Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Torture of Family & Holocaust book

My family continues to be tortured. My Dad's hand was crushed and knuckles cracked again and the one hand swelled up. I noticed yesterday.

When I mentioned something about 7, it was the sum of a number from a group that has participated in torture of my Dad. It's how I remembered the number--it was the tally of the numbers on her license plate or trailer.

We are being tortured and then I'm reading this IBM and the Holocaust book and how is the current U.S. state any different from an actualized Nazi-state.

It's somewhat surreal to be reading about torture and persecution and what led up to it and then walk down grocery aisles where everyone is including the new word "pure" on all their products. That's what Nazi's did. Everything was about the "pure race".

These local people use others in this town for research, and harass them and exploit them for their own reasons and then I am reading this book and thinking, this was published in 2002 and there is no difference. With what I have witnessed and experienced, there is zero difference between Nazi's of the holocaust and our situation in the U.S. and the weird thing is that now even Jews are involved. I mean, some of them are part of the problem too.

I identify with every single step and phase the Nazi's employed to gradually terrorize Jews and other "undesirables" in the U.S.

I know now that nothing is fair. There is not one running race or athletic event that cannot be tampered with. The same groups torturing us and trying to make it look "natural" or as if nothing is happening, can target any given athlete and trigger a headache for them, or any other number of health problems that they might even think themself is of a natural origin.

So basically, they can take anyone out of the running, or minimize what they are naturally capable of.

This extends to the Presidency.

Any presidential candidate can be targeted and thwarted and even a President in office could be tortured and by this torture, pressured to do what some unseen and less obvious group of controllers wants to do.

Anyone who thinks what is happening to my family is okay or not serious, is mistaken.

At this time in U.S. history, there is no free vote. Why vote or why be a judge when everything leading up to the election or hearing is tampered with?

People are torturing my family and I believe they have extended this power, unchecked, to bets and with regard to athletic events, entertainment, business, and elections.

It is dangerous and this is the current state of affairs in America.

What is Obama going to say, if he or his daughters are tortured if he doesn't make a certain decision? "My teeth are hurting?" or "My ear hurts" or "My daughter's back is really hurting" or "Michelle has been twitching at night and so have I."

If it's not them, it's any potential presidential candidate someone doesn't want in the running.

When people in the U.S. have absolute power to harm, there is no freedom.]

There is no true free vote, no free and natural election, no true justice, no true wins and losses.

This country kidnapped my son from me and people think it's no big deal. We are tortured and the U.S. has used my own son as a piece of property and as a rudder for steering my parents the way they want THEM to go.

I just got a letter from the WA Judicial committee claiming there are no grounds for finding anything wrong with Judge Gerald Warren. I had already sent something to them to let them know that I have had health problems and not been able to supplement my complaint.

This is extremely dangerous for my entire family, to have someone like Gerald Warren and his gang, on the loose and feeling free to assault and obstruct justice. It also shows something is wrong with the WA Judicial Commission, if they are only eager to let me know while they knew I could not receive PO Box mail as my parents were out of town.

It's not over.

That man and his supporters are criminals and I have evidence to back that up with.

Tomorrow, maybe, I will write about other things if I have time.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is so enlightening. I have never met someone who is brave enough to tell it how it is. Thank you. Keep it up.
