Sunday, March 25, 2012

Droopy Eye & "L"

I still have the droopy eye. I got the droopy eye after I ate some baguettes called "bullions" and they gave me 6 of them. It was given to me at the 7th Day Adventist church where the pastor doubles as the town "psychologist" (the one I've mentioned before).

I think it was from that or from the mixes I made that tasted like chemicals. I basically had a sudden painful stomach after eating just a couple of the baguette/rolls (which were named "bullions") and then slept all day and this wasn't typical. I ate all 6 in one afternoon and then after stomach pain, felt tired. I didn't use butter on them, so the only other thing I used was my salsa which I make and keep in a see-through (clear) bottle in my house. It's water, apple cider vinegar, and pureed habanero with a small amount of organic onion pureed and then shaken and the habanera settles at the bottom a little.

To make it, it's a 8 or 10 oz. bottle so about half apple cider vinegar (or more) and then water, puree one habanero (scotch bonnet) with maybe 1/16 of an onion, shake.

It's what has happened in Wenatchee though, after they doped me up there on something. Severe stomach cramps and then drowsiness to sleeping half of the day and then a droopy eye following this.

I just need to finish writing my UN complaint about Canada and include the U.S. and finish the draft I sent to the OIG.

I took my laptop in to have it worked on and I told them when it was powered off intentionally, that night, they had the "L" key quit working first.

When I told the woman who has it to repair, I said I need a receipt to show court and then when I got it, it said the "k" and "l" key were stuck but that's not how it was.

It was the "L" key. The "K" key was working fine still, because I was still using it to type searches. The one they forced out to stop working was the "L" key.

So if something changed, from my hands to theirs, who knows what the significance is supposed to be, but she was so firm on saying it was the "K" key too. It wasn't.

So I asked to have things backed up and the entire thing restored and I don't know when it will be done but it has things for my UN complaint that I haven't sent yet. I intend to include photos that prove what has happened.

My Dad says it's not evidence. I don't know how it's not evidence if I am saying this is what I feel and these are the things that are happening, and then this is a photo of the result of what was done.

Aside from that, is the UN going to say the gash to my son's face was a "scratch" like CPS tried to tell me? Do you KNOW who called this cut out of my son's face "a scratch?" Michelle Erickson.

The same woman who lied and made up a story for a harassment order, lied about torture and evidence of this on my son. She even lied about the result, trying to say it was a scratch.

Police in Wenatchee went so far as to steal my videocamera from me and take it into their custody to then destroy and delete all evidence from our visits. They did this before any Judge gave an order to "ban" documentation of our visits and the police knew this.

Right after the Judge ordered no documentation, I knew someone was going to try to torment me by then doing something to my son, for me to SEE, knowing I would feel helpless and be unable to document it.

I took the photo anyway.

I took it against court order and I figured they could go ahead and put me in jail for violating a court order that was allowing torture of a child.

God damn Judge Hotchkiss and I hope he goes to jail.

Then when confronted with how I took the photo against court order I simply replied the order was to not take photos while in the visitation room and had said nothing about taking photos while on bathroom break.

So I technically didn't even violate the order but what did this Judge do? he threatened me.

And THEN he refused to file the photo of my son's cut into the court record when I filed it.


This man protected his FRIENDS who TORTURED my son.

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