Thursday, February 2, 2012

Whitewave foods "Catholics?" Michael Keown and Joseph Scalzo

I had a strange response from Silk Soymilk a little while ago. I mean, one of those customer service responses that matched a lot of harassment or cutting out.

It basically matched the great Catholic hate response I've had since I sued clergy.

I looked them up and was sort of confused because it looked like the man operating it was a Protestant, Steve-something. But I ended up doing research tonight on something else and found out Silk Soy Milk was bought up by Dean Foods and Dean Foods has two men listed for White Wave products (which Silk Soy Milk belongs to).

Joseph Scalzo and Michael Keown.

First I couldn't print out their coupon and then had the most bizarre experience with the site and then I was ignored when I sent an email for a long time. Finally I got a response from someone who was hispanic and made no attempt to compensate me for the hassle. Their ad was there and then it wasn't. They had promos and then the links wouldn't let me access them.

Most companies will say, here's a coupon for your time and trouble but they didn't and I just had a weird vibe from it.

So tonight I figure out why. More of the same.

Not that I will never purchase it again, but there was something about it, very mob-ish again, which I have had to deal with a lot since the U.S. has decided to allow one form of terrorism in the U.S., including torture of others, but persecutes people who are innocent overseas or tries to provoke them.

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