Monday, March 26, 2012

SSA, Archdiocese & CPS Fraud (Illegal Assignment of #)

They reinstated my son's Social Security number after I applied to have it revoked.

I just found out The State of Washington and CPS applied for my son's Social Security number through Spokane, Washington on April 10, 2008.

Not only that, they are claiming to have no record of my request to have his number completely REVOKED (not 'rescinded') in 2007.

Basically, I will have to check, but it looks like they pulled this stunt when I was in Washington D.C., right after the corrupt Judge Hotchkiss hung up on me in order to give the state a default win of guardianship of my son in contested sheltercare.

He told me on the spot, that I had to be pro se and then hung up on me when I protested. Then, when I asked for discovery from WA state and CPS so I could file an appeal on this hearing, they refused to mail it to me within the timeframe I had to file a Notice of Appeal.

I asked both Paul Cassel, the public defender who had my file, and CPS/AG to send me the file and the decision of the court, the court order, so I could file for a notice of appeal and they did not do it.

They didn't send it to me until I was living on Euclid St., after I'd been there awhile. They sent it to me past the deadline for filing a timely notice of appeal.

They are so FUCKING corrupt and criminal it's not funny.

Spokane, Washington filed for a Social Security number against my will and desires, for my son, on April 10, 2008. Brother Ansgar's birthday is April 11 (I believe, I remember it was April).

They tortured us and did this entire thing over Mt. Angel Abbey and my reporting their monks and then the FBI for colluding to protect them with religiously motivated agents. I think FBI Raul Bujanda's birthday was also in April. It's possible Br. Ansgar's birthday was April 29 and Bujanda's was April 11, I just remember both of them told me their birthdays were in April.

I asked if there was any record of my correspondence with the SSA and SSA said no. They said, "It must not have been entered electronically" and I said, "It was, because it was there in the federal computer system when I had to go back and ask them to correct what they had done, in saying they had 'rescinded' the number, and revoking it permanently instead."

They pulled all the information up, and the documents had been scanned into the electronic system at that time.

So now they are not there.

I sent CPS and the WA AG request after emergency request, and emailed Paul Cassel several times, asking them to send me my court file (since Cassel wasn't my lawyer, said the Judge at the last minute) and for the court order and discovery from the AG. They never sent it to me and I gave them the address.

I told Michelle Erickson, the same bitch who later attempted to lie and protect herself by smearing me with a claim of "anti-harassment".

I sent email to Paul Cassel, who is a Roman Catholic best friend to Roman Catholic Judge Hotchkiss, and he refused to reply or answer. I called Michelle several times and spoke with her in person, and with her supervisor and with Marie Scanlon. I sent requests in writing to the CPS and AG offices by email, and I contacted the Court of Douglas County and asked them to send the court order.

None of them complied with the law.

After it was past the deadline for filing appeal for that part of the case, THEN, later, the AG sent a box of documents to Euclid in Washington D.C. I didn't open it immediately because I already knew what they had done. They had criminally conspired to refuse me evidence and withhold evidence, to keep me from defending my own son according to rules of court.

Who cares if they finally sent the file, if they didn't do it in the time frame they knew they had to do it? They screwed me over first, and then they made an appearance of complying with the law.

Later, I was mocked over this by one of the Jennifer's who works as a lawyer for the Appeal firm in Seattle, of Nielson, Brohman and Koch. I kept telling her there was withheld evidence and that it was crucial enough to affect the outcome of the court, and she began gleefully saying, assuming I was talking about this incident, "You can't go back and appeal a Judge hanging up on you now." I didn't even bring up the fact that evidence was withheld from me to even defend my son at that point and juncture. SHE brought it up. She maliciously flaunted the idea that I could never appeal Judge Hotchkiss's action.

My parental rights had not been terminated.

Not only that, CPS and the AG already knew, because there was an entire Administrative Hearing over it, that I had my son's number revoked and that it was against my stated religious and philosophical beliefs to have a number assigned to him.

They had no grounds for maliciously trying to override what I had established by law. They already knew that my son could receive "benefits" without having a SS# because that was already established in court.

They had zero legal basis for doing this other than malice.

They did not need a SS# for providing benefits to him and they already knew this, because of the court hearing outcome in which they participated in.

I was already working at The Post Pub in Washington D.C. when they did this. I was also working, at that time, I believe, at the coffee place for an Iranian/Persian owner whose clientele was English and American. Most of the people that went there were either American or had British, Irish, or Australian accents. WAY more accents than I might have expected.

And when I tried to contact the D.C. CPS later, they colluded with Wenatchee CPS and all of it is under the Children's Adminstration umbrella in D.C.

I am assuming the number assignment was after I was hung up on. My son was kidnapped from me sometime in January of 2008 I believe, and then they didn't let me see my son for a full month until sometime late February which is about the time CPS and the AG called me about "dropping" and "dismissing" the whole case. It was in February or March that they asked what I would do if they dismissed the case. I said, "I'll sue. It doesn't matter if you drop it or don't, you're still getting sued."

So when I said I was going to sue them, they decided to commit more crime to cover their tracks.

I just looked up jurisdiction again.

This is why they illegally obtained a number for my son. They were attempting to illegally establish jurisdiction. They knew it could be argued they never had jurisdiction for a number of reasons and they also knew it wasn't necessary to have a SS# to provide benefits to my son.

They applied for a SS# to try to hook him into a contractual nexus with the State and federal government (more specifically) as a "citizen".

Aside from going against my parental wishes, by illegally renewing the number I had asked to have revoked, they were trying to prove jurisdiction.

They put their stamp, tag, and brand on my son like he was a piece of cattle. Army cattle.

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