Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My First Chapter of Calculus (and remedial math too)



I don't know why that arrow came up because I tried to mark this with a period.

I am being absolutely tortured with technology, literally, day and night. I had tried to get through one book in pre-algebra and it sort of slowed me down so then I used one that is first year algebra and has geometry, for review and it was still not exactly to my liking.

I liked this book published by a German guy, in Germany, the VNR Concise Encyclopedia of Math and again, it was so much better. I read the 4th chapter last night.

The thing is, I want the original. This one is a copy of the original or a different version. I'd like to see them side by side. I knew, because I actually did read this book, or part of it, the first time I picked it up and this other copy looks exactly the same on the outside, but the content is a little different. Even the illustrations are different. I don't think there is that big of a difference, but I'd still like to see what it is.

I also picked up an elementary math book with a pin-ball machine on it, to have fraction rules to review. And then I got calculus, just a book on calculus.

So I took the test for the one book of integrated algebra, which I am still using, and then I have added other books to fill in the gaps and apply as needed.

I got through 3/4 of a chapter of calculus last night and understood it all.

It's sort of the same problem--I understand the higher concepts but got stuck at some point, spacing out and daydreaming in school, with total lack of interest.

The way a book is written makes a difference. I really adore this VNR book, just for the way it's written, even if it's not the one I'd use for practice problems.

I have not given up, despite being tortured all night and all day. I could barely get out of bed this morning.

Which really means the United States is allowing others to obstruct me and my goals on so many different levels, I can hardly count.

A chapter in calculus that should have taken me less than a half hour to complete, took an hour. Between torture and the lights in my place and all electricity being shut down repeatedly, it was a challenge.

I didn't have too much electricity running to flip the breaker, but my electricity went out and in the timespan of maybe 2 or so hours, I had to go out and flip the breaker almost 1 dozen times. Probably at least 12 times. Maybe more like 12-24 times.

I thought about whether I should write about this, but the point is to show that I and my family are capable of doing a lot more, and we're being held back by torture and terrorists who have been given free reign. I even tried to study outside on my porch and someone was lasering me to the point that I could not focus or continue. I even had NSA, I believe, making a joke about things, with interference with my phone again. I will write about that later.

It's wrong and other countries should intervene, I feel. I have also kept Syria in mind and not sure what I think and haven't been able to follow the news, but it's hard to follow international news when you're tortured every day in your own house and you know your own country facilitated an abduction of your own child from his mother.

I've had some great things come up through scriptures too, really amazing insights lately, but I just wrote some things down and will maybe write about it later. Also, I have studied some art and art history, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Brownings Portugeuse Sonnets, and IBM and the Holocaust, a history book--I find it ironic to read about the same thing being written about as if it's all in the past, when it is occuring right now in this country, to my family.

For whatever reason, if I study English literature, at least when I tried, I am not tortured. The military and FBI, for whatever reason, start amping up the technology when I try to apply myself to math--maybe because some group doesn't want me to prove them wrong--they really turn up laser, sonic stuff to my ear, and all night last night, the metal in my neck and teeth were targeted, along with lasering the whole time. Also, if I read the Bible, they don't stop. While reading history, they didn't quit. Art, off-and-on. The only time they quit was when I was reading English Lit. which makes no sense. It's almost like, maybe they think it doesn't matter if I study this bc I already demonstrated aptitude for it. I feel they want to obstruct me from proving what I am capable of.

I even turned off all my heaters to see if it helped and the laser stuff is being done long-range and I am not even near my laptop or using it. Some things are facilitated by energy from electricity or heaters I have, which neighbors can control, but other things have nothing to do with this and it's full-on assault by the religious hate crime leaders in this country.

I wrote yesterday about the mark of the cross laser-dotted across my Dad's back. We are being physically assaulted, day and night, in the United States.

We truly need your help, whoever the good are, that are in this world, we need you. I have been praying for you, and please pray for us as well.

I wasn't having a problem at this public library at all until I looked up the address for the Committee on Judicial Fitness in Washington State. Then some group with access to technology targeted metal in my neck while I am sitting here.

I feel most of this is being driven by religious hate and then some of it accelerated by Protestant awe and wonder over mind control or psi and "gifts of the spirit". They are allowing torture of others because they are too over-awed with the idea that they can personally get something out of it, or profit from it.

I decided to add the other arrow, to round out my first one.

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