Friday, February 3, 2012

Lying and Coercion by U.S.

I am being forced out of all housing, work, college, and everything unless I give a cover to U.S. ASSHOLES that have been allowing and using religious hate crimes against me for almost 10 years.

They did this to me in Wenatchee, WA, and forced me to live with U.S. military. They were all military and CIA that I then was forced to stay with and they used me for research.

They forced me onto disability with the State, not the federal govt. It worked to their advantage because the entire CPS is a criminal cover for criminal actions by others.

Then I was forced to either work at this place where they used me again, or go to jail if I didn't. That was in Tennessee.

Then I came over to Oregon and my parents were either forced to use me for research, after all the religious hate crime, or did so voluntarily and when I didn't work at one of the jobs here in town, the U.S. just had them using me for research the entire time.

They have allowed mafia to access my son Oliver and have used military to make an excuse for why they kidnapped him from me. They kidnapped him for hate reasons, not research, but then they used him for research.

The Avilas are allowing it because they are either agreed on what is happenening, getting paid, or are being forced and trapped to go along with it.

So basically, I am being forced, for the third time, to either work at a specific place where I am tortured and used for research and harassed, or take disability. They are forcing me to take disability.

It is an entire town and community of military and CIA assholes. If you don't want to be one of "them", they take it personally.

I hope Alvaro Pardo and his family end up in jail after what he did to me. He knows exactly what is going on, and who is responsible for what happened to me, and said nothing. It was either I marry HIM or he was going to call me crazy too.

That's what he did. His last words to me were, "Mabye you're mentally ill" or "Maybe you are crazy".

After he already knew.



The U.S. wanted him here and they wanted to dump on me.

This country is totally corrupt.

Do I have a choice? No. I do not have a choice. I have NO CHOICE and NO FREEDOM. In each situation, I had no other alternative and they knew this and created those circumstances first.

God DAMN all of those responsible for the defamation of my character and the kidnapping of my son. God damn those who allow years of religious hate crime and do nothing, who torture people in their own country.


  1. Get a job you stupid lazy bitch. I hate that my hard earned money is going to you. I do chemotherapy and still work full time and you sit your whore ass on disability. I know you are dumb but even you can flip burgers or make beds in a motel or work at a gas station you do know to pump gas don't you? Sitting on the state that is disgusting

  2. I know you won't publish that last comment because it is true and you can't handle the truth
