Tuesday, February 7, 2012

William of Wales (question)


I made this post and just put a period there and then went to write my next post. I put a period there to save the place because if I don't put a character in the box for text, it doesn't save with just the title. So I've used a period if I'm marking out a post to then go back to later. That's my point of putting the period there.

My point of this post is to clarify since I told my parents about an impression I had. It was about William of Wales and I'm being specific because I don't know why I got this and I asked my parents about it. They didn't like hearing about it and my Dad said, "Are you looking things up about them online?" and I said "No! I haven't looked up anything about them for over a month and then it was just a photo here and there and that was it." This is the truth.

I told them because I said, "Why would God show me this? I am not like Daniel where I have the interpretation--I just saw this and I don't know what it means." I wanted to know what they thought or if they had any ideas. My Dad said he thought it meant nothing.

I said, "For some reason, I get stuff about him. I don't ask too, but I do sometimes and why would God show me? and with this, right after I saw this about him, I landed on this section in the Bible about Jeremiah."

I am not gifted like this and so rarely get anything but I told them, the few times I've said anything, even a couple of years ago, I was attacked and punished as if I had insider information about something or was getting it from someone else.

I have never tried to ask or see anything for purposes of benefitting myself but if I get something like this, I must be required to share it because why else would God show me this?

So I told them what I saw. I told them what I prayed and then I had said for both the brothers and then thought, "Show me something about William" and then said, "Well God, anything you want, whatever it is" and I saw him, William, going down the rope in a tunnel into the ground. It was for him but I tried to be more discreet in the other post. However, why would I see this if it's not to share?

So no, if it correlates to anything real going on, I have no idea. I don't know what's going on with that family at all. I have not looked them up ONCE in a month. Before that, it was a few photos on the monarchy site and that was it. And I saw ONE clip of Prince Philip getting a ride out of the hospital, in a black range rover, waving. That is IT. I have not read, searched, looked up, or talked to anyone about anything to do with them.

I said I wondered bc in the past, I had asked to see what color he was wearing to his wedding and I saw it instantly, bright red, and I doubted it, thinking, and saying to God, "red? that's not very wedding-like...is that right?" I didn't know it was a uniform. So I said, the thing that was strange was that then I got this passage from Jeremiah about a rope going into a tunnel and everything and then when they got Jeremiah out, it was by tying rags together to make a rope and they lifted him out.

I said to my parents, "Out of the WHOLE Bible, I just happened to end up on this section about a man going by rope down into a tunnel in the ground?" and I showed my parents how small the circumference was of what I saw and how close to the body and it was a packed tight dirt tunnel I thought.

So I told my parents I had thought why did I get something about Jeremiah? I thought, is William a prophet? is he gifted psychically? is he so gifted that's why someone targeted his head? or since it's about a king and king's son or royalty putting a prophet into a cistern, is it about something someone has done to a prophet?

I didn't know, but that's what I saw. So I said, "Why do you think I would see that?" and they were ho-hum about it and said it means nothing. I said it must mean something.

Anyway, that's why I am sharing it again and more openly. First of all to say, I have not read about anything or heard about anything and I don't even think about them often. It was just random.

I said, "And I saw some of them having a quarrel. It wasn't just one to the other but a small group like 3 or 4 people. Not a large group. And they were shouting at eachother."

They didn't look very pleased or happy to hear about it. Then I was done and they said, "Okay, your 20 minutes is up" and that was it.

And I wondered if some group was punishing my Dad because of what I had written about royals and if someone thought I knew something. Because he had a cut throat or mark and I told them, "I was assaulted and punished about 2 years ago because I was writing things and someone must have thought I knew things or someone was telling me stuff and no, it wasn't that at all." I added, "If that Middleton group is responsible, they're violent and criminal and William should divorce them."

Just because my Dad asked if I'd been looking up things about them I sort of want to look things up...I mean, now I'm curious. But I'll restrain myself. I'm not going to look up anything about them.

And the other thing is that I did know it was about William of Wales but I didn't know what God was going to choose to show me and it was sort of hazy and I didn't see his face, just knew that it was about him. I tried to be more discreet but what's the point.

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