Friday, March 2, 2012

CAT against Canada Sent to UN

RE: Emergency Petition To Convention Against Torture‏

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12:55 PM
High priority
To cam huegenot,,
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 3/02/12 12:55 PM
To: cam huegenot (;;

This is to be received by a non-Catholic member of your organization as it involves religious hate crimes by members of this group:

I sent a report to CAT for torture on February 11, though it may have been the 13th, your time. I had this response, that the U.S. isn't liable and my family has since been subjected to further torture and retaliation, including the closure of court matters I had which involved my son who is 5 years old, and involving some of the criminals guilty as party to torture.

I then sent a signature yesterday by fax, and asked if my report could then be reviewed for human rights or children's rights but given the fact that this is about torture and not "civil or political rights", I want my report to then be received by the CAT against the state of Canada.

By proving Canada committed acts of torture and colluded with groups in the U.S., I am able to prove the U.S. is guilty of torture, whether they have made a respective "declaration" or not.

So therefore, please designate my CAT report as one against torture by Canada and acting as accessory to those who continue to torture my family in the U.S.

I have further information to provide your offices and had sent my complaint in only a rough draft form because of the emergency nature as I didn't have time to organize my draft first. So I will continue to work on this. However, I would like to proceed with CAT against Canada.

If it is possible to also have it sent to human rights and children's rights, that is fine. I would like to know if the U.S. has signed any kind of respective declaration for any of your committees? Has the U.S. made a respective declaration for the civil and political rights committee? or the children's rights committee?

Thank You.

Cameo Garrett

Subject: FW: Emergency Petition To Convention Against Torture
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 11:57:03 -0800

Dear Madam or Sir,

First of all, my complaint was emailed to you on February 11th, 2012, not the 13th.

Secondly, my complaint is against TWO states: The United States of America and British Colombia (Canada).

Has Canada made the respective declaration?

Both states have government officials who have colluded to commit torture against my family.

Additionally, because the nature of my torture petition involves religious hate crime most particularly by members of the Roman Catholic Church, my petition should not be handled by any person who is a member of this church, from any nation.

Please let me know about Canada and also how you are refusing my emergency petition when the U.S. signed the Geneva Convention agreeing not to torture any of their own citizens.

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