Monday, February 27, 2012

Tortured Now and All Weekend (my family)

My family continues to be tortured in the United States, with U.S. approval.

My parents showed up from their trip residing around various U.S. military bases and CIA portholes in California, looking thin and exhausted. As soon as they were back, the first night there was no problem.

Right now, at 4:55 p.m., I have had someone using technology that targets metal in my neck and also to the right side of my head. Someone has to know which computer I'm at in order to target. It's not random.

Not only that, someone went into my place again illegally, and it wasn't my parents. On that night, my fingers went numb after touching something in my house that must have been wiped over something I touched. This occured over 3 days ago and my fingers are still numb. Before I went to return bottles that evening, there was nothing wrong. I wore gloves as well. When I got to my house, within 20 minutes of my arrival, after touching something there, with my gloves off, my fingers went numb and they have not returned to normal either. Only on one hand.

Now I have a Google ad popping up that said, "Heart Attacks Happen."

What does anything I've written in this blog so far, have to do with heart attacks? nothing. It's like the same old Google ad crap I got in D.C., about death, and then after I split from Alvaro Pardo, all about death and kids dying.

When I first wrote about the laser mark all over my Dad's back, some of the people in this town backed off. That lasted until my parents got back and they got whatever assurance they felt they needed.

My guess is that one of the assurances they wanted, was something that was blowing off what I reported to police about Patty Otterbach, Debbie Sweetwater-Burt, and Kathy Hathaway.

The first night my parents were back there was nothing happening that night--not much torture by technology.

Then after this, on Saturday, it was all day and especially bad all night. I didn't sleep at all. I was unable to even try to go to church because of the severity of torture. It was unending and worse than when my parents were gone, almost driving me to go to the ER.

I think someone wanted to prompt me to the ER after they first did something to turn my fingers numb. It's like all they want to do is check out their dirty work. It was extremely bad.

Someone said it was going to be stormy. yeah. I agree, it was. Like "storm trooper" stormy.

I didn't go to the ER even though it was bad enough I almost did. I didn't go to my parent's door either, because this country is acting like crap and frankly, deserves no other recognition than that it is earning a reputation for torture.

The U.S. doesn't even try to make amends for torturing their own citizens--they've refused, supposedly, to even sign anything agreeing what torture of their own people is illegal. Instead, there are laws against assault and battery and torture, yeah, but at the same time, this government signed into law provisions for torturing anyone suspected of anything, and THEIR KIDS.

So basically, the U.S. official position is that torturing of U.S. children is legal.

They claim to have laws that protect us, but if anyone can come up with any excuse at all, for interrogating someone or putting them under suspicion for about anything, they get a card that allows them to torture the children of U.S. citizens, to pressure the parents.

I said last night, after 2 nights in a row of very strong and serious torture directed torwards my entire family,--I said to my mother, "What happened to Dad's back?" and she looked at me when my Dad was in the other room and said, "That's NOTHING."

She said it, as in, if you thought that was something, that was NOTHING.

I believe this is a great underestimation of what is going on and what kinds of assault the United States is allowing against my entire family, including my son. After my mother said this, my Dad came around the corner, having been in another room playing piano, and looked worried and I think he overheard. he looked afraid.

Why shouldn't he be afraid? look at what I have witnessed. What is being done to us is torture.

My parents are highly gifted and they've been tortured and exploited and I have been refused a decent existence at all. I tried to study math today after being tortured all night and for some time I had no problem, until I was then in the calculus book. About 5 minutes after reading calculus and doing some exercises/problems, I was being lasered.

So why would anyone in the U.S. not torture me when I'm reviewing fractions but torture the living daylights out of me when I get into the calculus book?

To me, that speaks of anti-competition and vicious excuses of "research" for hate crime and jealousy crimes. I am only threatening to them if I am educating myself?

They have been torturing me ever since someone decided I was "smart".

I guess being pretty was okay, as long as I kept to my church group. But the pretty and smart combination was too much of a threat. Pretty, smart, and single. SO dangerous.

I was also thinking today, after doing some calculus problems, how this book is one of 4, all of which have editing errors and typos. 4 out of 4 of my math books have errors and then I have found the same in my Bibles. In the calculus book, answers are missing, like someone forgot to write down for a, b, c, and d. In the VNR book, someone made a mistake which I noted. In the review book there are mistakes (an impossible answer and two impossibles on adjoining pages).

Just mistakes everywhere.

I'd like to know how many huge mistakes are in the FBI and international files about me and how many of the mistakes are known to be mistakes and have no been corrected.

I was thinking, while noting the calculus mistakes, how when I was a kid, reading literature in my math classes when I was one of few top students in math...I thought, you know, this is strange. I was ALLOWED to read literature in the middle of my math classes. Right out in the open. I have always had a memory of this but today I realized, "What kind of a teacher allows a kid to do that, without correcting them, unless they WANT them to fail?" It's not like adults, who have some measure of choice and independence.

I sat right there with my literature, reading away during math class. Sometimes, propping up my huge math book upright and having my literature on the inside, with the math book backing it. As if the teacher didn't know this was weird or that I was hiding something behind the math book. Often, I didn't hide at all. I read novel after novel, right there in math class, with the teacher watching and noticing and not once did they correct me.

Instead, they waited for me to fall behind and then put me in the second highest math class.

What a way to perch. I mean, it's sort of like, if you're a teacher, and you see a kid doing this, it's your JOB to say, "Put the other book away, this is math class." Before I did this, I sped through my take-home homework as in a race, trying to be the first one to finish all the assigned homework, and before class was over. I always finished and turned it in.

Then, I was suddenly reading novels and no one corrected me even though the teacher saw the entire thing unfold.

I just think this is odd. It's waiting and watching for failure.

So now, so many decades later, now it's torture.

Literally, torture to prevent any kind of success. This is supposed to be America, you know, the United States, and I've basically been dying alive here. Any excuse about research is so secondary to the intrusion into my privacy and torture of a group of people to prevent academic or social success.

They have "classified" hate crime.

Last night, I slept a little, but the two nights earlier, I did not sleep at all. I refused to go knock on my parent's door and bother them because what can they do? and I didn't go to ER because what would they do? ask about the numbness in my fingers? Try to inject me with more radioactive or non-radioactive iodine to follow me better with?

They are allowing full blown torture of my family. This country. The FBI, police, any respective persons--they are all involved bc they have to be in order to collude to cover such things up.

My Dad showed up from work this morning with face puffed up and huge circles around his eyes.

This mention I made of Patty, Kathy, and Debbie is this...On Saturday they came over and parked right there on our property. I couldn't believe the audacity.

It's like they came over to test out the grounds. Right after I made my one post that was NOT about torture but more about "things happening". It's like they used this small door as an excuse to put their feet in to do more of their harassment, torture, and voodoo crap. So they showed up. Like witches without brooms. I knocked on the door and no one answered and I then went for a walk because I had to file something for my son's case...I guess this was Friday, not Saturday then.

So it was Friday. I was walking up to the library and then my mom waved at me from the other side and cheerfully, while walking with ponytail swinging, with Patty and Kathy next to her. They were all wearing the same colors. They were wearing blue and white and I had been wearing a gray tanktop with a green shirt over that and a maroon sweater over the green and then a gray jacket. It was Friday, the day after I wrote about 2 different bags of things tipping over face down after I mentioned pondering prophets who prophesy for hours face down and have my parents ever seen such a thing? or heard of it. I walked past this one house that day and silver things were tipped face down in a similiar way but not sure why.

So my mother walks by smiling and waving, and I waved, and it was with my left hand, not thinking, just automatic. For whatever reason, Patty and Kathy's smiles disappeared. Then instead of running over to follow them and protect my mother, I had to keep walking to the library because what could I do in a town or country where they are covering up torture of us? I already reported them. Police did nothing.

So what was I to do? follow after them?

However, NOT following them and just smiling and waving, gives the appearance that all is right and okay when it's not. My whole family is being tortured. And then sure enough, after I waved off, that night, it was brutal torture with some group feeling assured no one would be held accountable for torture and battery and assault against others.

It was after this afternoon, that I did a bottle return at night and returned to my house and I moved some things but within a few minutes, after my gloves were off, the fingers on my left hand turned numb. I actually washed the door handles and other things, wondering if someone in the neighborhood had put cocaine on my door or something. I didn't know what it was.

I've been fumigated with the same chemicals again too. It didn't happen while my parents were away, I don't think, but either last night or this morning it did.

I have been sitting in front of this computer, number 8, at the library and had the suctioning feeling happen to my heart as well, after I blogged about it.

This town is full of criminals and I don't think the U.S. is allowing my family to go anywhere--we're hostages.

I also find it really strange to note other events when I know some things going on over here. I witnessed who is responsible for torturing my Dad and creating the mark of a cross or 3 leaf clover cross on his back (the bottom part was the least delineated but it was still a cross.).

Trailer Number Seven.

I'm sort of wondering about that number seven now.

And some people, some workers who have no money, where they are getting bracelets that are only found in higher end markets. It's like the poor getting bribed to do dirty work for the rich. That includes police.

The police here are corrupt and so is "ICE" or we wouldn't be suffering. Which means the FBI is also corrupt. Which means they are instrumental to the CIA and military because they allow continued torture and assault.

1 comment:

  1. Your parents love you. They are trying to help you, YOU are causing them untold anguish. This is not torture. Why didn't you get help and a diagnoses from a Doctor before you lost your son? Maybe you wouldn't have lost him if you had tried to deal with your mental disability. If you don't make positive changes in your life you will be wasting God's gift. Stop blaming others and look in the mirror...take a giant step and work on repairing yourself.

    P.S. College financial aid is only to be used for college, not filing court papers etc...
    Food stamps are for food, not for buying bottled water and returning the bottles for deposit. That is downright shady behavior. Shame on you, Cameo. You should know better, that is not moral behavior.
    Your use of profanity is, well, obscene.
    I am praying for you and your loved ones.
