Monday, March 26, 2012

Catholic Majority Judges of WA Supreme Court

I looked up the Judges and they're majority Catholic. Not just any kind of Catholic but Jesuit.

Which is maybe why having my hearing on the 5th of April, to crush me and then celebrate their "Cruxifiction--Jesuit Risen Easter" 3 days later is a fun idea to them.

At least 5 out of the 9 of them are Roman Catholic and it looks like possibly more than 5 are. 5 is already the majority. They are tied in with Jesuits, through Gonzaga and other groups.

I could tell some of them were Catholic just by looking at their photos, without reading their bios at all.

I've had their Chief of Justice, Barbara Madsen, closer to me before, in the past, than I might have liked and she never gave me the impression she liked me, or that she was a nice person.

I first saw the assistant to the Chief judge and before reading his bio thought "he's not Catholic" but maybe I'm wrong. When I read his bio it didn't then say anything about it, but that doesn't mean he isn't.

I had a bad feeling about Susan Owens. For some reason. Nothing suggested she was Catholic, but something kept telling me to look into what she's been up to and who she's been associated with. She's not even one of the 5 that you can find right away to be Catholic. Instead, I found there are Owens from Washington to Oregon to Utah to Arizona to NM and that she's from NC which is where the Thebaults took their vacations. I don't know what that would have to do with anything but I know about the time I left, they switched from going to the shore all the time to sometimes going to North Carolina and that became the new hotspot for business execs and their families. Then I found out she'd worked for many years as a judge for two different Indian tribes in Washington state and I looked them up and it was...educational. One of them has the same cross sign that was lasered up on my Dad's back. And then on the front page for history the writer makes this snide comment about how the name La Push was a "corruption" of the "french la bouche" and then goes on to say Indians were "anglicized to have names like 'Buckey Mason, California Hobucket'. Something was just not right, and I recognized the woman on the front too. I also noticed there were "Matsons" with this tribe, which is something someone told my Dad to say over here, that I lived on "Matson" street when I was a kid when I never did. I could tell my Dad wasn't saying this of his own accord. So who knew Matson refered to Indians and wanted to make a joke about it? Then I go to the next tribe she worked for and it's "elwha" and someone makes a snide comment there about getting rid of the dam because the fish had been blocked from climbing the ladder when someone put in a fish hatchery instead to "circumvent the law". Something was just ringing a little "off" to me. Then I see one of the same guys there that I think was at this church meeting in Winston I went to, where I was seriously burned and tortured and there were British people there as well (accents). And all this stuff, while there, referencing Joy and the tanzers (for whatever reason). Then I looked up the staff at this tribe and found a bunch of "Bennetts". I have no idea if they are connected to Roman Catholic Richard Bennett in Oregon, who was/is connected to lawyers for the Archdiocese of Portland, but it was worth noting because most of them were social workers and would therefore have had close acquaintance with Ms. Judge Susan Owens. She was the only tribal judge and they were social workers. Hence, well, let's just say there are fantastic opportunities. There is more but I don't even feel like touching on some of it at the moment. There is a also, just looking, a former priest named Richard Bennett who spent time in Vancouver, B.C. (which is different from Port Angeles, which is close to Victoria, but it's still interesting. I don't trust the conversion story: I had to deal with a hateful "Bennett" at Wenatchee Valley Medical Center, who was Catholic and assistant to the Director Stuart Freed. He made his hatred of me known).

Basically, I cannot see how it would be possible to win any appeal. They stacked things up against me from start to finish.

I just looked up more about Susan Owens. She and her buddy Judge Chambers are making wide eyes at eachother across a table, exclaiming, "What's going on here?!" while my son and I were getting set up to be tortured.

See interview of Susan Owens from Seattle Gay:

What's going on here?

This is exactly what I wrote in my FBI complaint about misconduct of FBI agents Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza. I wrote it down and I made my report verbally to the Portland FBI.

How comforting to read, years into torture, that Judges joke about it. And then want to be applauded when they refer to how clever they are in their joking.

There is no possible way I will win anything at the WA Supreme Court. These Judges have a hook and line into FBI and Judges that mocked and tortured my family, from Washington state to Oregon state. Laura brought her trash to WA with her. I mean the FBI Laura that took my report regarding "What's going on here?" from Portland field offices to Washington. And like I'm supposed to believe this Judge who has been so into gay rights, doesn't know Judge Janis Wilson, who is the lesbian Judge that cut me out of a case in Oregon.

What I also found to be interesting, was note,note! the fact that the interviewer brought New Jersey into the foray. Didja notice? and she skipped right around it and tried to bring up California instead.

So like I said, I had a hunch there is something Jersey about her. Like,...yeah--what I said. And this interviewer intuited it, already knew, and wanted to slyly reference it. Why bring up Jersey for gay marriage when California is next door with tons of marriage stuff and Oregon is the lesbian capital? Why bring up Jersey unless one is wanting to tap into that Jersey connection.

My family has been tortured. My SON has been tortured. No amount of "domestic violence work" at indian reservations changes the fact that more of the Judges are as corrupt as FBI than one would like to think and that boasting about "wide eyes" and exclamations back and forth with Judge Chambers is very Ms. Wolf. What big eyes you have Ms. Wolf. What fantasticly big and brazen eyes.

This woman worked on Indian reservations for over a decade and reservations have tight proximity to feds. Feds, you know, like the same FBI I've been talking about that did nothing but joke around while a baby was tortured and they knew about it.

I would bet anything that she has a connection to Lisa Thebault, from New Jersey, who vacationed in North Carolina. I just have a feeling. And Lisa is Catholic and sent her kids to a Benedictine school which is the same religious order I sued and was punished for suing for almost a decade, to this day.

Unless I did what?

Anyway, she was also derogatory about bloggers and her interviewer said she was praised by newspapers (like Willamette Week I assume). And that is the most minor of points.

It's like, one would think if someone is pro-gay or anti-discrimination they'd be supportive of me, like Judge Wilson, one would think, could tolerate an "activist" and Judge Owens could support a single mother activist. But when it comes down to it, sometimes the exact opposite is true. You think there should be more sympathy, but if you're not as butch as they are, or can't offer any perks, they sell out to highest bidder. Maybe they do it sacrifically, "for the cause". I mean, maybe they think it's fine to sell out a christian to the lions in the colleseum if it will help them get appointed or win money for their lover.

It's like yeah, you feel pretty gay-friendly or nice and then you read about one whacking the other guy in a house with a pipe, and you meet the snippy one that you think is just snippy until you realize they are capable of torturing people too. It's like the whole "Vegans must be nice people" thing. Some of them are. And some of them will blow your arms off with a shotgun if you eat a hamburger while standing on their lawn.

So her friend Tom Chambers doesn't sound necessarily Catholic on his bio but that doesn't mean anything. He volunteers and chose Providence hospital specifically for his charity work and Providence is owned by the Roman Catholic church. There are plenty of hospitals in Olympia and he chose to work at the one funded by the Catholic church.

I started looking him up and the computer refused to allow me to search for him.

I've been tortured while writing this post too, even old-style, with the same form of torture they used on me and my son, which "whatever" group doesn't always resort to anymore. I guess they did it for fun, for good old time memories' sake. The metal in my neck, specifically, has been targeted too, just as it was first in the Seattle area, Laura's turf. It's still her turf right? Bainbridge Island? Just a quick trip across the water? I was tortured doors down from her offices and then in Bainbridge and Vancouver, WA as well.

I guess I'll go back to Susan real quick, before going forward with Tom.

I think Bujanda's boss the night I was in his car at the Burger King was a Tom. I'm sure it was a different one. He was coming back from Coos Bay area (he said) and called his supervisor (he said) on the phone. I think I'd come close to knowing the sound of his voice if I heard again and I actually think I may have heard it after that time but not known how it matched.

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