Sunday, March 25, 2012


I tried to bring up torture today to my parents, after going through more torture at church.

My Dad said, "Don't bring that garbage around here. You can keep it at your house, but don't bring it over here."

He said this even though they are being tortured. Since he kept bringing up garbage I wondered if he also knew I had a lot of garbage in my house because I've been saving papers from things I use and consume to make a collage.

I mainly want to paint, but I am saving scraps of things, almost everything really, for some kind of art project with the idea of collage. So I have almost no trash at all, because whatever is leftover food I compost and then most of the paper and cartons are saved for art.

I don't know when I will get around to it, but that's what I've done. Not only that, it keeps those who pilfer through my trash for use in voodoo stuff, at bay.

My Dad has not been in my house, but I have a huge cupboard that, if you open it up, looks full of "trash" or garbage but it's all cleaned or washed and then stored there for later use in collage.

Before I went to church this morning I had an impression of someone sewing with a needle and thread but don't know who. So I guess that's not a very good impression.

I really don't care about it though. I care about being torture-free and having my son returned to me, not about whatever someone wants to make of me or my life instead. Their fears are their own fears. My only concern is being free from their fears because it is their fear that has lead to our torture.

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