Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Nights of Fire, Days of Rain by Bob Zoller

This is a book that was a big deal in my childhood:
It was published by Regal Books in June 1982.

It was pointed out to me and highlighted when I was a child. Pay attention. It was a significant event when I was given this book and this is the original artwork on the book I was given.

I was 8 years old and it was given to me as soon as it was in the stores. I was already devouring christian books at that age--reading at least one or several in a single day. My highlight was getting a new book. It was my only gift and what made me most happy. No other gift made me happier than getting a new book to read. So my Dad bought a new book for me from the christian bookstore all the time, like once a week, and then I checked out books at the library too.

I remember this one though. Funny, because when I did google search on it a couple of years ago, no one brought it up in my search. It didn't matter how hard I tried to find it, it wouldn't come up. But I remember sitting next to my Dad and being shown this book and it was a big deal.

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