Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Laser Mark of Cross: Torture of my Family Continued

The torture of my family has continued.

It has not been as bad for me as it sometimes has been, but bad enough and both day and night and I suspect it has been the same for my family while they are traveling.

Even if I had migraines triggered through technology or military or an odd outcast CIA fringe-group,
which was working for its own interests (religious or not),there was never outright blatant torture until after 2004-2005, right after my report about Mexican mafia FBI employees. This was supposed to have not had anything to do with the religious hate crime, but the pattern seems to instead show that it was a kind of "stamp" by persons in U.S. government, who were then going to make outright exceptions to the entire hate crimes and torture laws.

Vandalisms and even isolated death threats and attempts on my life are different from being tortured day and night, through use of military and police technology.

I reported, over this last weekend, how I know the police cannot be good if my family has no one to turn to here, when we are tortured. It means the U.S. government is allowing this and acting as perps themselves. I walked in on one scene, and I wasn't supposed to see the evidence but I did.

My Dad's back was lasered with red dots, into the sign of the cross.

It really didn't look like a Star of David to me. Not to say there are not Jews who haven't known or participated, this was a religious mark of torture on my Dad's back.

It was a cross with equal sides, like the Red Cross.

Now why would my family be unable to get help from the FBI unless the FBI and CIA are immediately involved and protecting criminals in the military and mafia?

I have been witness to evidence of torture on my own son, an infant, and they WANTED me to see this and feel helpless. They lied in all the CPS visitation notes and the community stayed silent. I am witness to torture and assault on my own person and also my mother and father and people WANTED me to see this and know I didn't have evidence and then feel "helpless".

No one wanted me to see the sign of the cross lasered onto my Dad's back.

My Dad never shows me anything. I have seen and been present when we are tortured with technology because it can't be missed, and I feel it,and see the effects on my parents which some of the police here laugh off and cover up as "getting older."

My Dad did not show me and had no plan to show me or tell me. I never would have even thought such a horrific thing was being done, where the evidence was unseen, if I had not accidentally walked in and seen for myself this was happening to him. Then, because I saw it occuring, I wondered later what the effects were.

So, completely uncharacteristic of me, I knew he wouldn't show me and he was turned and walked by but sort of lifting up the back of the t-shirt. My Dad's back was COVERED with evidence of assault.

Not only was it covered, with so many dots, that you couldn't count them all (over 100 at least), they were done into the shape of a cross. Literally.

My Dad never indicated anything to me. My parents are being blackmailed into not talking or telling the international community or anyone who might help domestically.

This country then uses us, entraps us to perform and work for them, and then they lie and say it has nothing to do with religious hate crimes. Which is maybe why I have a huge list of times I tried to get help in this country, and people working for the U.S. blocked my ability to even report it. Then, apparently,they blackmail The United Nations into not doing anything.

I am able to give detailed information about forms of torture used against my family, and have some evidence and there is testimony of many, but when the cops are in on it, and the FBI shuts their doors to show you this is true, it means trying to report this is dangerous because it gets worse and we are already shown the U.S. doesn't care about its own citizens.

It means they are telling us that they know it's happening, and they have their criminal back-up working for and in the U.S., and that they're the ones controlling evidence and proof. So they let us know they'll do worse if we talk.

I still don't have my college transcript paid even. I have been documenting information about this as well.

These people have forced my parents to stall on even paying this to keep me out of college, and out of money for fighting for my son--they are using this to support their own terrorism and terrorists. I am prevented from having any kind of normal life.

I got math books to study on my own and I've been lasered and had so much technology used on me at my house, while I am there, day and night, it has made it almost impossible. I am forced to then get up, eat something or be otherwise distracted from anything productive, and then I try to go back, repeatedly, to my studies, and I am assaulted. Then, if I get a short break of NOT being assaulted, I am too tired to study because my energy is gone, from what I have endured all day and night.

That's nothing.

What is happening to my entire family is so bad it is almost impossible to believe. Many know, in respective communities, and they do nothing. But many others think there is just some kind of game and wouldn't ever imagine it is possible for such things to occur in this country.

I made a report about assault of my mother and the police did nothing. They didn't even contact me. We were retaliated against. Then, I have testimony about how is responsible for lasering my Dad's back and it's hard to believe.

So why didn't I say anything earlier? Because when victims are being held hostage by their tormentors and torturers, we don't want it to get worse. I reported one thing,and the police did nothing. So what would happen if I reported this other thing?

Maybe nothing or we get tortured worse. So I haven't said anything about this specific incident, for months. It occured before my Uncle Howard was killed in Idaho. Which was before my Dad's birthday of November 1, 2011.

I asked the FBI for FOIA after this and they refused to provide it.

Instead, since the United Nations has said the U.S. signed something claiming they don't support torture (but don't really mean it), all they've done is continue to engage in illegal exploitation of my family, torture all day and frequently most of the night, and mind control-psi-telekinesis research as a mask for outright assault and torture.

What is the research objective of lasering the mark of a Red Cross onto my Dad's back?

Is this something new the FBI and their buddies in military and CIA are getting into? Tattooing people with torture?

They never thought I would ever see this. Ever.

But do you know who they DID know would see it?

My mother.

They knew my mother would see this and that it would force her to feel helpless in the same way that they have done things to my mother and I and my son and wanted my Dad to feel helpless.

This country IS a monster.

How many times have I asked for help here?

This is what they are doing to us.

That is all I have to say.

Everything else, the predictive stuff, is irrelevant. I have made my own notes to document things and I don't need to document it for the same groups that allow and encourage daily physical assault against an entire family. My reports are that we are tortured. There is no "end means", or means which justifies the end, or results. It's torture and it is happening to my family and these hate crime groups are using the upper rungs of friends in U.S. government to continue this.

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