Monday, February 6, 2012

Lots of Carrots & Images (man down rope)

I bought 10 lbs of carrots today. They were a good deal so I couldn't pass it up. First they were cheap at one place and I bought 6 lbs and then they were even cheaper at the next place so I thought, "more carrots? okay" and I bought 4 more lbs.

I should buy more beets too. I got a bunch but they are so practical--I mean, every part of them is good...the roots, the stalks, and the greens.

I am still "vegan". I consider myself to be more vegan than vegetarian, however, because of my severe budget constrainsts, and a lot of torture, I bought a lot of chocolates to get me through. Then I accidentally bought emu oil in a product, forgeting where it's from, I mean, how it's obtained. So I am saving it to return. I think the milk in chocolates is very neglible and I bought 8 cartons of Silk soy milk, so I think I am doing my best. Got a soy protein isolate for concocting hot cocoa too.

I got some food from a food pantry and thought maybe not to say I'm vegan and just took it but I think next time if I told them they would be okay with this. There was a ton of pantry so I don't think they would have minded if I let them know. I sort of put it in my pantry but didn't use it. I froze the bread because it had yeast, eggs, and milk, and butter.

While times are hard I might not be as strict and then when things are better, be more fully vegan. I bought quinoa for the first time today. I've had it before in tabbouleh, but I've not made it myself.

I didn't buy any fruit. Nothing against fruit, but still thinking of things to do with diet.

I was separated from my Mom while shopping and she showed up with 6 bottles of international creamer, all with blue caps, after I'd just bought 6 cases of water, 2 large and 4 minis (blue lids--same shade). I also bought 6 Silk soy yogurts and they're pretty good--I already tried them and it's a good way to get vegan acidophilous.

My mother did so many things that were predictive, I can hardly write it all. I would write a lot more if I got a manual typewriter because I don't want to put all of this online or on my computer. I don't want people reading everything I write (believe it or not).

My parents are shocking. I mean, shocking even moreso that never in my life did I have any clue. I wish I'd known, maybe, because I could have been more aware of others motives or what was around me, but on the other hand, it was probably nice to be oblivious so long. It's just that I had no way of knowing or understanding what dangers might be out there or what others were after. I mean, I realize now that others knew, and I never did. What's more incredible is I think some of them thought I knew, but no, any real and honest psi person will tell you it is the truth I was never aware.

Last night I prayed to see a couple of things when I haven't in a very long time and I saw some very hazy things. I seriously never do, but I did for about 5 minutes and the first thing I saw was my parent's new light which this man installed today. Is that bizarre? I don't know that it was actually that light, but from a distance, you can see this VVVVVVVVVVVVVV pattern, if you stand next to this antique wardrobe in the hall and look into the bathroom at the skylight, that pattern and I saw this last night and wondered what it was. The difference was that every line was thin and defined and they were sort of translucent but colorful and moving back and forth. They were not stationary.

I also wondered about my Dad's sawhorse and something about someone in particular and then walked into the house and this thing was set up the way I saw it and wondered.

Here is the most incredible thing. I got more scripture stuff--the coincidences I've been talking about where I am praying about or thinking about something and then I find it in the Bible. It happened again because last night I had closed my eyes and asked God to show me something and it was of a man going down a rope into a tunnel in the ground. The man who I asked about was in mind but maybe it wasn't about him, I didn't see the face. I saw him going down this rope, into a circular tunnel and then right after this I opened up my Bible RANDOMLY and it was right at Jeremiah being lowered into a cistern. I KID YOU NOT. The prophet Jeremiah going down a ROPE into a cistern in the ground.

I thought that was SO WEIRD.

It is happening ALL the time. These parallels. This is the very first time though, that I got something from the Bible after seeing an image. Usually it's been that I just think about something and then turn to the Bible and something correlates and I feel like God read my mind and how did He do that and then have me land on that page? But this image of the man going down the rope, was the first time in my life that I prayed to see something and then right after seeing it, I got something in the Bible that is about the exact same thing.

The only thing is, I don't know that it has ANYTHING to do with the man from the image.

Oh, the first thing I got was not a good thing. It was of my son I thought, or someone else's kid, and it was a boy, little boy, smearing his lips with red lipstick. There was something bad about it, like someone forced him to apply this lipstick to his lips and he was my son's age--5 or 6 or so and I thought, what IS this? and didn't want to see it. I thought why did God show me THAT and then I realized, it's from Hannibal Lector. I THINK. I think there is a scene where he puts red lipstick on himself and in my image it was that someone mean was telling or forcing a little boy to do this to himself.

That was the very first thing I saw and it scared me so I opened my eyes fast and didn't want to see anything else. I had not been thinking about children or Hannibal, or lipstick, or anything like that so I was wondering where it was from. Then I was praying about some royalty and saw a big fight between some. I guess I chose them, just out of curiosity. It was a man shouting at a couple of other people and they were standing and shouting and very upset. I couldn't really tell which ones though. It was hazy. It was just like this hazy figures shouting scene and I saw them about waist-up, from about waist to head, sort of hazy. Very brief and didn't make out anything about what it was about or why or who or any details (which is why I am not "gifted" in this stuff). Then I asked God to show me whatever he wanted and that's when I saw this man going down a rope into a tunnel. I prayed, God please protect me from the "senders" and let me see something you, sincerely only that you, want me to see. And that's what I saw. And then after I saw this, I opened up my Bible, totally randomly, and it fell on Jeremiah the Prophet being lowered into a cistern. How THAT relates to modern day about this person, is what I don't get. Is it just a parallel? a way of God showing me it was an image from him and not someone else? or is it possible someone predicted I'd randomly open to this section so tried to project or send me this image? but how could they do that if I only opened my Bible having followed this image?

Okay, for me personally, I think this was strange. I mean, I have a lot of coincidental things happen, but I mean, what are the odds there? Out of the entire Bible, that passage?

And then what would THAT mean? I don't know what it has to do with Jeremiah.

Here's how it was. I saw the top of this man's head. My view was like one standing above him and looking down or watching him, so my view was on the top of his head and there was this straight rope and he was moving his hands to lower his body down this straight rope and it was inside of a tunnel in the ground, I think earth, like dirt tunnel. So I thought, is this someone rock climbing that ended up in a tunnel in the earth? is this a rescue thing? a recreation thing? And I thought, since I had seen this boy once, a while back, in a circular pit, I wondered why I saw sort of this again. I didn't see any other person in there though, too narrow. It was just about a couple of feet from his body, radious, and his body was pretty straight, not crunched up, while going down. He went sort of slowly, controlled.

(I think I am laughing tonight because I started writing how he was going down and then joked to myself, 'straight into the pit of hell' and then laughed....amusing myself I guess)

I shouldn't joke now because last night it was serious. It was about a royal member person but then I thought, well why this? maybe it's about someone else in the community. Especially when I then fell upon Jeremiah the prophet. I thought "He's a prophet?" I mean, reaaaally now.

Then I thought, maybe I just saw this because it's for me to then pay attention to the Bible scripture I fell on next. I do not know.

I'm trying to find the section. It's where Jeremiah is being thrown in jail actually, or something like that. They lower him by rope into a cistern. After some time a man comes along and says why are you doing this to him? and he is taken out.

So I don't know what that means, because what I saw, was not someone lowering him into this tunnel or cistern or whatever it was...he was lowering himself. Not that I had an impression it was denigrating, I don't know what it was, for good or a bad thing. I have no clue. Seriously. But I swear to you, that is what I saw. It was W. But who knows, maybe I got it confused. Because how does he have anything to do with Jeremiah?

I didn't see the bottom of the tunnel or cistern or if it was a "cistern" but just a tunnel into the earth straight down. I prayed about both of the brothers so maybe it was the other but I sort of thought it was W. However, why? and then who knows, maybe it was just anyone.

And no, for the world, I do NOT usually pray for them. On occasion, to see something, I have for point of interest, or the Pres, but that's it. I'm not focused on them but my own family, son, and life. However, I guess I feel I should write this in case it means something because I seriously do not know why it came to me or what it means. I didn't see the top of the head very clearly either. It wasn't like, "Oh, yeah, looks like _________." No, it was this figure of a man. Vertical tunnel in the earth, man, rope. Nothing else. No one else. I need to clarify, this view of going to the tunnel was not scary or "bad". With other things I saw it was a bad vibe connotation but not with this one which is why I didn't know the meaning and I would hesitate to accept hasty assumptions or eager beavers who want to push their view and interpretation to favor themselves and not God. The impression I first had was of work, or purposed work but I didn't know why it was just this tunnel that went into the ground. And by lowering himself I didn't mean negatively or figuratively but in reality, lowering himself down this rope. I think the rope was white or light. It stood out. It was one thick strand rope and for some reason, white or light colored I think but that's probably not important. But it was just this smooth wall of earth packed all around. It wasn't rough. It was fairly smooth and packed at the walls of the tunnel. From my view, looking down, his hands were one above the other on the rope and clothed but don't know what kind. I could see the hands, and then I would say, the distance from me, was about several feet. It was sort of like I had the perspective of someone at the top watching someone rappeling down into the cavern but it was a straight tunnel. I don't know how to better detail it. That was everything. I could see down a long way but I don't know how far down reeally. Did it have an end? how far to the end? was there a floor at the end? or an opening? I do not know. And let me see, from my angle, I was, okay, if you are looking down at a table, and picture a circle, I would be about the south or bottom side and slightly to the right maybe, from that angle and then looking down as he is turned to the north and sort of diagonal to the left but like 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock. Back to me and then I see straight down from above. So if the clock is laid on the table, he's no, probably, 8-11 approximately, facing somewhere between 8 and 11 and then I have the perspective of from 3 to 6 o'clock or so. Facing toward 8-11 down from the edge from between 3 and 6. And he is further out from 3-6 and also facing 8-11.

I saw another scary thing later, not with this but I wondered what this was from. It was of two men hanging. At first I didn't know if this was a flash from Spielberg's movie, with the windmill and the two boys, but I didn't see relation or whatever and I saw it like a teeter-totter. One man on one side and one man on the other side and both were hanging by the neck, being hung or hung already and one went down and the other went up and then up and down on ends of a teeter-totter. I thought it had to do with someone being tortured somewhere or having already died in a spectacular way. I thought maybe it had to do with a Spielberg flash though and was more doubtful of this and considered it was "noise", what they call mental noise or one's own imagination interfering.

My order of scriptures that I randomly fell across last night:

Esther. I landed on the section where Esther writes letters to instruct Purim.
Then, a section about David's throne forever and righteous branch, if you keep my commandments. Then about Jeremiah, wherever that section is. (found it: Jeremiah 38).

This morning I was looking back and something stood out to me that I never noticed before. I don't know why I never noticed--I'm sure I have, but you know how sometimes parts of a scripture will really pop out and be more outstanding in some way. Well it was about Moses! Moses is such a familiar story to me. And yet this one phrase has not stood out this way for a long time and it just popped out and it is when GOD tells Moses, "Go tell Pharoah, you release my firstborn son." God refers to it as "only firstborn son" or something. I thought, "That's just like Oliver! to me!" I never noticed this before for some reason. And it says, Israel is like an only firstborn son and if you don't release this child, all the firstborn sons of Pharoah will die.

Of course I know the part about the firstborn sons dying. But the part I didn't get before, was that God chose this punishment, as retribution for what was being done to HIS "ONLY firstborn son". Oh, just firstborn. I guess there can only be one only firstborn. Exodus 4:22.

I just don't understand why this particular phrasing never really hit me like this. I mean yeah yeah, the story, heard it, read it, researched it even, how many times have I read it? but this "point" that was being made I never got until this morning.

Um, other things. I liked reading recently, about David faking madness. I've read it before, but imagine King David, drooling all over himself to be called nuts. What happened, is this foreign king knew King Saul was stalking him and trying to do him in, so David was "on the run". He hid in caves, went to foreign countries, and even fought in foreign armies because they were seriously out to do him harm. So this is incredible really, and then he gets favor to take a "political asylum" in this one country and is doing okay but then the King starts to think he's a spy. He starts wondering why David is there and is he trying to take over HIS country? so when he begins to doubt, even though it wasn't true, David knew he was in serious danger and to escape, he feigned insanity. Not just "a small mental health problem" but outright insanity and ACTED this out, by wandering about, torn clothing, and SLOBBERING and drooling everywhere. So then when the king saw him like this, he didn't feel threatened anymore and said, "What is this rubbish doing raving like a lunatic? don't we have enough lunatics in this country already? so why did you bring in another one at taxpayers expense?" (laymen's terms, to modernize, but give the basic summary). Then David gets booted out. And that was how he escaped, by being booted. But I think it's most outstanding how it's not just a mental illness where there is some partial function, but here he is, acting out full-blown insanity. So this is not even your functioning schitzophrenic or bipolar or whatever act, he is putting on scratching at doors, talking to himself in public, and slobbering and who knows. Maybe indecent exposure. I laugh to myself at the thought but I mean, maybe he was scratching himself on the side and showing too much by mistake through his torn clothing. That was a risky thing to do then, but I can't see someone doing that now. Any king or high leader that tried this would get locked up and then who knows when they'd ever get out. I can't remember how many different countries David flees to, but he gets political asylum from more than one, and fights in the army of one, even becoming highly respected. It was as dramatic as someone from Israel fighting in, and for, the Iranian army. I mean, it was that dramatic, but the foreign leaders all knew he was being stalked to be killed and had had assassination attempts. They believed David and actually, David was honest. I really don't think he ever had any plan to turn on anyone but some thought, down the road, well maybe he might so he had to move on, or fake insanity. He was pretty international though. I mean, for that time, the circumstances were really unusual. I know I've written about this passage before but I thought about it again, the dramatics of the drooling and acting completely "INSANE". One thing to be a medicated mentally ill person. Try imagining faking absolute insanity.

Oh, the other unusual thing with scripture or hearing something and then instantly finding it in the Bible...I heard this sermon about God supplying food day by day and then fell across a passage where God told Elijah I think, go hide in the mountains, because people wanted to kill him, and he hid in caves and the ravens brought him bread every day. I thought, "I think this is where some of the old hermits got the idea of living out in the wilderness maybe." So the ravens fed him and kept him alive.

Something apart from scripture that I "felt" or picked up on today was in the afternoon at the Safeway. This song came on and I saw gymnastics. It was this very slow long leg out to the back and then straight and coming up over the head, and a handstand while this one leg arched the back over in a perfect line, like on a balance beam but maybe it was floor. It was really beautiful. It was at the very beginning of this song, "A Little Too Late".

I just looked up the song. It's by JoJo. I had to look it up bc I didn't know who sang it but right at the start of this song, I saw this incredible, beautiful, move by a woman. I am sure it was sent to me by a powerful sender bc I had no thoughts of gymnastics in my mind at ALL. It was just there, and I saw it, the whole movement, not a still. A moving action and just beautiful. She was incredibly flexible. I don't know the right words for dance and gymnastics but it was like ballet, as sophisticated and graceful but it was gymnastics. No one does this in ballet, well, maybe they do, but I haven't seen it. Maybe modern dance but it was so linear. So it was the ballet move sort of where the torso is forward, head up, arms both out to either side and one leg down and the other going straight back. But then this woman kept going, and kept arching, slowly, controlled, beautifully, and she took this leg straight up to the sky so one leg was skyward and the other planted and then kept going and leading with the skyward leg, arched, and arched and then, it was like a walkover, or whatever, not a back flip, but a very slowly and extremely flexible and gorgeous walkover and then bringing the whole body over, all in a line that was balance beam perfect. I guess in gymnastics, that's not a big deal, but when you see those women on those horses and they do this, some of them are so gifted it's like dancing or poetry and not just jumping around and stuff. I saw this in the first part of the song, before she even opens her mouth to sing. It was at the opening and BOOM. Right there. WOW. I don't mean wow symbolically, but like--HIT and TARGET. I think I saw someone who is Olympics qualified. She was good. Oh you know what is so weird?

I didn't think about it until now, but then I was enjoying the song and sniffing these Glade candles there in the store (one was an orange Hawaiian Breeze and the other a white French Vanilla). I was going to buy a candle and couldn't decide so standing there and trying to decide and then when no one was on either end of the aisle, after seeing this one woman with the walkover, I felt the dance and then put my left foot behind my other one and did a quick turn.

So now that I think about it, she and I were in sync or paralleling. We mirrored eachother, and now that I see this video, it makes sense with the mirror in it. My turn was a 360 turn just as this gymnasts turn was. Who WAS SHE???? Her leg went behind her too, propelling her over just as my foot went behind me propelling my body to turn.

It was the only thing I saw from her. Gorgeous long leg (I am not jealous of beautiful and talented women and I appreciate beauty) and beautiful move. SO I keep going on.

So anyway, I am a victim of mind control and tortured.

But that was a nice move that I saw from her and I don't know who projected it to me or sent it to me. It seemed like a pretty long leg. But some of these petite people seem longer for being leaner and sylph-like. It was a full-grown woman, and I think because she was so streamlined, that she must have been wearing form-fitting clothing. The leg was bare. So leotard or something. Maybe it could have been a girl, but it struck me as a woman. The arching was so impressive. And sort of like what you see on those horses that are up off the ground for gymnastics.

Then I decided I couldn't afford a candle right now and went with my roll of scotch shipping tape to the habaneros and picked out the largest habenero for my salsa.

I make a habanero salsa with pureed organic onion, water, habanero, and organic apple cider vinegar with the mother. I was just noticing today, for the first time, looking down on the top of it, it look like a pumpkin. ha. Maybe Cinderella's golden carriage was from a habanero OR a pumpkin. Not talking about myself but then thought about the fairytale and Disney movie and thought what a great twist. She rides off in a habanero pepper. I guess the Latin version could be either as they are fans of both pumpkins and habaneros. That would be a cool twist to rewrite a fairytale using different items. The mice are actually little groundhogs. They pop up their heads and the fairy godmother zaps 'em to be coachmen. If she's a wicked Cinderella, they're these slick little weasles called wasson. The Wasson. A hoarde of evil varmits that slink about in oily coats, looking furtively to the left and right. Is that not an excellent word for a group of a kind of species. It's like a movie. The Wasson. "Whaw-son". Once upon a time, in a far away land lived a small girl in a little house at the edge of a field where they were forced to live in fear of The Wasson. The sound is perfect for villians. It says Wasson is derived from Wasso, which means "Sharp". Exactly. Sharp as the blade of a knife. Villian.

I cannot wait until her time is up and the time is up for the criminals who have blackmailed and tortured my family.

At any rate, I wasn't being tortured until I mentioned her name and I already knew she was connected to people controlling things in D.C. Tagged and bagged Missus.

So anyway, music I liked tonight. I went for a quick sort of jog but not really bc my knee and back started to hurt. So I turned around and went back walking in to this great worship song on christian radio where I'd left it, to the far left of the dial and it was a song with the chorus "Oh how you love me; oh how you love me more".
I felt dance and drums. I played out the drums and then played it out for my Uncle Howard who passed away and for my son. Danced and played out pretend drums in a dance way. Thought of playing drums with my son and how my Uncle Howard played drums and I never knew this until after he'd passed away. Then I heard a song I loved! on classical station at about 8:30 p.m. Albert Mendal's (?) 4th and last Schubert impromptu #90. First time I've ever heard it and I loved it. The piano was just played to perfection at the end.

Then it was Josef Strauss's "Jockey Polka" which I thought was amusing and foot stomping. Then London Symphony's Yasef's #1 in G minor by Max Brugh but I wasn't absolutely thrown for it. Something not hitting me about it. But Greig, yes. It was Edvard Greig's 1st symphony (only one) and designated: never to be performed in 1867 and then they released it in 1981. There was one specific section that perked me up. If I heard it again I could pinpoint it. Just perking my ears. It was from Copenhagen by the danish neils gahda? and something about ockle kemnal? something like that.

Hmmm. Interesting history about this piece by Max Bruch:

It wasn't my favorite but I was curious about it and just looked it up and he was totally cheated out of his money and rights to be compensated for his original material. People were making money off of him. They made money off his original material and owed him royalties. But his family was taken advantage of because of the economic conditions. They owed him money and were using him and using his material and getting rich off of it themselves but didn't give him what he was worth and not even what was agreed on and they owed. Is that not incredible? his works were performed in major music halls and concerts and he ended up destitute because people got away with swindling him out of the money he was owed and deserved, and he didn't have financial means to take it to court.

Sounds a LOT like my own family actually.
separate note. Commenting on google's cartoons, I have to admit, regardless of who does their cartoons, they actually have some really talented artists. I have been pretty impressed for a few years at what some of them turn out to be, really imaginative and creative. So I just had to say that because there have been a lot of them and some by different artists, but really, good quality of cartoon and artwork.

I sort of think of my Grandpa Garrett and honestly now, I don't even know how much about his own life was his choice at all. I mean, he made cartoons but my Dad has also written in journals not sounding like himself at all, but someone else and what someone else wants. I wonder if that is true of my Grandpa. You know what I think, I believe that he must have been an incredibly gifted psi person. I think he must have carried an enormous weight and burden and been highly and uniquely talented beyond what any of us will ever know. My feeling is that he must have been one of these early shining stars that shocked the daylights out of people with his predictive abilities and psi gifts. So they wanted to use his kids. And kill some of our family and him too, eventually because he knew too much and they were afraid of his power. So I think that when his brother was killed in Seattle--his brother the pilot, when he left the military to find out what happened, I think they were all scared to death because they already knew he was too good. He was good enough to already know and have figured out the crime with his abilities. So they set him up with jail and blackmail. No one in my family ever talked to me or suggested anything to me about govt. or military stuff. Ever. Not even giftedness or psi. I was never taught, trained or introduced--it was never discussed. Ever. The closest was hearing about charismatic gifts of the spirit, of prophecy and miracles and speaking in tongues, and word of family did not believe the spirit was "dead" but was current and through God, the gifts of God were active even in this day. There is nothing in my entire childhood that would ever make me think anything was different. There was nothing weird or unusual, extreme or oppressive or obsessive. Some outside of my family kept me down, I think we all were, but nothing in my family that stands out. The only thing that leads me to think of the CIA or military MK=ultra is when I was a kid in Moses Lake, one night I remember seeing all these bugs or spiders crawling over all of the walls in my room. So now as a kid I wonder if someone (not parents) slipped me something but no one used substances in my family. And I didn't like seeing patterns and shadows on my walls from cars passing by at nighttime because my imagination could think of scary monsters hiding in my closet or under my bed (took flying leaps to bed just in case someone or something was out there about to grab my ankles) and then some patterns on my wall I thought were scary. Like people look for shapes in clouds but at night, in the dark it was scarier. One single night, there were bugs or spiders all over the walls and I never forgot it. Not shadows, but like a drug-induced hallucination. I was conscious but that is what I saw. Yet my parents never did any drugs or substances or anything weird. Everything was pretty normal.

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