Thursday, February 2, 2012

Military Targeting My Head Again & "Terrorists"

Today the military targeted my head again and I am not having a migraine and it's not that time of the month.

I have been sick and came down with a cold and that's on top of the bleeding and abnormal bloating that was caused by U.S. biochemicals. I am not mistaken. I have normal and regular periods and this was in addition to that. It was damage from chemicals and possibly also something with the blood thinning foods I ate.

Do I need to correct the thing I wrote about Theo being the son of someone? Yeah, sure, cause it was figurative or an analogy. He acts and looks just like them and Keith imitates him and his mannerisms and what he wears. That's not possible unless they've met and Keith Lewis lives here and Theo "Keyes" lives in WA.

It started while I was walking and over and over, technology to my head and the exact same thing they've done in the past which resulted in huge swellings. It's happened twice since the wedding my brother went to, where it had happened to him too.

Panetta is definitely going to Hell.

He riles all these journalists up to talk about the "terrorists" and how they are "weaker" now than "10 years ago" and you would actually think Catholic hate crime and Jewish idiots would like to try to put ME into the same category as TERRORISTS when THEY are the worst terrorists.

After what I have witnessed firsthand, I know who the biggest "terrorists" are and they are not raised in the Middle East either.

They are home grown here in the U.S. and some of them WORK for the U.S. The U.S. even trained most of these so-called "terrorists" and then they stab them in the back. Use them and then take everything.

Just like with the Native Americans in the past.

Everyone gets so chocked up about "Dances With Wolves" and "I Will Fight No More Forever" and makes all these apologies to Native Americans for what we did to them in the past. And what did we do? We used them.

We even sat down for fat Thanksgiving Dinners togethers and traded skills, showing eachother how to use guns in exchange for sharing tips on planting crops.

So what happened? The U.S. got jealous of what they had, and greedy.

So they got close to them, befriended them and while the Native Americans were pure in heart, the Americans dumped all over them.

Hump and Dump.

History repeats itself.

So when people look at me like there's something wrong with me for saying Catholics shouldn't be in any kind of political office, start reading your history.

There are reasons for things and systems and structures begin to fall apart when enough people get in power to twist and spin everything. They hope to make everyone forget what the real issue was.

With time, and rewriting of history and charts and documents, they hope to have everyone forget what the real issues are and then think there is nothing wrong when the criminals take high places.

It has NOTHING to do with keeping Americans safe. The corrupt criminals already IN this country, who surround all the military and intelligence and where the Holy See (and Episcopal is in "communion" with the Holy See) took over the entire FBI save a few Mormons, they then torture and terrorize whoever they don't like and try to rewrite history. This is exactly what they did to me.

This country has all the U.S. thinking we should be so scared and afraid of the "terrorists" in the Middle East and it's bs. The terrorists are IN the U.S. and they have names like Panetta, Hayden, O'Sullivan, and Mueller.

They try to make innocent people they victimized the "criminal" and "terrorist".
My Dad just got home and I went out to look at him and he is not looking okay. The impressions around his eyes are now almost dark slate grey. Then I went outside when he was going to get wood and first I wasn't bc my head is killing me and then I did turn around and there was the "ink-bursts-out-of-pens" technology directed right on him in that area. It wasn't anywhere else.

They're torturing him.

1 comment:

  1. Paranoia and schizophrenia targeting your head, not the military. Everything that is happening to you comes from inside your head. The only terrorist in your life is your insanity. Terrorized by insanity - that is a fit description of what you are going through.
