Saturday, March 3, 2012

No Change To Torture & Vatican World Control

There has been no change to torture of my family.

My parents are lying and saying it's not happening because they have no alternative.

Who can argue with Leon Panetta?

This country has put Roman Catholics into every single major position, leading every organization in this country.

The American "Dream" is available to Catholics-only.

There is no such thing as the American Dream to anyone who is not Catholic.

Someone said to me, "That's not true, plenty of Protestants or non-Catholics are successful."

I said, "No, now it's only Catholics who advance and they are bumping off anyone who is not Catholic that made it in the past--i.e., Steve Jobs, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson,..."

And I thought later, I wonder if the Middle Eastern leaders the CIA is helping the public to oust, were Protestant-tolerant and now Panetta just wants Catholic-tolerant dictators instead.

I read this book, well, skimmed it because it wasn't exactly full Russian history, but the book was "Russia Beseiged" and had photos from TIME about the war. There was a section with a photo of Ukranian women in headscarves, holding out crosses as Germans approached (nothing against Germans by the way, just speaking of a situation that can apply to anyone in war).

These women welcomed the German invasion, thinking they were being rescued from "communism" and would be allowed to practice religious freedom. So they approached with crosses.

At first that's what happened. Churches, under Hitler's Catholic command, were reopened. And prisoners were freed. It was this exciting time of "liberation" but little did the Ukrainians know, Hitler's secretive agenda was to get inside and then exploit them. Which is what they did. They befriended the people, opened churches, and released prisoners and then a short time later, they turned around and killed them. The Ukrainian's "liberators" decided to exploit resources and then since the Ukrainians were "in the way", they started killing them systematically.

How do you take your freedom?

One lump of salt or two?

Sometimes the wrong people are accused of crimes when the real terrorists remain at large.

It got to the point where Hitler's Catholic regime decided since someone jammed their radio transmitter, since they didn't have enough time to find out who did it, they just killed 400 people.

In one of the photos, it shows children throwing flowers at the Nazi trucks and the expressions on the Nazi's faces is almost like they are glad about it but think the Ukrainians are stupid. You can tell from the photo.

So translate that, not against current Germany which is separate from Nazi's, but how well this fits Panetta's regime.

He endorses torture, along with Dempsey, and use of mafia, against U.S. citizens even. And then he goes so far as to attempt to bribe the United Nations against holding anyone accountable, and has already placed Roman Catholics at the helm for the OIG.

In this country, in the United States, we are controlled by Roman Catholic terrorists who took their seats in government. THEY are the ones giving the orders to the Protestants.

They are the ones moving in and marrying into any family they assume has money, with the same panache as the Catholics who confiscated Jewish property when they decided they wanted to take over.

They are the ones covering up religious and national history and attempting to blend in and take positions of power and then use these positions to oppress other religious groups who do not support their takeover.

They are the ones who have tried to make the Middle East believe there is a great revolution when it's nothing but a Catholic-Vatican sponsored attempt to get in and remove the leaders who tolerated Protestants to replace them with ones who are more supportive of the Vatican. This is why the IRA works with the Middle East. They have the Middle East thinking they're working together for arms and black trade and that they are helping them when really, they're just using them and tossing them flowers and viagra in exchange for taking out Protestants and doing them some favors.

This is what is going on. It's the exact same Nazi routine that the Roman Catholic Hitler used to try to take over. And almost all of his highest commanders were Roman Catholic. The Nazi's were directly sponsored by the Vatican which is the same country that the U.S. Catholics who took offices in the U.S. answer to first.

Needless to say, my family continues to be tortured with use of military technology. I did not sleep at all last night because of it and all day I have been targeted as well. In this time, I was lasered until it quit and my nailbeds turned blue, my head was targeted with repeated jabs from laser by military, on certain parts of my head and it wasn't headache, they put some kind of technology over our house that caused depression of air or something to create pressure to our heads and bodies entirely (only relieved by walking off property), and targeted the metal in my neck and teeth and affected the ear which is on the same side of my body as this metal. That's in addition to causing heart problems with a suctioning effect. They have done this to the point that I cannot sleep at night, at all, despite taking handfuls of over-the-counter medications.

They are killing off anyone who is Catholic by birth but opposes torture (or who isn't religious at all) and any Protestant that had the American Dream.

Look at the face of the Supreme Court of the U.S. to see the face of the "American Dream".

Catholic, Catholic, Catholic, Catholic, and not ONE Protestant.

Not ONE.

Those Protestants who acheived the "dream" in the past are tortured now, blocked from success unless they do favors for Catholics (Middleton's, for example), and they are bumped off.

Some of the Catholics intermarried with Jews which makes it more complicated because now we also have some Jews who participate in this new structure and who even tolerate and encourage torture of other U.S. citizens (including women and children).

Anyone who thinks this is no big deal is mistaken.

This is past serious.

So for those who thought help was on the way, and who tossed flowers in the direction of the Catholic church, thinking there was peace in store, and opportunity, there is no help save from God himself. The Catholic church will kill and torture as they have always done, and those who DO NOT REMEMBER the past are CONDEMNED to repeat it.

Those Protestants who make lame excuses for their "friends" have set up an entire country to fall under Vatican dictatorship. The Vatican has not changed and the Catholic church has not changed and this is evident in every political sphere within the United States.

So if you want to assimilate and have an "opportunity" there is none in the U.S. unless you are willing to convert to Roman Catholicism or marry into it, or at the least, perform sexual or business favors for their members.

My parents are lying about our torture for only one reason: we have no choice. THEY have no choice.

If someone is holding you hostage and using military weapons that are hard to prove, and exerts and demonstrates their power and control, and threatens you saying they can make it even worse for you if you don't cooperate...

Do you really think my parents are going to resist?

They have zero ability to resist or to tell the truth.

We are being tortured and the FBI is in on it because they know what is going on and don't care to follow the laws of this country and hold anyone accountable for what is being done.

This country has denigrated and devolved in a criminal state run by Catholic Nazi's with a few Jewish pin-ups and mock-Protestants.

Many of the "Protestants" I've met are not even Protestant (or "Mormon") at all. I've met the ones who infiltrated as Catholics and want to stir things up and influence in favor of the Catholic church, period.

Oh yeah. Jeremy Kean. Anyone from the UK heard of him?

I am really tired of having criminals marginalize what I've been saying and how I've been surveilled and tracked for the interests of a jealous and murdering and torturing group of pseudo-christians.

My CAT claim against Canada will be targeting the exact same group there that is responsible for our torture here.

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