Monday, March 26, 2012

Shannon Borg #2

Please contact me.

Aside from leaving VM and email from TN, I have since sent 2 letters to your workplaces and then emailed today.

It is urgent and regarding property rights. Don't tell me you know Mike Tanzer.

I could really avoid the whole confiscation of my ring and refusal to return what belongs to me scheme.

The whole "serendipity" idea didn't work so well when repeated while I stayed with Steve May in Wenatchee and some of the people involved in transportation from your place to Wenatchee hired others to try to send me to jail and steal and delete evidence.

So basically, when I start seeing Kate Middleton showing up in dresses designed like the clothing I left with you, in the same color, when your former partner is Canadian and she's his technical "figurehead", it starts looking like either someone has been sharing my personal belongings from your side, or it's leftover fun from the Alvaro-Mykal Holt or Steve May side.

Not like anyone isn't profiting off of it either.

Hopefully it has nothing to do with your boss, because I sent the letters to their business and it makes me wonder if they went over for dinner and pilfered through my things to share what they found with others.

My life mementos and belongings were at your place, Steve May's place, and Mykal Holt's place and that's where most of my things disappeared when I've had these things since I was a kid.

You didn't contact me until I was in Nashville, TN and then wanted to dump my stuff off a few months before the great "wedding" while I was personally being tortured, so forgive me if I question motives and contacts.

And by the way, if anyone sees my ring, it was stolen and it belongs to me. It's silver with an oval green tourmaline stone in the center and was given to me by my Nana and I had it up until I broke up with my fiance and some groups decided to torture me for it. For it? for punishment? or because I no longer had his "protection"? or because someone hoped it would force me to run into his arms? I have no idea and I don't care.

This country is a piece of shit.

How exactly, was I supposed to keep anything safe if it was mailed to me there in TN where everyone knew I was holed up in a god-forsaken women's shelter that allowed torture, cut the heels of every pair of shoes I ever wore, and stole from my personal locker?

Like that was going to work.

So the timing in trying to dump all my personal things off to me at that juncture, is a little strange, given that then I was thrown into a psych ward and then thrown into a jail to be assaulted and forced to work for criminals that owned "Logan's".

So now, to find zero response to my polite requests and several attempts, doesn't look good (to me at least).

Once I have a safe place to receive my things, then nothing?

It was great to be entertained and then tortured. What a mix. I mean, for all of the people who entertained me or wanted to get close or "help", I certaintly was alone when I was being tortured.

It wasn't like no one noticed what was happening to me and my son.

It's not like I wasn't tortured or anything, or like I didn't lose my singing voice to Seattle's Ugly Ursulla.

So it would be really great to skip past the bs about "serendipity" and meet someone who has documents that will prove I am being tortured and who is doing it.

That might be serendipitous. Everything else, is turning out to look like a gang bang by the U.S. government. I guess I should add the religious criminals who colluded in Canada because the UN report is next regarding them and their collusion with the U.S.

SO. I would really appreciate a reply as to my question and I would also like to meet whoever has information I could actually use to put people in jail. Or just, maybe not be tortured would be nice and have my son returned by my proof that this country has allowed criminals in high places to ruin my and my son's life.

Why is it, exactly, that it's only if I stay with certain people, the U.S. decides not to torture?

I stay with Borg, and wow. No torture. I stay with Pardo, and wow. No torture. But if I stay with my own family or my son or even try to stay with my grandparent's overnight, I witness and experience torture and that's been since the FBI report and litigation in 2005.

"Can I torture you and take your eggs too?"

It's like Cruella DeVille with her spotted puppies--WHERE ARE THEY WHERE ARE THEY? THE LITTLE SPOTTED THINGS!

Can I torture you, take an order from Seattle to kick me out of federal housing, trap me to live with military criminals, and then try to squeeze you to give up eggs just to have money to escape terrorism.

I don't have the right to my son or to be a surrogate mother for someone, because I would have happiness or money. But they want to squeeze me for some eggs of their own.

Happy fucking Easter.

These horrid Catholics have this set up to have me lose my son with finality on April 5th, which is the deadline for filing for discretionary review when they torture me all the way up to this point, I get serious medical complications, and shut down my laptop after I write to the UN. Then they want to celebrate Easter on the 8th, 3 days after they hope to bury me and my son for good.


DO YOU FUCKING KNOW why I haven't tried to write more in my UN complaint?


I was punished for making a UN complaint and copying the OIG, and they attempted to prevent me from correcting things and then let the FUCKING Washington Judicial Committee DISMISS an extremely serious report of multiple crimes by Roman Catholic Judge Gerald Warren.

Do you know who is supposed to investigate JUDICIAL CRIME? the FBI. But as long as Laura Laughlin was in, they knew they were covered with her protective mantle. She has prevented anyone from investigating anything to do with religious crime and she is the one who is moving around to follow progress of Archdiocese matters and offer protection to those who torture and intimidate.

No one is investigating Gerald Warren because he got his friends in the FBI to back him up, from Washington to Oregon. He is a criminal.

He tried to play himself off later as the nice guy, thinking just because I was engaged to a Catholic, I had forgotten what he'd done.

That's what they wanted and hoped for. They hoped that I was going to "forgetaboutit".

FUCKING mobsters. This Pope is a mobster just like all the others and his entire crew.

I'm supposed to get "disabilty" and insurance from the same U.S. government office that has deleted records about my request to have my son's number revoked, which went OVER MY HEAD and OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE LAW to TAG him with a number after their buddies had tortured the living daylights out of us.

CPS had no right to request a number for my son when they stole him from me, and the federal government offices of SSA had no right to provide one to anyone other than his biological mother and legal guardian. The STATE was not his guardian. They have been a piece of shit and they know it, and they spent billions of taxpayer money on OUR case.

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