Saturday, March 10, 2012

Torture and Harassment by State Catholic Employees

. In the last several days I have witnessed my family being subjected to worse torture by Catholic-affiliated persons who work in government positions.

I have been harassed at the local library since I arrived, to the point of its becoming an almost hostile place and discovered collusion between the same man who used an air-borne substance in this library, with some of the workers here who are Catholic.

I was assaulted with some kind of toxic airborne substance, while in the library writing my report to the Office of the Inspector General on a computer here. The librarians here were the only ones to know I was writing this report, and they have monitored things I do in the past. Who their other network people are, I don't know, but the men came into the library after I was working on that report.

I did not know who the men were or even realize things until later. I was then getting food at the Holy Name Catholic Church in town and didn't realize the man there was one of the men who did this to me at the library. I chatted with him and wondered why he was so hateful and distant and didn't want to shake my hand and then it hit me and I realized, that was one of the two men who came in when I was being asaulted with a toxic airborne substance. His name is Hugh Pinkerton or that is what he wrote his name as.

The women at the library at this time, one of them is Catholic and has been especially bad. Her name is Elizabeth and she is married to a hispanic man. She was talking about this with another man who is here all the time, and right after I made my first complaint or asked for inquiry from the UN, she was talking loudly about violent things in front of me every time I was here. She made threats and there were other librarians who did the same. Then after I wrote about how they were doing this, they quit. However, one time, I asked to get logged onto a computer bc none of them were working and she said she'd have to do it and then in front of me typed in the word "graveyard", and I said out loud with a witness present, "Is graveyard your password?" She said no it was just the word she chose to use to sign on that day (with my watching). So the harassment went from being out in the open to more discreet.

It was extreme enough to be intimidating. And the things Elizabeth said were always then matching the condition my Dad was in when he arrived. She was also the person taking my documents to be copied or fax to courthouses for Catholic judges Wasson in Washington state and Quakenbush, Shea, and Imbrognio in Eastern District federal courthouses. She was disseminating information about my motions to others and my parents were then being targeted by their people.

On the day I was assaulted with an airborne substance, Elizabeth was here and working and knew I was here. She has access to see what patrons are doing on the computers. Hugh, from the Catholic church, showed up with his friend after this.

There are others but right now I'm focusing on these ones.

Then a couple of days ago, Hugh Pinkerton was the first one in the library one morning and I walked in and he walked out smirking over at Elizabeth and Anne Conner, another librarian working here. I was then given a form from one of the librarians that said BAN on it twice, when I requested an interlibrary loan and Elizabeth was involved. Right after that, I was then given a letter from Anne, which falsely accused me of trespassing in their library and overusing time. Her letter said to me she was going to "ban" me if it happened again.

I have never trespassed in any way, in this library and this letter followed one form from another librarian who gave me something Elizabeth printed out. This followed Hugh Pinkerton's smirk to them upon my innocent arrival, having no idea what would be in store and what they had planned that day, to harass me with.

I have been harassed for no reason, to no end, here, and most of it is being done and has been done by members of the Catholic church. Not only that, I figured out Elizabeth and the same person who assaulted me and observed my being assaulted with an airborne substance, knew each other and it leads back to the Holy Name Catholic Church in town.

In addition to these newest attempts to harass me and drive me out and punish me, I and my family were tortured with severe methods at our property and elsewhere.

I am not sure if the Gameland computer man in town is Catholic or not, but this treatment at the library followed a few things. After I had been denied my complaint to the UN for torture by religious hate crime, sponsored and allowed by the U.S., things got worse for us. My laptop was shut down and when I went to the computer place, the man there turned it on and had a "reaction" to the photo I had in the middle of FBI head for Washington State Laurie Laughlin. I told my mom, "I don't know if he's in the mafia, or if he just didn't like seeing his bosses face on my computer, but he definitely had a reaction."

He didn't like it.

After this, he told me through my parents that I was "banned" from his store. I said for what? and no one said why except that he had felt "offended".

Because of the FBI photo? because I did nothing to offend him. I left his place in a hurry and the door sort of slammed, but he knew I was in a hurry and had an emergency and said I would try to go somewhere else for that immediate moment.

So basically, he "banned" me and then following this, some Catholics who assaulted me and have taken part in battery and assault of my family and sharing information to Catholic judges, tried to have me "banned" again at this library, for no cause. Just to harass me.

This computer guy, Bill, at Gameland, "banned" me one day after I faxed a signature to the UN to confirm religious hate crime and my claim. I went to the visitor's center and tried to have it faxed and that didn't work so I went to a bank. The next day, "Bill" banned me.

The library director here, Anne Conners, has worked closely with Elizabeth to harass and insult me even publicly, degrading me to the point of my bursting into tears. I also noticed she has been monitoring what I do online and attempting to censor what I write or obstruct me. She became extremely hostile after one specific blog post I made, about Logan's Restaurant and how the Catholics there used me and how someone there had something to do with Osama bin ladin. It was the post where I wrote about being assaulted and tortured there, at that Catholic owned workplace where they have a law firm representing them which also represents Guantanamo people. Right after I made this post, Anne approached me and told me "Your time here IS UP. YOU ARE DONE." So what Ms. Conner was infuriated about, feeling defensive about Catholics, friends or what, I'm not sure, but since then she has gone out of her way to publicly degrade me and try to block and obstruct my computer time here. And then she produced this "letter" claiming she needed to warn me.

At this same time, right after Gameboy from Gameland felt insulted and after this Irish guy at the visitor's center saw my fax to the UN, a whole ton of people came into town and were present, a LOT of Irish Catholic, when I drove into Coos Bay with my Dad and they were all hostile.

My Dad showed up at the house looking tortured.

I saw my mother's fingernails today, and said, "Mom, you're being fried at work. Your nails are all red." She said, "It's bc I had red or hot pink nail polish on" and I said, "No it's not, because if it was from a polish stain, the whites of your nails wouldn't be white but tinged pink too."

Her nails are almost bright red. First she had striations of red across them, indicating heart problems, and now they're almost completely red.

Last night I slept slightly better and in the last 2 days maybe there has been slightly less torture all day and night for me, but not by much.

And then this man Bill, took my computer and said he was working on it, while at the same time his library friends tried to chase me away from the library and keep me off of computers, and this is during a time I need to attend to my legal case for my son and also complete my application to the UN.


1 comment:

  1. The reason you get banned from places is because you probably behave in a psychotic way. I think that is the key to your delusions of persecution and other paranoid thoughts. Psychiatric intervention would do you a world of good. Take care.
