Monday, March 5, 2012

Charles Krauthammers' "Fatty Heart"? & International Torture

I have no idea what this has to do with anything, but I have been tortured for the last several days and nights, to the point of not sleeping. I can speak for myself, but I see evidence of the same happening to my parents as well. So I just now asked God, while having read a UN response and being targeted even here at the library, if there was anything I could add or write in my blog that would make any difference. I don't see how it would make a difference, but this then came to mind instantly. So I guess, I hope it is right that I'm writing this.

I noticed him several days ago on Fox news, talking about pork rinds. I can't even remember what it was about but it was something he compared to pork rinds or eating pork rinds that were stale or something like that. When I saw him on the news I asked to see his health, after thinking he didn't look very healthy but appeared strong. Like, body-wise, strong or solid or something but his shadows under his eyes made me wonder. So I got nothing about paralysis, which I just read from wiki that he had. What I asked God to see, quickly, was some current condition and "fatty heart" came to mind. So this, coming after his pork rind comment, I don't know about but I wondered if he eats a lot of red meat or has high cholesterol or needs to work on arthiosclerosis issues or something. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think something is clogging possibly or something to do with that.

I wondered this, and not sure to trust it but I did guess something about Laura Ingraham earlier, before I saw him. I said out loud to my parents that I thought there was something wrong with her lower abdomen, and then at the end of the show O'Reilly thanked her for coming in despite having a bad back. I made my guess before she even moved around on the screen. My parents said, "He said her back, not stomach" and I said, "Well something affecting her stomach could also affect her back." I thought, since she adopted kids, maybe something to do with that but maybe not. Maybe different.

I don't know why it matters but the fatty heart thing I guess I thought I should mention. Maybe because he needs a check-up.

It is now to the point for me, that no matter where I go, I have the metal in my neck being targeted and I believe the radioactive stuff they gave me for CT, or this metal, or a combination, is enabling those who torture, to continue targeting me for torture. It is all completely on the left side of my body, near the metal in my neck and teeth. The other thing, the jabbing of the top of my head by laser, has been done to either side and there is no metal there, but finding me is not difficult, obviously. And no, I am not crazy. I am being tortured and who knows, maybe God wants Charles to know.

When I left for Canada with my son, even after we crossed the U.S. border and went into Canada, we were targeted. My son cried out in pain at the exact same moment I felt effects of technology directed at our moving vehicle and it happened more than once.

Once in Canada, there was no long-term sustained torture as had been directed against me and my son in the U.S. But I was shocked that whoever was responsible literally wanted to track me and my son across the border to torture us.

Once in Canada, I experienced torture a couple of times in the Canadian jail, but not a lot, but it concerned and frightened me that someone, a guard there, or maybe more than one, was carrying it over to the Canadian jail.

And then the house we stayed at, there was evidence of use of technology while we were there but again, it was significantly less and I question the orientation or even who the house friends were...I don't know if they were RCMP or FBI-counter-intelligence.

It also occured when I stayed at the women's shelter and affected all of the women but I don't believe the other women recognized what it was. I heard all of them wake up and make a sound and noise, as my son did, who also jerked, but for me, it resulted in the triggering of a migraine headache which then sent me to the Emergency Room. This was what suddenly caused inflammation in my head which went to a migraine within days.

There was a man in a large van outside, who communicated with Penticton RCMP later. He stuck around. Also, driving into Canada, a couple of cars passed me but not many and I felt what was done to me and my son while in our car was more of a long-range thing.

Also, in a grocery store, my son was targeted and shrieked and cried out in pain, flinching, for no reason, after toddling over to look at something. I looked up when he did this and an older white man was observing him and staring at me in smug hatred.

My family has not been safe. We have been, and are being tortured and it's no less than religious persecution in the U.S.


  1. Why is it that you never speak of anything pleasant. Only negative stuff is ever spoken by you. I know you think you are being targeted, but is there really nothing good in your life? Really?

  2. Thanks for your response. I've tried responding to other comments, by the way, to any reader who sees this, and was not successful for some reason. When I have more time I will address each comment individually.

    How is what I wrote not pleasant? Is it more important to have something about Charles such as, "God is really loving the color coordination of your tie today?" or "you might have a cholesterol problem?"

  3. Also,

    Regardless of where Laura Ingraham hurt, it was the lower half of her body that I saw that day, and then decided I thought it was her lower abdomen. Later they said she had a back problem but I didn't pick up on that. I thought she did kick boxing last night, when I saw her on Fox News, the idea that she's done kick boxing came up. And when I saw her lower half, I also thought she has a possible knee issue.

    But it was nothing like what I "got" for Obama. I have never had such an experience in my life and there is no possible way someone tried to send it to me. It was a fully almost x-ray look into his leg. I admit, it was very strange.
