Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Frozen Assets and FBI Assault

I believe my Dad is being assaulted and medicated through FBI.

He opened the door and last night when I saw him I thought he looked sort of greenish. Then today I went over and his eyes are just blown out from torture. His face looked greenish as well, and he looked sick and not well.

He kept trying not to cry the entire time and apparently, they didn't tell me this, but the FBI is forcing them to not give me any cash for any reason.

It's not my parents, it all started when I filed asking the FBI for FOIA again. All of a sudden, doing work for my parents to have even $20 or a little money was quit. They were told not to give me even $1. So basically, this is while I am trying to Appeal my case for my son.

The FBI is responsible. I have been refused access to printing anything through my parent's machine. I was held up and stalled on my education transcript until now because NOW, the FBI and military and criminals that brought the case to this, don't care.

The U.S. deliberately froze all money going to me to prevent me from challenging the illegality of the CPS and abduction of my son. They stalled my getting into college to keep me out of money so I wouldn't have anything to appeal with if I tried on my own. Like now. Right now is when I have to appeal on my own, without state-funded lawyers, who were trash anyway. They made my case worse and weaker, they did nothing to improve it and slipped things in and kept evidence out.

The United States is guilty of high crimes because they went so far as to prevent my access into college until NOW. Why NOW? because now it's too late. So now they don't care.

They obstructed justice and access to education to keep me out of money for Appealing.

Now they imagine (I guess) that they will take my son and finalize all legal processes, to make it impossible to challenge them or get my son back.

They are also preventing me from having money bc these corrupt lawyers don't want me to be able to pay for my security deposit box that I have in Tennessee. That's the FBI and corrupt lawyers doing.

They know, and are worried, that I have evidence I can use against them with this bo and it costs $130 to pay for the annual fee. So I found out, this is something my parents would always pay for. They know I am refused work and that there is no way for me to pay for it when people here are all CIA and military.

I can pretty much prove it. This entire town is a black ops town and I'm not joking. You can check on it. They all engage in psi work. So paying for my box fee, and allowing me to pay them BACK, is something that my parents would not keep me from.

It seems like Rabbi Rose is holding a grudge actually. He and the jewish, combined with the Catholics, use FBI to gang up and force us out of things. There is NO way my parents wouldn't do something like allow me to pay them back for the box. I know them and it's not something they would do. This is 100% out of character and keeping with how they have operated, and I know them.

I know, with no shadow of doubt, that they are forced out of paying for it because someone else wants access to that box and the contents.

So basically, since they will not allow me to pay them back, I have hardly any money for filing my Appeal at all--I have less than $10 to spend. I know it's Jewish Jew Crew involvment. They are absolutely involved and are gangsters. The Jewish lawyer I had and the others were just as interested in keeping me out of money as the Catholic hate groups. They had a joint interest becuase they've both been groups that lied and tried to conceal crime to further their own agendas.

So basically, in the next 2 months, I have to buy nothing but bottled water. I am not kidding. I will be spending $200 in food stamps for the next two months, all of it on bottled water.

Just to get 5 cents per bottle to have enough to pay for my security box. Why? Because I have shit I can use against these assholes that are attempting to freeze me out of my son and justice.

Literally. All of my food stamp money has to be spent on bottled water. All because of the FBI. The FBI is motivated to know what I have because they defamed me in TN and anything I have, they want. The lawyers have all been corrupt.

Basically, I have to go to food banks for the next 2 months and stock up on food bank food or FAST on nothing but tea and water, because all of my money has to be used on bottled water.

My Dad's neck was slit and cut today. I knew I had a bad feeling about something this morning. Because this afternoon he showed up with eyes all trashed and a cut mark and abrasions and redness around his neck and under his chin.

Someone was threatening him.

This is not the first time. I have photos of my Dad from Christmas at the Avilas and his neck was slashed and he had a cut mark right there on his neck and I could tell from his expression that things were not okay.

Last night he was talking through the door, reminding me of my son again, by how he talked, and I didn't see him again.

I know Bill O'Reilly is a criminal. I pray to God he is in a car crash. That man is totally corrupt. He has been getting inside access into my family and using his Dempsey contact long enough. In Wenatchee, it's a bunch of Roman Catholic Irish criminals as well. I just, I don't know, tonight I saw a car crash for Bill O'Reilly. And he deserves it, and I know with my heart that God knows he is due.

This woman at a thrift store tonight gave me a candle and acted really sweet when she was a bitch. She gave me a candle I had had with my son in East Wenatchee before he was taken from me and then she told me she was Irish and said "From NORTHERN IRELAND!" I said, "Oh!" and she said, "You know, Northern Ireland is where we wore orange all the time for our parades."

She is a fucking liar. I knew she was lying too.

Northern Ireland is not the Orangemen. They do not wear Orange to celebrate themselves in parades. The other part of Ireland, the Protestants, are the ones who wear Orange, and the Scottish.

Every time I buy a habanero pepper, I think of the Scottish Bonnet. That's another term for habaneros. They call them scottish bonnets and that's what I think of when I buy them and of the safe Irish--the Protestants who have NOT assaulted my family like Bill O'Reilly's gang has. Bill O'Reilly and Dempsey are tied directly to the IRA and Northern Ireland and they have assaulted my family members. The IRA is immediately connected to the U.S. FBI. The FBI gave THAT group a "pass" and kept them off of the "terrorist" list while they bombed and killed all these innocent people. The U.S. put all the Protestant Irish groups on terrorist lists and PROTECTED and FUNDED and supported the IRA.

I used to feel sympathetic but not anymore. I mean, I don't think they should be tortured, but they've worked with hispanic mafia to do horrific things in Wenatchee and over here as well. Even my Dad used to be a sympathizer with their plight, a long time ago, and I don't think so now because they are terrorists and have assaulted us.

They are terrorists and they are directly responsible for a lot of what has been done to me and my son. O'Reilly's show has far too much inside information on my family for it to be accidental. I already knew this a long time ago. Right about the time I was figuring out O'Reilly and his gang and applying for FOIA, and with some Jewish hate, things went down the tubes.

I had an inside feeling about who would break into the English embassy in Iran too. Northern Ireland is the group that has worked with Muslims most in trading black market arms and that's Catholic and Panetta is Catholic. Suprised to see Panetta thanking them for this favor by "rescuing" some Iranians taken by "pirates"?

Here's how it works folks...not that I am the only "analyst" who got a "hunch" about what's going on...

I think it's another example of the Holy See using their connections in U.S. military and government to influence things for themselves and do favors for eachother. The U.S. is supposedly against Iran right? so why then is Catholic Italian Panetta rescuing Iranians? Humanitarian? I don't think so. I think it was Irish Catholics behind the English embassy break-in. I believe they paid and worked with that group of Iranians to go in and get some discovery for themselves.

I think it's an example of the Catholic church using their U.S. influence to do favors for Holy See intelligence.

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