Friday, March 2, 2012

Signature To UN (Torture by Canada--Collusion with U.S.)

I sent my signature to the UN, to confirm I am seeking relief through international processes.

They said the U.S. is not bound to CAT so I submitted a request to have it sent through human rights and children's rights and what I intend to do, is to list Canada as participating in torture and then use the U.S. in my complaint.

Canada did make a respective declaration and their collusion with state-allowed torture by the U.S. makes them a state party and accessory to torture.

Not only that, some of their officials practiced forms of torture on me and my son while we were there, not like the U.S., but they sponsored state torture by the U.S. and some of their officials engaged in psychological torture by falsely arresting me in collusion with criminal state actors in the U.S.

Lying, defaming an innocent mother, and falsely arresting her to have her child abducted is torture. I also experienced torture (very mild) while I was in Canada and only while at this one house in particular, and while at a women's shelter.

I have always maintained, from the start, that even after we crossed the border, we (my son and I) were targeted by use of military technology to cause harm and physical injury.

Then, having officials in Canada force me to sign a false statement is a form of psychological torture as well. It is not just a violation of civil rights, but torture and knowingly they intended to cause distress.

The religious hate criminals who act as officials here in the U.S. held onto my complaints until they felt safe that the UN would do nothing.

The Washington Judicial Commission abruptly closed my case against criminal Catholic Judge Gerald Warren. No notice or forewarning at all and they did not give me a timeline or deadline either. They even had a woman calling me from their offices who I planned to call back and had not yet done, and they knew they were waiting on further information from me and did not tell me I had no more time. "Reiko Callner" wrote, closing the case and saying it was because it wasn't a "cogent" report (as in, not understandable).

If it couldn't be understood, why did they call their woman calling me from their offices? And why then send me a letter telling me they were taking it seriously and were investigating my claims?

How does one investigate a "non-cogent" report. If it's not cogent, you have nothing to understand which can be investigated.

Not only that, that Washington Judicial Commission sent this to me on February 14, closing my case with no forewarning. Then, right after that, 3 days later, the Catholic Judge Quackenbush (who knew he should have recused himself from the start), wrote and said he was closing the case for my injunction.

He closed my case before receiving additional medical documentation when he knew it was on its way.

He didn't want the evidence.

This Roman Catholic Judge colluded with the other Catholic judges (Cynthia Imbrognio) to shut down my case before I was able to have evidence filed.

And they know, all along, which of their fellow church members are involved in torturing my family.

The person shutting down my complaint with the UN was French. That's what I gathered. I thought the person who first received my email was Eastern Indian because I saw an Eastern Indian (appearing) man pick it up (mind's eye impression). Shorter, with short dark brown hair and ethnic features that looked Eastern Indian to me.

Then the man who wrote indicated he was possibly french or sent it with french. It doesn't matter, except where certain conflicts of interest arise from the majority French also being Catholic, some very religious and apt to do favors for their fellow members, on an international basis.

This man closed off my report to the UN and all his comrades in the U.S. then took off from that cue and followed suit, feeling strengthened by this rejection of my complaint at the UN level and then probably directed through channels by their Roman Catholic head of the Office of Inspector General who was copied on my UN complaint the same evening.

I don't know if Reiko Callner, with WA Judicial Commission is Catholic, but it will be important to find out, because if it's not a religious conflict with this person, I need to know where they got their tip and why.

They are all nothing more than criminals who collude with criminals.

I think that while I sent a signature asking to have my torture complaint then submitted for human rights or children's rights, trying to convert the real issue: TORTURE
into a weaker "human rights" claim, is not the way to go.

The way it is, is that the U.S. is guilty of torture as state Number One. They are the party most responsible for allowing crimes and injuries to my family. Canada is state Number Two in this regard. That's if I have to designate who has the lion's share. However, if the UN is unwilling to round up the U.S. for torture, and will only do this for Canada, knowing it's a weaker claim through Canada, I believe Canada can be named as accessory then to each and every instance of torture committed by the U.S. from the time I crossed their border until the time my son and I were forced back to the U.S. to be tortured further.

From the moment we sought sanctuary and asylum, certain officials of theirs colluded with the U.S. Collusion and accessory is the same as committing the acts themselves.

So while the U.S. might stand to the side feeling immune, they are not.

They will still be put in the spotlight wherever Canada is brought up for allowing the crimes that the U.S. committed against us.

Where my personal injuries from childbirth could have been used to support the injuries done to my son, the CAT complaint regarding Canada can then be used to prove what the U.S. liabilities are and which persons (religious mainly) colluded to harm.

I lost my personal injury lawsuit for myself and now because of what Catholic Judge Quackenbush has done, they know they push all of my son's medical damages away from holding anyone guilty for childbirth malpractice.

Which means if they deprive me of guardianship for my son to collude with insurance company church friends, they are all later liable for a lawsuit of RICO or collusion to prevent lawsuits.

As if torturing my family outright, is not enough.

It is why they are torturing us.

We are being tortured to enable the Catholic church and their fellow members and friends to become rich. They have tortured me with use of their friends in the military ever since I filed to try to protect my reputation. Then after this, it was for medical malpractice lawsuit. They tortured me and my son to take my son from me knowing if I lost guardianship I could not sue on his behalf.

It's money.

Which is apparently what they feel some at the UN level bow to as well. Money. Religious sentiment and money.

I notified Judge Quackenbush about medical emergency on December 30. That is almost Jan. 1. Despite serious medical emergency, and knowledge of this, instead of permitting medical abatement which is usually for 6 months in serious circumstances, he tried to railroad over it. Medical abatement is not for 1 month, even if I asked for extensions in smaller amounts. Medical abatement is for generally 6 months. After internal bleeding that I notified him about, I had trips to the ER and he tried to use my medical emergencies against me.

Not only that, I am going through all of my inbox mail and everything sent to me from the UN has been deleted from my inbox. I have email to them in my sent box and nothing from them showing they responded to me and how many times.

I am also having telecommunication problems every day, by phone, which occured today, and my Dad and I were tortured while in his car as he drove me to town, by military. I had someone using the technology to repeatedly cause stabbing pains to the top of one side of my head, which is the same thing that happened before I had a huge swelling and then later internal bleeding. I believe the older men connected to releasing an airborne substance in the library while I started my OIG (UN) complaint, I think, might be the same man I saw a few weeks later for something else and didn't remember until later.

I sent my report to the UN and copied to the OIG on February 11, 2012. I got a response from them on February 13, 2012.

My laptop was then shut down. 3 days later, Washington Judicial Commission closed my case against Roman Catholic Judge Warren. without notice. They sent their letter to me on February 14, 2012, claiming it wasn't 'cogent'.

3 days following that, Roman Catholic Judge Quackenbush closed my case when he knew I had emergencies involving health which came up late and for which I deserved additional time.

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