Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Torture of Family Continues

All day I have been tortured.

I was tortured while waiting at a 7th Day Adventist church and only in that location, and then at my house. Nothing happened on the way over and back.

Tonight I've had 5 Aleve all at once and still the pain level is severe and the metal in my neck is being targeted.

I took 2 Aleve earlier today and it didn't help and tonight after taking 5 of them, after waiting about 8 hours, it does nothing to help the pain.

It is the FBI.

It was the FBI, according to a former FBI employee, who told me so back in 2005, and it is still the FBI. It's corrupt FBI working with mobsters and military who are all part of the same church basically.

I am also noticing the coordination between certain state and federally funded employees with regard to delaying things and ordering my parents around with respect to me.

My case with my son has been obstructed and I have been forced out of researching for it, or writing because this government ruined my laptop that I was using the same day that I filed my UN complaint and copied the Office of the Inspector General for Justice in Washington D.C. They basically stole over a month of my time by ruining my computer.

I am also noticing groups of people who are doing horrendous things, only in the hopes that I will write about them and what about my personal life on this blog. They are harassing me and obstructing justice only for the purpose of trying to prompt me to complain online about it so that it gives their buddies a convenient excuse for having "discovery" of what I am working on or trying to do.

I know exactly what they are hoping for and they're not getting it.

In the meantime, all day long the metal in my neck was targeted to cause pain and I was being observed by people who were there to just see what my reaction was.

There were people at this church I went to, who watched me to see what my reaction was, and then even at home, I guess the U.S. has commissioned my mother and forced her to ask me what it feels like and how bad the level of pain is just for the benefit of those who monitor and surveil our house and hear everything we say. I said, "Why? because the military wants to know how bad the pain is so they can then target Pakistanis and Afghans and others with the same thing?"

It's not a question my mother would ask, not in the way she asked. It's something she was told to ask out loud, where our discussion would be overheard and then they could try to chalk up religious hate crime to "research" and attempt to document it as if this makes it legitimate.

All they are trying to do is legitimize torture.

Several of the men I stood next to at this church, they all knew what was happening to me. I am not saying everyone in that building or around it, or nearby knew, but there were people who knew and they tried to cover for the origin by fumbling around in their pockets, all of them at the same time, as if to suggest to me that one of them held a device that caused this. They all knew I was being tortured and all of them stared at me and looked me in the eye and talked to me as if nothing was wrong. Maybe one of them looked guilty...I mean, had a guilty look in his eyes like he knew what was happening and he knew it was illegal.

Did they all have metal in their necks that was being triggered as they fumbled around in their pockets? Is that how they all knew to do this when they knew I had the metal in my neck triggered to cause severe pain?

I mean, what? they all have metal in their teeth? or they just happened to know where I was going that day because I walked there and it took time for me to walk there, and then they knew what was going to be done to me?

They are trying to cover up hate crime.

Any attempt to make it into observation and research is a cover for nothing other than hate crime. And while my migraines were most likely triggered by an unnatural source, it was not night and day torture as began when I suggested some of the FBI colluded with religious motive to obstruct me from court and my lawsuits.

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