Friday, March 16, 2012


In the last few days there has not been as much torture but it's continued still and was extremely bad several days ago and going back weeks.

My computer was trashed and ruined and then the tech said he couldn't fix it after he held onto it for awhile. He happens to also do all the computer work for my mom's boss and coworkers.

My mom showed up with etched laser marks in her eyes after I sent in my motion to the Washington State Supreme Court. In the documents I provided for this motion asking for time, which was publicly filed, I sent in a lab report showing I had developing cysts or tumors and on it,I had underlined one part and then crossed it out with a zig-zag.

After this was received by them, I went to church at the Methodist church and sat in the back where I usually do, on the same side, and a woman sat in front of where I usually sit with a shirt on that had a collar with the same zig-zag pattern. She wore a white shirt with a red zig-zag stitching.

Right after this Sunday, which was not last Sunday but the one before, my mother then showed up with the same zig-zag pattern lasered into the whites of both of her eyes. Instead of being bright red lines like someone gets from bloodshot or crying or something, it was a distinct zig-zag pattern that matched what I filed with Washington State court.

It is still sort of there but not like it was 2 weeks ago. It wasn't a mistake or accident or something wiccan or voodoo--the only way it could have been done was by laser, and it extended from her iris all the way to the corner of eye, through the whites.

My parents have been recently tortured in other ways too. My Dad showed up looking tortured and with extremely deep and dark circles, and the same for my mother.

People have been doing all kinds of things, and knowing I can't write about it without a computer and being required to use only 1 hour at the library to try to work on legal things. I cannot even walk to the library every day.

My mother was tortured by Kathy again.

She went walking with her and I saw her eyes and they were newly extremely deep and sort of light red and purplish blue, very light underneath and my mother wore sunglasses at first but I still saw her trying not to cry behind the lenses. Then these two cops pulled people over on one side of us and the other side of us.

After this day, I noticed that the light bruising changed to dark blue and then dark brown shadowing and bruising. And the zig-zag lines showed up on the whites of her eyes.

Kathy was off at a distance when I approached my mother and then my mom made this show of sort of trying to block me as if I needed to be blocked from going forward when I wasn't even walking forward and I knew Kathy had told her to do this before they even left the house. Right at the same time, cops were driving by.

I have a feeling Kathy is romantically involved with some cop. It's a hunch. I also know she knows Patty Otterbach and Debbie Sweetwater, who are the same persons who wanted to have my parents keep me from filing things to get my son back.

I saw a painting recently, in a book with art from the Met, and the man in it looks very familiar. He looks like the male version of the woman who assaulted me with her laptop in Bainbridge, WA, the blond with the long face. I'll have to find it again but the painting has a man with a very long and thin sword, standing over a deer with red marks across its neck and it's called "Prince Henry and John Harrington" (something like that). The face in that painting instantly brought the blond woman to mind,and then I couldn't decide which man he resembled who I have known. There is no other photo or painting that looks as similiar to that woman as this one does.

I also felt she told my mom to block me because it's not something my mother would do and I saw the tears behind the glasses first. Not only that, I have overheard Kathy telling my mother to put something in her drink when neither of them knew I had gone to the door to listen on the other side,outside of the house. My mother doesn't generally do what others tell her to do, and doesn't have friends who tell her what to do.

But when my mom tried to deny doing what Kathy demanded, I said, "Mom, I know she would do that because I overheard her telling you to do other things when you didn't know I was there, so I know she's done it in the past and you've felt forced to go along."

There have been so many things happening and I haven't been able to write about all of it. There has been a lot of continued torture and exploitation basically and obstruction from my getting my son back.

Even today, I tried to sign up on a day I felt okay, to try using the law library again, and after they agreed to allow me to use the research materials because of having a pending case, I was then moving along when all of a sudden, as I gained speed and accessed pertinent materials, a clerk came in and said I had to stop and they needed to ask me to leave.

First I had a computer problem which wouldn't allow me to resolve as normal so I was interrupted and then I went back and after I finally got the terms I needed for my search, she came back and said, the courthouse or DAs offices or something told her to tell me to leave because they had an "emergency" that they had to run to.

This is while I was typing in a search for continuance and medical emergency. So they stopped me, and then I was okay with it and said okay I'd come back Monday. Because they said M-F it's available and they would let me use it. So then she said I should not go back until Wednesday, and I said, but you said I could use this library M-F and I have deadlines and this is about my son. She said maybe they'd changed their minds.

Basically, they are changing their minds in favor of obstructing justice.

I said, "You said I could use the law library M-F and that this is what the conditions were for the public, if there is a pending case or legal matter." She had me sign a contract agreeing to the conditions and I signed and she gave me a copy. So then after I tried looking up information the first time, before going back to their office for help, they suggested maybe I couldn't come back until Wednesday instead. And then I returned and finally found information on continuance and as soon as I did, and entered it in with medical emergency, they came back in and stopped me and she said maybe I couldn't go back. She said, "I know I signed it but I was maybe breaking the law." It had nothing to do with "breaking the law." It was a contract agreeing to do legal research for a case in their library, period. There was zero legal issue and by surveilling what I did, they decided they didn't want me to win

Not only that, both times I've gone there, I've had personal items disappear while I am there, and I have been tortured by use of technology. I have never complained to them about it, but it's happened both times, and it was bad enough the first time I didn't return for months. It's right next to the police station and courthouse.

I was told to leave and hadn't been to the library yet so then I went to the public library for email and all the spots were filled except for one, and when I tried to type in my name, someone had already typed in: 0 its just a kid.

So I typed to delete this and type in my bar code for my library card and someone put it a bunch of apostrophes instead and then did it again so I couldn't even get on.

The main thing is obstruction and torture

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