know so much and are so righteous and that someone who swears now and then can't be "of God" but "from Satan." The Angel of God protects God's sacred) I Chronicles 13:9. Uzzah reached out his hand steady the ark, because the oxen stumbled. The Lord's angr burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. Then David was angry because the Lord's wrath had broken out against Uzzah and to this day that place is call PEREZ Uzzah. (is Perez next? will he or she be next to go?). David was afraid of God that day and asked, "How can i ever bring the ark of God to me?" He did not take the ark to be with him in the City of David. Instead, he took it aside to the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. The ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house for three months, and the Lord blessed his household and everything he had).

Angel of Death to Sons of Moses:
Leviticus 16:1-2.
The Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they approached the Lord. The Lord said to Moses: "Tell your brother Aaron not to come whenever he hooses into the Mose holy Place behind the curtain in front of the atonement cover on the ark, or else he will die, because I appear in the cloud over the atonement cover."

Leviticus 10:1-7:
Death of Aarons sons by Angel of the Lord.
"Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu took their censors, put fire in them and added incense,; and they offered UNAUTHORIZED FIRE before the Lord, contrary to his command. So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord. Moses then said to Aaron, "This is what the Lord spoke of when he said: "Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored." Aaron remained silent....your relatives, all the house of Israeal, may mourn for those the Lord has destroyed by fire. Do not leave the entrance to the Tent of the Meeting or you will die, because the Lord's anointing oil is on you." So they did as Moses said."

Division by Angel of The Lord. Exodus 14:19
"Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them, coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel." (then the armies of Egypt because confused and said since the wheels were all falling off the axles of their chariots, the God of Israel is fighting against us--let's get out of here. May this same thing happen to those who have harmed my family and son).

At Midnight The Fairytale Ends--Death To The Firstborn by The Angel of the Lord.
Exodus 11:4, So Moses said, "This is what the Lord says: "About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firsborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharoah, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well."
(why? because these people abducted The Firstborn of the Lord and held him hostage. So do not think you can steal my son Oliver and not incur his wrath because I do not care if you think he is only one child, I have more faith than you and more fear of the Lord as well that he will do this).

I have never prayed for death from the Angel of the Lord before, but I have prayed for cancers and later found out it happened even though I told no one about it. So I do know God listens and he can carry out horrific plans of his own that you will never prosecute me for. Will you prosecute GOD? Put GOD on the stand please.

God will not carry out a request unless He agrees with it. If he doesn't agree with it, it won't happen. No human gets involved in the business. It's God's doing and not something you hire someone else to do. When it is God's will and decision, he will do it. If it's not, he won't. Once done, it cannot be taken back. Some of the people have lived. They didn't die. They just got cancer and lived. You can mitigate for it, by asking God to lessen the effects. "Oh God, I see what suffering is incurred and I repent from my severe anger, just as you too have sometimes repented and turned from your anger at the Israelites, and I ask that you remove this curse or mitigate for it."

God himself is sometimes moved to "repent" (which means to turn) from things he decides. He may see the pitiful suffering and feel it in his heart, to turn from his original order. And I have also felt some regret upon discovery that the very person I prayed would get cancer, turned out to get full-blown cancer.

Maybe some people even get cancer before I know they should get it. Like Mykal Holt. She supposedly had cancer and then when I saw what she did to me, I know now, God knows everything and knew what her actions to me would be before time had even occured. She got her cancer paid in full before we ever met and God knew exactly what He was doing. May she die from it. She will, indeed, die from it. Not only did she sleep with my boyfriend, she lied about me and defamed me to ruin my court case which harmed my son, and she stole my hope chest. She then proceeded to file a false claim about me and then defamed me to people who ran women's shelters so I could not even stay there. She invited police to go through my belongings. She stole my silk blouse and other items. She will die from her own sin. She will not be healed. Hmm. Interesting. At that, one of my candles just extinguished itself.

She is cursed from holding onto my Hope Chest. Cursed. She stole it from me, lied about me in ways that harmed a little boy, and is a wretch. And the candle literally extinguished itself as soon as I wrote, she invited police to go through my belongings and stole my silk blouse, and "She will die from her own sin". Right as I writing this, I heard a crackling because I had brought in 2 candles from outside a little bit ago.

There is no draft in my house, no vent or windows open. They were both burning and then I wrote this and crackle crackle crackle and I looked, and thought, "Oh my gosh, is it going to go out?" and I wasn't leaning over it, just looked and sure enough, it extinguished itself and a plume of smoke went up. Mykal is going to die. It started crackling through "she will die from her own sin" and the plume of smoke went up with "she will not be healed."

She did all the things to me that I've mentioned and then she even tried to steal my hair pins to my hairsetter when I went there to get some of my things. She didn't want me to be able to curl my hair. She gave me all these boxes of things and I didn't go through all of them and looked at her and said, "My hair pins." She said I don't know what you're talking about and I said, "Yes you do. They're in a dish in your bathroom. I want my hair pins." She then gave them to me, thinking she could get away with stealing more than she already had. She stole my silk blouse and other clothing just like her cop friend Chris Rozollo stole my white jacket. Stealing my cedar hope chest is like stealing an ark. She is a messianic Jew who goes to Brazil and has a bed in Hell. She did a number of illegal things when I lived with her and when she illegally kicked me out without notice. She tried to even keep me from having housing anywhere in the town at all.

So at least it's nice to see something symbolic, like a flame being extinguished and not even by my own hand or doing. That was quite interesting, but I DO have faith because I know that GOD knows and since I have nothing to hide from HIM, I trust he is on my side.

She was the one who lied and said I was psychotic and held a knife up when I never did and I just found a comment from her to my blog, which I didn't get but I guess the FBI read. Or others read. It went to my comments box and she went off, claiming I was crazy and that I stole from HER and right after she sent this, I was then put into a psych ward in TN. Why? Because she and Chris Rozollo know eachother. They know the same cops and same DEA and others and have used people to try to portray me as mentally ill for their own agenda.

I just picked up this candle that extinguished itself to see where it's from.

It says: Thailand.

Which is why Josh Gatov, the rapist, tried to flee to. Wonder if he knows bitches like Mykal Holt. Fuck you bitch. You are going to die by your own sin, from the hand of God himself.

Its a maroon candle with oak leaves, acorns, and moose in the center and it burned out right in the middle. All it says on the bottom is "Made in Thailand."

FUCK Joshua Gatov and may the Angel of Death receive him into the grave as well. They were all working together: The Jew Crew.

I just looked inside the candle that extinguished itself, out of curiosity, wondering if maybe the wick fell into the wax or got stuck but no. It is free standing and just went out, without any explanation at all. Very odd. I'm not going to relight it. My other one is still burning just fine.

Exodus 12:29 Midnight Fairytale Over
"At midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharoah, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well."

Genesis 37:31 Then they got Joseph's robe, slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the blood.

2 Corinthians 2:14-16 Fragrance of Death.
"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit."

If you want more than Old Testament Angels of Death, turn to Revelations for the one wearing a crown and holding a sickle, who reaps vengeance upon the Earth on behalf of the Lord. Revelations: 14:14-20. 2 men with sharp sickles, one harvesting the earth and the other trampling figurative "grapes" in the winepress of God, to fill the earth with blood. After reading about the men holding sickles who are instructed by Angels of the Lord, then read about the 7 Angels who spill out great bowls of wrath upon the earth. Revelations 16.

Are they wicked?

Are they demon-possessed because they kill and pray for cancer, and initiate death and disease and affictions against the wicked?

Or are they servants of the living God.

Those who choose to follow Satan, will have a portion of his reward. Rev. 20:10.

Isaiah 14:9-17, the grave awaits you.

Isaiah 11. A branch shall spring forth.

Psalms 9:13-17..."lift me up from the gates of death....the wicked return to the grave."

2 Sam. 22:18. He reached into the depths and rescued me from those who were too powerful for me.

You want a piece of me? how many pieces was the woman sawed into, to be sent out to the tribes of Israel for robbing one of the tribes? 11 pieces? How about reading Judges 20 and listen to Britney Spears' "You Want A Piece of Me" at the same time you mother fuckers. May God deal with you as severely as you have dealt with my family and double the interest on your heads. Was the Jewish boy cut into pieces? Is that what Shem did? as a sign to the others? Maybe think very carefully, act very slowly, and do not assume the Angel of Death will not invade your own home and take your own children. God damn you for your sins.

Numbers 3:4. Nadab and Abihu, however, fell dead before the Lord when they made an offering with unauthorized fire before him in the Desert of Sinai.

May the Angel of Death strike dead each person who orders unauthorized "fire" or torture of any kind against citizens of the U.S. May you be stricken with cancers, diseases that cannot be cured, and die.

Psalm 60: Lily of the Covenant
3. you have shown your people desperate times; you have given us wine that makes us stagger. But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow. ave us and help us withyour right hand that those you love may be delivered...with God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies."

The Lawless One To Be Overthrown By Angel of Death.
2 Thessalonians 2:7
For the secret power of lawslessness is already at work; but the one who now hold it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow by the breath of his mouth and destroy by the slendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."

"...will be overcome by the breath of his mouth." Imagine that kind of breath sweeping through the country like the Angel of the Lord, the Angel of Death, which moved so swiftly as to afflict every single household except those with a sign on the doorpost."

The New Testament is about life, yes. And it is still about the same God and Angel of Death. The Angel of Death did not retire. It is ready and willing to advance for God at any moment.

(other references and mentions below)
Old Testament: 2 kings 19:35 angel of death killed thousands in the night
New Testament: Acts 12:23. king herod does not praise god and is stricken by angel of death instantly.
Old Testament: 2 Sam. 24:16. when God "repents" of orders he initiates (I mentioned this earlier in this post)...he ordered all Jerusalem slaughtered by when he saw the greiving he was sorry and withheld his hand from further destruction, while the angel of death stood at the threshing floor of auraunah the jebusite.

The Angel of the Lord and Angel of Death are synonymous in many places. Possibly, the highest ranking angel is then the Angel of Death. A very fast moving angel. Maybe not higher, just equal, as an angel of life or healing would be powerful and do as God commands in its own capacity and another does something else and this one is God's hit man and the #1 Public Enemy of the State. Go gittim FBI! Where's the Angel of Death on your wanted ads?

You can't talk about psi or admit to illegal programs of the U.S., involving commission of crimes against kids and it's too bad you can't go after the Angel of Death that just might think to come after you for not doing your job.

Here's the one whose candle went out all on its own:

I didn't touch it and I didn't blow it out. It extinguished itself. So be it. Let it be remembered and be a sign to all those who read this and later read her obituary. She not messianic Jewish. She's a Jewish bitch who knows Chris Rozollo, who also stole from me. God damn her and curse her and her "friends". Her own next door neighbors told me she was corrupt and that she'd invited 3 different police officers to her house to go through my belongings when I still lived there after I split from Alvaro. She is Jewish. Her ties are to Brazil, which is interesting. She was doing favors for the Middletons. Her Jew Crew is responsible for some of our own persecution and blackmail. She passes herself off as a christian but she IS NOT a christian. I swear to God, with my Bibles to my chest--she is Jewish and nothing besides Jewish, and corrupt Jewish. She does some work for christian groups just to sideline and cover for her Jewishness. She is a criminal, she is sleazy and loose, and she is a liar. Her "friend" from the "Methodist" church was the woman who ran a shelter where I was mocked, just out of care for Mykal. Mykal and Chris Rozollo know eachother and they are tied in with corrupt cops. Anyone going to the bar (Mintz's) where her brother works or co-owns, should just automatically expect to be under police surveillance. She has a nice clean superficial cover, of working in "medical ministries" and being this nice "messianic jewish" woman when she is Jewish, period. Her cover is claiming to be christian at all, and she did some of the most illegal things while I knew her, breaking all kinds of laws, and then is friends with police at the same time. She is fake flowers on the inside and on the outside. She's as plastic as it gets, and if she really works for anyone, it's either CIA with the Brazilian travel, or Mossad.

She is a criminal. She stole my Hope Chest and she will die for it. I don't have anything to do with how she dies, I just know she's already dying and she is not going to get better. Chris Rozollo is next, for torturing my son. I find it really interesting that the candle that was extinguished while I wrote she is going to die, says it's made in Thailand. Thailand is where the Jewish man who raped me was fleeing to. That's what his housemates said. Mykal Holt is Jewish. So, the candle with Thailand written on it extinguishes itself while I'm writing about her?

Like I said, God knows everything. Try outsmarting Him, bitch.

I should take a photo of this, just for a keepsake. There's nothing wrong with the wick either. I photographed it and you can't tell, but it's not sunk into the wax and it is standing up tall enough, and straight, out from the wax. There was no reason for it to burn out and no heater was on, no draft, I wasn't close to it, nothing. So I photographed the bottom where it says made in thailand too. What does thailand, copper colored mooses, oak leaves, acorns, self-extinguishing lights, and mykal holt have in common? Hmmm. I wouldn't make such a big deal of it if I didn't know what horrible things she did to me and my son Oliver. What she did to ME she did to my son. And the fact is, the plume of smoke went up right at "she will not be cured" (or healed). I mean, the timing was great. It was one of those, "and yes, thank you. I already know God agrees with me because he saw everything she did."

Here's something for Rabbi Rose.

You know how you don't want to pay my taxes? Well you sort of got what you deserved.

Because when you treated me horribly and refused to return my calls or pay my taxes back in 1997-98, and after I found out you were blacklisting me, I prayed Lorraine would get cancer.

Guess what happened?

I found out years later, after making this prayer to God, the SAME God YOU pray to, that Lorraine came down with breast cancer. I found out through Halea Vice.

So God answered my prayer and it's not the only one he's answered either.

So ahead and try to THUG your way through things, because the Angel of Death paid a visit to YOUR HOUSE and didn't kill any of you but at least left a mark which is exactly what I prayed he would do.


Because you trampled on me, disrespected me and my family, and I don't know yet that you are even sorry about it.

I did not tell one single person about that prayer, but I remembered it, because it was the first time I prayed something like this, and it was after I got raped by one of your Jew friends.

So you can thank the Russian Jew Josh Gatov for inciting the Lord to inflict your WIFE with cancer you fucker.

I told NO ONE about that prayer until now. And the only reason I bring it up now is because when I say Mykal Holt is going to die I mean she is going to die and she is going to die in her sins against my son Oliver Garrett.

If God had not agreed with my prayer, He wouldn't have listened to me. Lorraine didn't have to come down with breast cancer at all. I prayed this with my heart and crying and with God knowing what was going on and then I left it there. I forgot about it and moved on and then about 1 year later I was on the phone with Halea Vice and she said, "Did you know Lorraine has breast cancer?" It was discovered something like 1 year from the time I prayed for cancer for her. I didn't specify to God what kind. I said to Halea, "Are you serious? what happened?" and she said she went in and was diagnosed with breast cancer and had been treated and all this.

This is NOT the only time God has answered my prayer.

Are you going to arrest me? Do you think you could maybe defame me a little more through your newspaper friends or something? because you can't arrest GOD.

I can't remember if I made the prayer after I was raped by Josh Gatov or after the Willamette Week article came out and you refused to answer any calls from me at your synogogue. I really don't recall. I just know that when I found out, it was through Halea and it had been discovered about a year after I had prayed for this, or less. And no, I didn't "foresee" it happening. I PRAYED for it to happen. I foresaw nothing. I said, "GOD, give her CANCER for what they've done to me!" and that is exactly what happened.

Like I said, it's not the first time God has answered my prayer either. So the Angel of the Lord is REAL and don't FUCKING MESS WITH MY FAMILY unless you want to see an ONCOLOGIST for the rest of your fucking lives.

Here's another thing--you so much as try, any of you, to retaliate further, after all of this torture and poisonings, more than you have, by injecting any of us with harm or trying to give it to us in any form, may the Curse of the Angel of Death be upon your heads and your families.

That goes for the two female guards from Knoxville, TN who injected me in the federal detention site.

Here's another one you fuckers...

Christopher Hitchens.

I can't remember what it was that he did that upset me or pissed me off--Middleton alliancing or something...I was still in Washington D.C. and he was trying to do something for Kate Middleton, by ruining me, and I prayed he would then get cancer. Several months later, he had cancer. That was one I felt sorry for and asked God to cure but it was too late.

But yes, I prayed for it to happen before it ever occured or germinated in his body and then I found out it was there, after several months later, like a year later.



I have a SON being TORTURED in this God-damn country and what are YOU doing about it?

It is a wake up call to YOU, to realize that your silence is complicity and that it doesn't matter if you are Jewish or Catholic or Protestant, if you are going along with this, you are consenting to torture in this country and I DO NOT believe this makes God very "happy".

This Jew Crew shit of defaming me through the Willamette Week, didn't make God love you anymore you Special People. It was a shame. And the religious Catholic hate crime is not making the Roman Catholic church any "healthier" either.

If God hears even ONE of my prayers, it is only because while I am a horrible person sometimes, or imperfect like everyone else, God DOES KNOW that I fear Him and love hiim and that I have been an innocent victim along with my son.

YOU people stood by doing NOTHING. How many of you have been speaking up against torture?

Well if any of you ever have, I have also asked that God would bless those who try and I have no way of knowing how that works out and probably sometimes, it's hard to find a blessing.

But no, I don't have people doing "hits" or harming others, and I wouldn't touch a hair on anyone's head. I have done nothing to hurt anyone. I have only wanted my life back and my son back and since you people are too stubborn to do this, God has answered my prayers and so far, given every single person I prayed to have cancer, well, they got cancer. Sometimes I prayed for something else and they got that. It's been 10 for 10.

Go ahead and try to arrest me for having God answer my prayers you fuckers.

While leaders in South America wonder if the CIA is innoculating people over there with cancer, I'm just praying for it to happen to certain individuals and it's worked out great.

You want more cancer?

Keep FUCKING torturing me and my son. Maybe next time I'll be praying you have down's syndrome children too, and lose your children halfway through carrying.

I think a few of these people maybe figured it out at some point,, about what I'd prayed in the past and tried to get even. Maybe that's why they're injecting me repeatedly with radioactive contrast for CTs. I don't know. But let it be said that whatever man does to me, is wicked and out of man's doing. Whatever I have prayed, I didn't put my hand on at all and neither did any other person. So if it happened, it was God's doing.

HE is to be feared. HE is to be praised. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom and understanding. Fear God. He holds Life and Death.

Who will say "man is my helper". Better to say the God of Jacob is my helper. And if you find yourself shocked to be in a jacobite camp affilted with the prayers of a "gentile" woman then you should not question God and how He knows all things and is the ultimate Judge. he knows you've been wicked.

I've seen my prayers answered to have someone come down with cancer and health problems and I've also seen healing when I prayed for it.

Not all the time but often.

Here's another one.

This man I stayed with in Wenatchee, I wasn't happy with how he was mocking me. He mocked me and they were using me--it was the place with all the cats. And he had either been laughing while choked on a fishbone or had stolen money from me and I usually cooked for him and tried to help him with dietary needs. One day, he crossed the line with me. I cried, tears, and said God, put him in pain.
That same day I was told, "_________'s in the hospital." I said, "What?!" And sure enough, he had gone to the EMERGENCY room and they didn't even know if he was going to LIVE. I said what's wrong? and they said his liver was so ruined or clogged that it wasn't functioning at all and he was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and things. He was there for a whole week and I prayed he'd get better and he did.

But when I prayed he would be put into pain, it happened within hours.


Snap of my fingers and My GOD, JEHOVAH, put that mocking man in pain. Sent him straight to the ER. I softened a little and said, "Well don't let him die" and he recovered enough to come home and I kept cooking his fucking cabbage for him while he and his housemates continued to use me for non-consensual experimentation.

Need a nurse?

Better be fucking nice to me.

In every single case, I prayed for these things while I was sobbing, devastated because of what was being done to me and my son. SO it's not like I just arbitrarily prayed things for people here and there. It had to be bad, and also, God had to be in agreement with me.

I didn't tell anyone at all about praying this about that man, the ER one. All that was said to me was he suddenly had this extremely severe pain and went to the hospital and they found something was obstructed internally and had to clear it out.

He was diabetic but missing a lot of a kidney or liver or something. But it was this sudden problem and happened just hours after I cried and asked God to punish him for treating me badly.

Maybe I'm never getting married because my husband might be too scared of making me mad. Just kidding.

The thing is, I don't turn on people, and I'm not hasty with my prayers at all. It takes a LOT, a LOT for me to even dare making a prayer like that to God and then I always say, "God you know all things so it's your call." I have never prayed this for a family member or for a friend or even just because someone insulted me or mocked me. It has to be an ongoing thing or something I know is more serious and has affected my life.

How did I know Christopher Hitchens did something against me? I don't know how I knew, but I intuited it, in D.C. I have no idea how I knew. I DID feel sorry later, and I DID pray for him to be healed later. But it was "too late".

I never prayed for Lorraine's healing. I didn't pray she'd die, but I felt she should get cancer and that if she did, it was a sign from God to all that He disapproved of what she and her friends had done to me. I was very loyal to her. All kinds of people said horrible things or tried to get information and even her own kids seemed iffy sometimes, and I was loyal. But doing all that and then being trashed, was really not okay. "Most disappointed with times" and then no call return from the Rabbi as their friends trashed me through Willamette Week?

NOT okay.

I've never prayed for harm to my parents. I've prayed financial things which came to pass. Once in Sherwood, spent time praying for prosperity and then all of a sudden it happened. Small things here and there.

I haven't prayed for anything for myself really. Never seriously. I've prayed for basic things, like my son, and just normal stuff. I prayed for a miracle once. I haven't done that ever since. I prayed to live and not die when I broke my neck. For me, I don't even pray "God I want to be married" or "not married". I don't care. I want my children, my son and to have more and not really thriving on an idea of having to have perfect romance. I am not a typcial American that just has to saddle up with someone. I can ride on my own, and faster without someone putting their arms around my waist and holding me back. I like working hard. I felt no lack when I did legal research without any time for a boyfriend. I enjoyed using my mind. So I am not a needy person and I really don't pray for anything for myself aside from not being tortured and to have my son returned, because he was abducted.

I've prayed for some illnesses but never told anyone or encouraged it.

You have to believe what you pray for.

You can pray for something bad for someone and it's not necessarily wrong. You can't pray evil and be thought a christian, but when Hagar was crying in the wilderness because she was cruelly kicked out to die with her son, God heard HER. He didn't swoop an angel down to speak to Sarah and comb her hair and pat her on the back. He told Hagar, "You were not loved as you should have been and for that, through your son you will become mother of one of the greatest nations in the world." And God put Hagar's hand at enmity with Sarah. God did this. Not Satan. God said, "I love you Hagar" just as much as he loved Sarah.

So God does things that don't "seem" correct but are. He despises injustice of all kinds. It was cruel and degrading treatment to throw Hagar out into the cold.

Oh, this ad about childhood cancer came on which reminds me about Kate Middleton. She's a bitch. I mean, truly, she is a bitch and I intuitively know this. When I found out she had "paid it forward for kids with cancer" I knew it was in reference to things her mafias have done to my son. So she was letting my parents know, through her mobster Mother Carol and mobster Father Michael, that they knew about what was done to my son and what he was forced to drink. "Paying it forward for kids with cancer." She also knew what I was injected with in Knoxville, TN.

So FUCK and GOD DAMN Kate Middleton.

I wrote a post about her "paying it forward for kids with cancer" thing and knew, instinctively, what it was about, even then.

She is a cold-hearted and twisted woman and it is very bad news she got her boost through cocaine dealers.

I was injected with a toxic substance by 2 female guards in Knoxville, TN at the federal detention center.

It was after this that Kate wanted to have publicity about "paying it forward for kids with cancer."

Since I was injected, I have cysts appearing in my thyroid which were not there before.

God Damn her and her supporters.

Guess what? 2 weeks ago it was one cyst and now it's 2 cysts in my thyroid. All of this, after the Knoxville injection. I showed up at my parents' house with a bump still raised on my arm which proved where the injection site was.

Not only that, I heard my son was forced to drink radioactive materials. And last night, they injected me with radioactive materials for the 2nd time, without needing to. It was unnecessary. And that's what they did.

Middletons are CRIMINALS.

They have people over here that have tormented my family for decades. I am not kidding. They are criminals. And they have people resorting to illegal drugging.

Chris Rozollo, Mykal Holt, all Middleton supporters. The Rose family. Edward Israel and Carla. It's Jewish, Northern Ireland, and some CIA. They even had people from Commonwealth trying to do things to me in TN and trying to read me and get close to me.

William never should have married her but I was too modest and STUPID to say anything. I thought, "If I say something it will look like I'm trying to breeak them up. If they're married, it won't be as bad."

"Paying it forward for children with cancer" like, yeah, paying ahead of time for the kids who are getting cancer down the road, another way of "paying it forward." She knew exactly what message she was sending to my parents, who I see are tortured. And THEY know about this bitch. They know Kate Middleon is bad news. They have never said this, too afraid, but I have seen it in their eyes and they know Carol is a big problem.

It's like they were all part of the same CIA group and then there was a split and someone tortured my family to pieces and started extorting them to support the other side. It's just bizarre. Diana was not on their side then. Who knows where she'd be now, but before 1997 she was never siding with the Middletons. She probably had their connections on her dossier list that was burned in a fire.

We have all kinds of Jews and Catholic british speakers over here. The dog is petrified of the Irish and British accents.

The female guard who was freaking out about the pads I had inside of my bra (the color of William of Wales' engagment photo tie), was, I thought, Mossad. She said she was Catholic or something but instantly, when I saw her, I thought Jewish, and she already knows who I am, and Mossad.

I was naked, I mean, fully naked with only my panties on (no bra, because I'd handed it over) when this female guard and another guard (also female), forced me onto my knees, while I was naked, handcuffed me and twisted up my arms and wrists, fracturing one of my hands in the process. I knew they were injecting me because when the turned me away from them I knew this was why. I could tell, a premonition (rare), I saw in the mind's eye that they were going to inject me with something.

They were not doctors and they were not nurses. This was in a U.S. federal facility 1 hour away from a uranium producing facility. They had no legal authority to inject me with anything. They took me away, out of the sight of the other guards and men, where I was to undress and then they lied and claimed I wasn't giving them my money when I had it held out to them. The Mossad woman looked like she was both going to burst into tears and slap me across the face for Kate when she saw my bra pads. She was livid. It was like tears and then extreme rage. Then they forced me on my knees and in my minds eye I knew one of them was getting ready to inject me with something and while they fractured my hand, they did. There were just 2 women there, both in uniforms.

Then they dragged me past all these men and other people (they know, thank you, bc I know at least 1 of them there was a good person--I don't know how I know this. I just knew, God put maybe ONE person in this entire place that is a good person or will be subversive knowing the U.S. is a piece of shit. I don't know who, I just "felt" one person there might be a double or be willing to go double for another country and GOD BLESS YOU whoever you are.) I had this weird feeling, about that, that someone there at that facility, man or woman I have no idea, but had a feeling, one person is maybe going to tell another country what they saw and verify my account.

So then they dragged me, in half a towel, across the floor to a room where she said, "KNEEL! YOU KNEEL!" and then she wanted me to put my arms out to the side an I said, "I can't or the towel will fall down" (I would have been nude and there was a camera there running actively). So she didn't make me put my arms out. I had a welt with a mark in the middle from the injection. That welt was there for over a MONTH.

My PARENTs saw it. I was there for about 1 week. Then I was in Texas for a little less than 2 weeks and then I was in Coquille. It had been 3 weeks and I still had the welt from the injection on my arm. I showed my parents.

It stayed there for another 2 weeks.

And now I have cysts showing up in my thyroid and doctors dosing me up more radioactive materials.

I know people give to charity. Yeah, I know. I know some things are coincidental too. I know. I know. But when I saw this thing about Kate Middleton "paying it forward for kids with cancer" I knew it was sending a message, an inside message, mocking what has happened to me and my son, and directed to my parents.

That bitch can pay it forward for whomever she wants and her family still can't buy their way into heaven's pearly gates. Hold onto the ones you have here on this earth, because you can't take it with you.

Kate Middleton is evil. And the fruit does not fall far from the tree. I promise. I did NOT know before, or I would have said something. Now I know.
I guess to add things I've prayed for that are good and came to pass:
Every single woman I ever prayed for to get married has been married within 1 year. I haven't done this in awhile, but I prayed for young and old, and past their prime and the seemingly impossible and all of them got married within a year of my praying they'd get married. Other things...I've prayed for a few healings and seen it happen. Or known ahead of time it would happen. Pretty rare though. Now and then I pray for God to help me find something fast so I don't have to spend a lot of time and, for example, I was getting candles the other day and knew this one woman had one which she said she didn't have and then gave me. I knew she had one. Then I went to a store and didn't find anything but the next one I went to the back and got one for 10 c. and then she had said they were all on that side but I knew some were to the other side so I got them. Then I was going to get a lt blue one at this store but didn't have time, I thought, and later found out it was earlier than I had thought but I had planned to get this other one as well. But I found things quickly. So sometimes, I can find things by praying for it. "God show me a free parking space", "Show me where this is", "Show me where the exit is", "show me..."
Alvaro Pardo was working for the Middletons.

They wanted to eliminate competition to their daughter so they worked with Pardo and his people to basically try to use me and then try to have me arrested. Seriously. That um, English speaking man who married the Colombian in the same courthouse where I got the license with Alvaro? Middleton's man. That's my opinion but I don't know. I do know that Middletons have been involved and that the stick about paying it foward for kids with cancer was a deliberate dig by Middleton. And I know my family thinks they are evil and since my parents are psychic and have known a few things and can read some minds, I believe them. I believe the Middletons are evil. I know my Dad was shocked when I said I "saw" Michael Middleton with an Uzi. It was like I had seriously hit on something and my Dad was stunned I had seen this. The man falling backward from being shot by an Uzi.

I mean, it's bad enough to have it leaked to the public that Kate's Uncle, who is not a distant friend, but someone she houses with, is a cocaine dealer and snorter (like her). It's one thing for Kate to be portrayed as a cokehead with a drug dealing close relative. I mean, this woman is getting her "start" by baring her belly button on a runway. I am on the other end of the spectrum, having to partially show my belly button because I'm tortured by HER supporting thugs. So, it's bad enough that she is a cokehead. She sues over being photographed in a tennis match but can't really do anything about the fact that SHE is the criminal, not me. One thing to be a cokehead with cokehead dealing brother, er, uncle. Totally different thing to have an Uzi toting daddy. "My Dad doesn't do that anymore." I mean, does her Dad HAVE an Uzi or own one? because that's not what I got...I was getting more of the idea that he just used one to kill someone.

Gary's project or something? So let me guess. Gary wanted to get me out of the way when some were noticing me, so he puts in a man who will set me up to go to federal prison? Some people are just regular people. Some are agents. Some are double agents. And do you know WHAT? There are even triple agents.

I've never heard of a quadruple agent though. I mean, that would take some finesse. I don't know if ever, in the entire history of the world, there has ever been a quadruple agent. I've heard of triples. Like, U.S. guy goes to Russia and then redoubles back to U.S. Sort of in a triangle. But what about quadruple agents? One would think that is not a real agent but a "I'll take any kind of money no matter what country prints it" informant. More like just a plain old rat. I mean, agents for 4 different countries? on a regular, serious, professional level?

1 comment:

  1. You're full of hate and prayed for horrific things to happen to people and it's sickening what you pray to god with your filthy mouth.
