Friday, February 24, 2012

Sun Rises 5+ Times in One Day


I had something interesting happen today with a figure of the sun rising in 5 different shapes and forms, or more, in the space of one hour. I think more times than that though.

I had figures of apples above and then circles with orange and green and a orange one on top of a book with green. Then I got my laundry last night and a green dot of fuzz was tied into one strand of my hair and I found it, out of this huge tall stack of clean clothes my mother had just given me. I put my hand in, and raised up the other folded clothes and pulled it out and then put it across the table and the fuzz was more to the right but I held it in the center for awhile.

Then I had a bath and had taken off my clothing and noticed this red dot of fuzz, same size, on my socks. Not a big deal, but just strange that I noticed both of them and they were exactly the same size and one was attached to my hair and the other to my heel (figure of speech) and I had been thinking about this necklace I used to wear in high school which had both red and green in it and how it was stolen from me. I had once worn it with an olive green shirt I had.

Then I had this bottle of vanilla with a sun rising on it and this matched a bowl of fruit I had sitting on a towel, put randomly, with two sections, and then I had my circle already in the middle and then my blinds were burning against my toaster so I set up a book and when I sat, the reflection caught the colors in the fruit and made another sunrise and then I was taking this bag of rags out of the house to be washed this morning, after having my mother come in to look, and she said just wash them in the sink so I tossed the bag onto my porch and it landed and then I looked, and it had landed with a green sun rising. It was the same figure and it landed with it upright.

Several other things too and many more in the past weeks but I've not written about it. I drew a lot for myself last Saturday, after I burned my finger pulling cinnamon toast out of the toaster. I then opened at random to scripture and it was about rescuing people, as if pulling burning brands from the fire. So I was thinking about this and about my grandparents that night, on both my mother and father's side, having had something that looked like tomato slop earlier, like my Grandpa Garrett and then making cinnamon toast like Granny always made later. So I burned my finger and thought it was bad but then I read this verse about people rescuing others and being burned in the process. So I decided the next day I'd draw a lot and go to maybe some church and the next morning at 10:30 a.m. I tore off 3 white pieces of paper, thinking about churches I might try and put a letter on each: l, n, and a. I wrote n instead of m. Then since it was something that didn't matter that much, I then tossed them saying, "Whichever one is closest to me I'll go to this morning" and I looked and one went upper right, one upper left, and then one in the center close to me and it was "u". It was the n upside down to u. So this was the one I had marked for the methodist church (just for that day, not all eternity or anything). So I threw on make-up and put my hair up and walked into their service as this woman was talking about laughter and how they laughed when they were told they were going to have a child in older age. So I sat down and the whole service was about laughter and then a few people spoke and I didn't feel like laughing but then this man in my section, ahead of me, said out loud, "What thuh?" as if he was about to swear, and he was so old and I laughed out loud and no one else did. The pastor STARED at me. Then he said it again and I laughed. Then someone made a joke the entire church laughed at but I didn't think it was funny. The other thing made me laugh though.

(and I just laughed again, out loud, here in the library, just thinking about it).

This man didn't even know I was there, and he was sitting in front, and about 80 or something and it was just funny to me.

Last night after talking to my parents about how the Bible says some prophets fell face down and prophesied, I said have you ever seen such a thing? Then, I went to my place and brought something back for my mom and dad and set it on the counter and it fell over, face down. I thought it was weird and just left it there, not touching or moving it. Then I went to my place and decided to make cookies after making a lot of other things and it was right there and it fell over, face down, like the first thing at my parent's house fell.

Is that not strange? right after I was bringing up prophesying face down and pondering it. It happened within the same hour at least. I didn't do it, it happened.

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