Friday, March 2, 2012

The Suave Swami & Olivera & Buckingham

This is just a note to prove I am not lying when I talk about things I think about or read with the Bible and then open to later. Most of the time, it's religious, but yesterday, there was a witness so it's easier to write about it.

I went to the visitor's station to ask about faxing internationally and he said yes, and please sign in. So I signed the book as "Olivera Garrett". Then I picked up one of several books he had out and read straight from what I opened to, which he witnessed.

"Santi" stands for "peace".

I then turned around to the man and said, "Is this an Eastern Indian book? I opened up right to "Santi" means peace and I think "Santi" and the other references here are Indian."

I added, "And what's strange is I just signed your guestbook as Olivera, which means peace."

I said, "That is random and weird!"

It was a book I didn't even look at first, or note the title of, just picked it up.

This happens to me all the time, with the Bible. I will think of something and then open up to a scripture that is about exactly what I was thinking about.

So then I had to wait for the library to open and sat down and the only book I had with me was my Bible and I opened randomly just bc it didn't matter what I read, and it was a big day for 3's in general. I say this bc the night before I accessed a password of mine where the question is "which is the lowest odd number the lord favors?" and my answer was 3.

So I opened up my Bible to this verse:

"Then the Spirit came upon Amasai, chief of the Thirty, and he said:
"We are yours, O David!
We are with you, O son of Jesse!
Success, success to you, and success to those who help you,
for your God will help you."

So David received them and made them leaders of his raiding bands.
(I Chronicles 12:18) with the page above listed the page as I Chronicles 12:12.
(a blessing 3 times, of success)

And next to this, I looked and I had a note from some Bible study I did a different day and looked bc it was right there and it said:

"oil of widow
oil of offering
finding oil
posture of a woman
tortured and without son"

And that's all I had written down. I didn't notice it again until yesterday, as a person tortured all day and night and then going to a visitor's center to find out if they do international fax to send a signature to the United Nations.

Then I read Chapter 13, about bringing back the ark.
I made the note on a day where I had read something from the Bible and sections of scripture referencing oil stood out to me and I looked to see what they were next to.

Anyway, it was like that all day yesterday, and I am told someone felt "offended" that I slammed a door and I was in a rush and didn't slam it--I didn't know how it was weighted.

Also, a tangent, but this bottle of vanilla that my parent's got in Mexico has a rooster on it perched the same way our gray cat stood on my lap the same day or day before and I hadn't told them. It has a tropical sun and this rooster and it was exactly what the cat did. Usually our cat doesn't stay on your lap but it did that day, and instead of lying down or my holding him, he stood and perched with his front legs straight and back ones sitting and then stretched his head and neck out like a lion. I didn't even hold him there.

Then, a week ago he put his paw up 4 times like he was about to crawl up but on that day, when my parents were in Arizona or Mexico, our cat did something new and it was exactly like this rooster on the bottle they bought.

Also, my mom's purse that she bought was one that matched something I saw in the glass book, which was gaudy but sort of liked (not above other things). It was a chandelier installed for Buckingham palace. My mom had said, "It's gaudy but I bought it."

She bought Buckingham.

Why then, are we so poor?

It was the same kind of flower on the one displayed and I saw it the same day I looked at other art books and paintings with purses. She bought the Buckingham purse.

She said nothing about Buckingham. I just knew what it matched. And I didn't say so out loud to them at all, I just said, "Is this why our dog is afraid of a certain kind of English accent?"

I said, "Who told you to buy that?" or "Did anyone tell you to buy that in Mexico?" and asked questions, and no, she bought it. It's not my mother's style at all, and neither is her other purse actually. But the point is that it was a match to what I had looked at and thought when I looked at it. It's the same kind of flower too and that's what I looked at longest on the chandelier.

I know it's not something my mother would buy for herself naturally, anymore than buying a bunch of corncob holders she doesn't need.

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