Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Continued Torture and Obstruction of Justice

Basically, there is nothing new to add when my entire family continues to be exploited, tortured, and degraded in this country. The FBI is the main group that should be sued.

I was never tortured before I went out with their employees and made a complaint to their offices. While yes, I can count use of military to trigger migraines selectively, it is completely different from full-time, non-stop torture and then abduction of my child. There is no way I'd go back to Canada either; they colluded with the U.S. officials, not all of them, but those in charge at the time. It was set up and they knew ahead of time.

For the last almost two months, I had no computer and no way to communicate with the outside world at all except by trying to use the library now and then, where they used harassment and degrading treatment to chase me out.

Then, only as of today, I was able to access a computer and all that's happened is one problem after another. It's basically sending me the message that anything I do online or attempt to do will be obstructed and ruined.

All of a sudden, it's been social gang-banging against my parents too, even with media. Just now, I got a pop up ad from Google about "find stolen cars, earn big rewards in your town!" which is nothing more than a reference to something I once blogged about my Dad from his youth before he was 15 even. And then the other night, the weather channel had a nice little segment of "Coast Guard in Alaska" showing a man being hauled off of a ship who looked just like my Dad as they called him "the litter". "Clear the litter from the deck"... and I looked over at my Dad as I watched this, from a channel I was forced to watch when I was in Nashville, TN waiting at the only bus station every day, I said to my Dad, "Is that what they call it? the litter?" and really, making more of a note at how they had chosen to feature a man whose hands and fingers and facial outline was an exact match for my own Dad.

It's been disgusting actually.

I know more now than ever, that it's only being done to us out of fear. Not really fear of me but more of my parents and their unique gifts and then, I guess, the fear that this could put me ahead in some way or ruin some of the plans of the corrupt, FBI or not.

I am sure that Laura Laughlin is corrupt.

She has to be.

I mean Laura Laughlin (aka "Julie Thornton") with the FBI in Washington State. There is no conceivable way my son and I could be full-blown tortured if she is not and since I met Rick Baken around the same time, or after moving there, and he's retired FBI, it really creates a suspicious picture.

How does one go from having a relatively successful life and doing so many things to being tortured and having their child tortured and abducted unless the FBI is mafia or worse than mafia. All they've done, with their employees, is encourage hate crime against us. They have not only acted against us, they have incited hatred against my family, and slandered us to disuade anyone from having sympathy.

Then I have problems with every single U.S.-run and operated agency I've ever had to deal with, whether it's to get unemployment, to file taxes, to ask about housing, transportation, or education.

They don't want to return my son because they tortured him, abducted him from me knowing what was going on, and then attempted to "invest" in him by using him for mind control research as a cover for sheer hate and trying to get at others.

Every single legal case or stage in my legal process to prove what was going on with my son has been illegally blocked by U.S. employees, whether they are with federal or state government.

And now I am trying to use a computer that is monitored by who knows how many groups, and just one problem after another and then, after a break today in not being tortured (after being tortured all day and night yesterday and the day before), then a few jabs here and there while I try to get online.

Blocked from federal sites, all the way around, at the library and here as well. And then I keep getting emails from federal agencies telling me I have this problem and that problem. And then sending a new email to say, "Oh, actually, you don't."

I even have employees that I am being nice to, and polite with, telling me from their positions that they are sending me emails to clear up problems that are occuring and then they never do. I never get anything.

On this computer just tonight, it disconnected several times, and then none of the federal sites I tried to go to for tax or other information that THEY emailed me about, won't open. So I turn off the blockers and still there are problems. Then I couldn't even do a normal google search for anything.

Unless there is a national emergency and other countries are attacking the entire www and U.S. server infrastructures, it looks like plain targeting and harassment. All of the search results come up tailored as if someone had to think about it first, and come up with whatever they thought would be funny (to them) rather than with results that fit parameters of what I was searching for.

Now after accessing a site that requires a password, I am just now given the message that my account has been "disabled". This is after several times, instead of showing me a whole screen, they were showing me only half of a screen from their webpages, half of it, right up to the middle. It wasn't like the computer was slow to process, it was someone deliberately allowing (somehow) only one half of the monitor to show text, up to the middle, and then leaving the other side blank. This has happened quite often for me, even on my personal laptop I always use which broke down. But now, several times again tonight with my first time trying to use this computer. After showing only half the screen multiple times, then I got the "disabled" message and was told I have to talk to someone to fix my account because my account is "disabled".

As for google, I tried searching one item and the entire screen went blank and nothing searched at all, even though it had brought up the "funny" results before quickly enough. And who knows, maybe it was another attempt at being "funny" because they left the entire screen white--blank as in, without even the google icons or anything, just solid white, right after I typed in a search for "atomic expression, predicate logic".

I sent my search several times, and just a blank white screen. Then I search for something else and results came up and finally, for this other thing as well, but over and over, just people goofing off. People who have a lot of time on their hands and nothing decent to do.

I typed in a couple of things to look something up and satisfy my curiosity on some things I had been reading, but mainly, I was attempting to work and even this, that search was actually work, because it goes with the math study I have tried to do for myself while being basically held hostage and forced out of communication or contact for/with the UN regarding torture.

My parents look like they are about to die. They do not look good, and maybe for someone who doesn't know them and hasn't seen them, they could chalk it up to "age" and really, it has nothing to do with this.

My Dad looked worried this entire morning, I thought, after he showed up with blackened eyes and an odd vein and line sticking out of his cheek which I noticed while he was sitting at the store when we went shopping. I stopped and he was sitting there talking to someone and he had this odd and new line sticking out on his cheek below his eyes, where his eyes were basically dented in and dark almost to the point of being black.

Then we got home and my mother's eyes were pitch black on the insides. Newly blackened and I never even noticed any kind of blue or light red brusing first, going to brown, as before. They were just black but she didn't have make-up on and usually she does...she was right before bed so I caught her off-guard.

They are being tortured.

I was too, the last couple of days, and then it has been much better this afternoon and tonight but still a few things and I don't know about my parents. Even if I am not tortured, exactly how am I supposed to function when everything I do or attempt to do to protect myself or be productive is obstructed? They're trying to chase me out of this country. They want to either use me for free or chase me out to find a way to bypass all laws and do worse in a foreign country and keep me from reporting what is happening to my mom and dad.

And yes, they are attacking and assaulting my parents and exploiting them. And yes, my parents are gifted. My Dad doesn't even know anything about math theory and the other night I was reading in theory and then this cat came up which has been stealing the food from our cat and he got a gun to shoot some pellets to scare it off (not hurt it, just scare it), and right after this, he made a shot right in front of me. He's not done it once since I have been here. I go back to my book and read about the "shots from the guns of ____ are with unsurpassed range." They know if I will think, say or have a mannerism before I even do. Not perfectly, but very accurate, usually only off sometimes if I last-minute changed my mind but still had thought something for a long time. This morning my Dad drove me to look over at a cow farm and then look at the water flooding next to our house and made a point of it and then tonight I ended up on a youtube video with a cow and then a flood in the same way and right after that, I chose loreena mckinnet's "Stolen Child" video and she says the same thing in the beginning that my Dad repeated in the car on the way to go shopping. Only she is talking about the irish who captured and then "recaptured"...and then this computer refused to play the rest. The connection was fine and working and it was just some group again, interrupting anything and everything I do. I had only chosen to listen to 2 songs and both were interferred with and I gave up. Basically, in the last few days, my parents showed me more of what they can do and there are others in this area who do similiar things but they torture my parents.

I mean, there are a whole bunch of people in this town that practice this kind of thing. I lived in Wenatchee where they just tortured and practiced hypocrisy and hate, and only noticed a few things at the Russian Baptist church. That was before I even had any clue about my own parents' abilities at all. I had no idea. But I was tortured in Wenatchee, as was/is my son. In this town though, it's like the Logan's restaurant where I was forced to work while being assaulted and used. Here, there are a bunch of people living in close proximity who all practice this kind of mind reading, psi crap. I call it crap here, because that's what they've made of it--they are using certain gifts to target others, assault and kidnap people and force them to work for them, and to lie and exploit political and religious ends with it.

It is so bad that I have literally wondered if my parents are not twins and the U.S. does not seriously, by full definition, kidnap them and force extraordinary rendition and torture one set while using the other set to cover. I mean, that idea sounds nuts, until you live through torture in this country and know this government is capable of allowing and coercing others to do anything for them.

This is why they have targeted us and why they stole my son. They tortured us for hate crime reasons and then tried to mask it and utilize what was done for U.S. research gimmicks. My son has basically been trafficked to work for the government.

If things can change or turn around, what evidence is there for that? They're torturing me for 5 years, kidnapped my son from me, damaged me permanently in some ways, and my son as well, and then something is going to change? Why? because James Whitey is going to rat on Laura Laughlin?

Or what. Someone finally has something to blackmail Mueller with?

These groups did not just allow crimes, they have facilitated them and coordinated it. When torture is committed against civilians in the U.S., it's not just the FBI either--it's the CIA and military too, and there is no way they don't all know what is going on. They have to collude to accomplish this kind of thing, and conspire with their chosen mob.

So yeah, I will trust this country when this country makes an apology, and returns my son to me in the same way they stole him from me. In an instant. Such as, "Ms. Garrett, there has been a grave and serious mistake...and we are sorry...and here is your son." And how likely is that when they are still allowing torture of us at present? I will believe it when it happens.

I wasn't a babysitter for all those kids for pocket change. I wasn't a babysitter like some girls, who just took it as a chore or way to have an allowance of some kind. I always invested in it with the thought of having my own child. Even when I was a nanny, and when I considered being an elementary teacher as well. Yes, I cared about other kids, of course, but my purpose and motive for it was to educate myself in order to be an outstanding mother for the several children I thought I would have one day.

So it's not like the U.S. just took a kid from a mom who didn't really care (when they should never take a child from any parent for the reasons they did mine). It's not like they even took my son from a "good mom" who happened to have a kid and did a good job parenting.

None of it was coincidence or by accidence. The pregnancy was unplanned, but my preparation for eventual motherhood was a conscious and deliberate choice I made from the time I was a preteen and they did not just take my son, they ruined my vocation and my entire life, not to mention permanently traumatizing a child who was raised in an outstanding way.

I chose to devote myself to educating myself for my child. I figured I could do more things for myself when my kids were in school, but you never outgrow your kids. This was what I spent all of my work torwards, and for this country to do this to me and to my SON, when he was so attached, and then to RIP him from such a secure bond, is unforgivable.

Even during torture, full blown torture that harmed his speech and mind and mine as well, even then, we had eachother. My son still felt secure with his mother and knew how much he was loved and despite torture, was always observed as being nothing but "such a very happy child."

The FBI ruined his life.

They have stolen 5 years of my and my son's life and they have ruined our lives.

There is no possible way they could ever return to my son what they took from him. They could ammend by returning him to his mother, but they will never repair what damage has been done and they know it.

I will never, ever, forgive them for this.

Not only that, how my parents function after what has been done to him and their own kids, I don't know. I guess they tried to condition them, because this country has been exploiting and abusing them since they were toddlers.

I don't think it happened quite like what happened to me and my son though. What happened with us was more hatred and then the same old mind-control U.S. research idea got thrown on top of it as an excuse to keep it a secret.

My son never looks happy anymore. His smiles are forced and cautious. He is not the same child at all.

The FBI RUINED his life.

As for other things I've realized, political and religious stuff, I figured out a few more things, but really, no amount of harassment or slight stalking can compare to the outrageous obstruction of justice and torture that I have witnessed, been forced to witness from a helpless position, and experienced. They have not just tortured me, they wanted me to watch and see my son being tortured in front of my eyes.

God damn them. Seriously, God damn them.

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