Thursday, March 1, 2012

Torture, Names, & UN Signed

I'm signing the complaint to Geneva and faxing it or mailing it today.

I guess I have to recategorize my torture claim as civil rights if the U.S. only wrote a "respective declaration" for that and not for torture.

What is being done to my entire family is full-blown torture. So whatever I have to do to have this signed and submitted, I am doing.

I was nauseous all night and didn't sleep at all because of torture through technology. The pain was bad enough for me to feel nauseous.

It's happening at my parent's house because I am there when it's happening. They've followed my Dad around and targeted him with technology wherever he goes. And then this happened to me today. The only place I was not followed and targeted was where there was a pregnant woman. I went into that store and she was the only one there and it is the only place where there was no technology. Right now there isn't as much, but that's after all day and night.

I literally could not sleep. My parent's eyes are blackened and their skin has changed from whatever they're being forced to take that is toxic.

My Dad's knuckles and hands swelled up from being beat and he hasn't been using them for work either.

I had military do something that seared through an upper molar and then down from this one directly in a line to the other bottom one. What is sick and perverted is that people knew about it and have made reference to it. It's a small hole that is not even from a natural cavity at all and it's going from a laser line from only one upper molar to the one right below it and then people have been getting off over it, excited and jubilant about it and trying to upset my parents.

I witnessed a video being "recommended" for my Dad with reference to this, and I had not told my parent's about it. Seattle, WA's Microsoft msnbc sent the recommended video to my Dad, of a "hole" being blast out.

Like that is what my Dad follows...

It has nothing to do with my Dad's interests. My parents already knew what had happened and they came home from their trip about the time it occured. I wrote down the name of the man who made the video and I don't have it offhand but I believe it's Andy Maser. It is of the "Concite Dam" and was sent to my Dad and my Dad didn't show me, I leaned around the corner.

My Dad has been subjected to all forms of harassment by large U.S. companies who send him harassing ads that target his family or are intended to be upsetting. Just as they did to me. And I've been around the corner when I've seen the same sent to my mother.

My son lost his tooth around the same time and someone with military has made it their own personal sick game to have torture that occurs to me coincide with torture done to my son.

It is not like a normal cavity and prior to this, I had extreme pain to my head and jaw from technology being used. This is after I already read online how military has put holes in the teeth of men and women in other countries. Like they've already used this technique and technology and it wasn't new.

It's terrorism against my family and this country is allowing it and sponsoring it.

After I wrote about Judge Gerald Warren, who is Catholic, we were punished.

I wrote about Judges being corrupt and how this Judicial Commission is strange to write it off, and when they did it too, sort of taking their cue from the Office of the Inspector General in D.C. and hedging their bets against my enforcement of my complaint.

It is not just an ethical issue, he is a criminal.

I went to the trailer park today to get the number of the trailer of the woman who was involved in torturing my Dad while she lives in this trailer that is rented in my parent's park. This is why I have said I know they are being blackmailed. Most likely, by the FBI. The FBI is the agency that is responsible for allowing any of this and it's not possible if they are doing their job. I just recently found out a head of an FBI agency lied to me about her identity when she tried to brush aside my complaint of religious hate crime in 2004. She lied and I never knew for years, and now it makes a lot more sense. She basically followed me from Oregon to Washington State and then forbade her employees in Washington to even take reports from me. False representation of oneself, BY the FBI, is not good.

The woman who was using something from her trailer window to torture my Dad, on the same day I saw his own employee, Bob Little, torturing my Dad, lives in trailer #55. The trailers were all moved around, and when I went there today, some of the numbers were different and some of the trailers had been moved. I believe it's 55. It has a porch and she came out to talk to me on her own.

A white woman. You would never suspect such a thing. She even later showed up with a baby, and then some very large and tall boyfriend or father was there.

I witnessed it with my own eyes and no one knew I was there. No one ever would have guessed I would have been so daring as to have later pulled up the back of my Dad's shirt fast, when he was turned, to confirm


Later, this same boyfriend of hers looked like he had darkened eyes, but it's like criminals trying to cop an act and look like they are the ones being injured, to give themselves a cover for the incredible crimes they are committing.

I wrote the name down at one point, and her plate number but I'll have to find it. She's precocious despite being pretty, young, and petite. She was the one who came out onto her porch and said to me, "Are you looking to buy?"

Then this guy Bob Little, I noticed he has this silver bracelet that he wouldn't have bought for himself and I witnessed him taking part in torturing my own Dad. So why would my Dad be tortured by people he is clearly being forced to rent to, or have work for him, unless the military and FBI are in on it? The local police are covering it up and they are horrible.

There is a lot more than that going on.

Police are involved.

A couple of days ago, my Dad came home after being out and mowed the lawn and as he mowed next to my house, the entire house was hit with a wave of whatever technology the military hate criminals are using to follow him around with and target him by. I have been right there next to his car when they are directing energy or technology to surround a vehicle, person, or property. Then he got close to my house and it hit.

The next day he showed up with his eyes puffed up like he'd been wearing goggles all day and with an outline of what looked like a facemask around his lower jaw. It looked like he'd had an oxygen mask suctioned to his lower face.

I started to cry today because I was being followed around with technology no matter where I went, except when I was near this one woman. Torture to my ear, the metal in my neck and my teeth and it's not from cavity. It's totally different. Suctioning of my heart as well and lasering. I did not sleep one bit and then I was followed all over the place today like watching me was some kind of sport.

My mother has been coming home in shock, with her eyes glassy and glazed over and not from's shock and torture. This morning her eyes were lined with burst blood vessels in the whites. It wasn't that way last night because I saw her before bed and looked at everything on her and then this morning, she had burst blood vessels in the whites of her eyes.

We are being tortured, assaulted and battered, harassed, intimidated with death threats and medicated.

I have had my place fumigated with that horrible smelling chemical again and it showed up on fruit that I was drying.

I could tell, and it's pink in color. I could tell because I was drying lemon sections to grind into powder. I first dried some in the toaster oven and they didn't turn out pink because they had dried before any chemical could touch them and change the color. But the others I let dry out in the open air inside, by a heater, and they picked up the color of the chemical and turned pink. This happened the same day and night that my clothes and place reeked of a chemical.

The other lemon sections are still not pink even though they were sitting out as well, and it's because they dried in a contained toaster oven and were not still wet to pick up the color of chemical and have it attach.

We are victims of torture in the United States.

They shut down my laptop too, right after I made my UN complaint and now I can't even use it as needed for registering for college.

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