Sunday, March 25, 2012

Church Today & Torture By U.S. Against Citizens

I tried a new church today, just meeting different people, and it was fine. I wasn't tortured this morning, in general, and had no droopy eye from it, and I wasn't while I walked to church, but once there, after standing in one place and setting my things down, about 5-10 minutes later, I was being tortured.

The droopy eye is being triggered by torture, not meds. I kept thinking it had something to do with being medicated, and sometimes that has happened concurrently, but the actual droopy eye has been occuring after I've been specifically tortured and exposed to torture by military/FBI means. I don't know what cops/FBI has that military doesn't have, but it's not like all they have are tasers anymore. They are into experimentation like the other groups, just not as much.

I know that my own parents have been targeted and tortured because I've been there when it happened and felt the same thing. I've seen this droopy eye on my mother, in a photo (though not lately or since I've been here) from 2006 or so, for her work. I've also seen it on others and it's not medications.

It is evidence of the U.S. targeting their own citizens and experimenting with them, sometimes for so-called legitimate research and other times, out of hate crime.

That guy Jerod, the one who shot all these people over in Arizona and then was locked up in jail, everyone has seen his photo and he has the same droopy eye too. He wasn't on any meds, as far as I know, at the time they picked him up and photographed him.

This country is torturing their own citizens and then jailing them to cover for state-sanctioned religious crimes.

Do I feel like shooting people just because I have a droopy eye? No, of course not, and neither did my mother or probably anyone else who might possibly relate. Jerod obviously had some other things going on and I think he had a history of some kind of abuse or something like that.

What I do know, is that if the CIA, which he claims he worked for, in coordination with the military, if they used him for research, are they really going to admit to it after he shoots people? From what I have heard, he claimed to be helping with some kind of mind psi research but I never heard him talk about consent to be tortured.

This does not excuse his killing people. However, why is the U.S. putting people in jail when the real people who should be in jail are cops, CIA, and military that act on their own accord to ruin people they want out of their way.

He went to jail for shooting people. Rightly, and yet, he shows up with evidence on his own face of being tortured, as a citizen, in his own country, by the U.S. It's like the Oklahoma Bomber, who supposedly was this terrorist when actually, he was an MK-Ultra victim that was so tormented and tortured by people in his own government, he decided to live out in the woods to try to escape. The teacher, who shot a bunch of her own coworkers who were faculty, remember that? all of a sudden, the most conspicuous thing happens (which I reported before the FBI retaliated against me and threw ME into a psych ward with DEA recommend), where she starts to talk and all of a sudden, this major FBI "profiler" out of Quantico, VA feels he needs to create this big misinformation schpeel for the media. The question was why did they care so much? From surrounding evidence, there was some idea that she also was possibly an MK-Ultra victim.

So when does the FBI pick up the check?

The FBI is responsible for preventing torture and abuse of its own citizens. So if the CIA and military "get carried away" or make excuses for something, or even venture the FBI in on it, when does the FBI start taking responsibility for its own actions?

Historically, the FBI has sometimes acted exactly like a cartel, taking out people they don't want around, as some claim has happened to activists in the past.

For me, and from what I've seen from a few others, is that even if someone has not committed any crime or done anything to go to jail for, the FBI and cops find a way to put those they abuse and torture in jail or in the mental hospital, one way or the other.

I reported torture by calling 911.

Isn't 911 for "emergencies"? Since when is torture NOT an emergency. I wasn't able to prove I was tortured but they weren't able to prove I was NOT tortured either. And they KNEW I was being tortured because some of them are in on it.

They threw ME in JAIL after they tortured me. I had not committed any crime. I REPORTED crime and assault against my person and I was thrown into jail for it and injected with a foreign substance and degraded. They literally arrested me and took me to jail "for calling 911" and then later, I guess someone got worried if I ever proved I had been tortured I could go back to this incident. So he added, "disorderly conduct" when there was no crime. I had not been disorderly and that is not the excuse they gave me for taking me to the Knoxville Detention Center either.

They knew that if I knew they were experimenting with me in a federal facility that I knew they also had something to do with (or were aware of) my being tortured with technology outside of their facility, and that therefore they knew my emergency call to 911 was valid. So they tried to stick me with something else that didn't have anything to do with torture or emergency. And they didn't add the other thing until AFTER they knew I knew what they were doing with me in the plexiglass room.

This is not the first time I have been imprisoned for trying to report assault or serious crimes against me or my son.

This country seems so safe but it's not anymore. They are opening doing and allowing the exact same things they sanction other countries for. How this makes good international sense I have no idea. They punish people for trying to report hate crimes or torture?

This is where I think there still has to be some good people in there somewhere but either my case was navigated around to all the wrong people first, just as they premeditated my trip to Canada 2 years ahead of time, and then made it look "spontaneous", or the power is in the wrong hands.

One of the women at this church today, was a cop I thought. Then I left church and there was a cop parked not far away. It's nothing new.

Aside from being tortured, I tried to worship in my own way and sat on the right, when I usually sit on the left, but this woman told me to sit there and I was a guest so I did. Then they had all these boys in checkered shirts like they wore at the Russian Baptist and they had a slide show about mission work. In the bulletin they had a calendar of events and one was the stations of the cross at the Catholic church (no thank you). I ended up wearing green, cream, and my jeans. Not that it matters and I had my hood over my hair bc it had been raining and since I sat near the back just left it on as it kept me warm.

I felt I was able to connect with God and the Holy Spirit and then someone just started torturing away. It was just so obnoxious and I couldn't believe. But I sat there and thought I can move or stay here and deal with it bc it doesn't where I move to, it's military, and they target me wherever. So I stayed there as I was lasered and targeted to the metal in my neck and pain in the one ear as a result. But I still kept my mind on God.

I liked the scriptures most about the service. The music in the beginning I guess, and the scriptures. And then I shook a few hands and left but then thought I should greet the pastor so turned around and found him on the left side. I was invited to dinner and accepted but then about 5 minutes or more later, I got a bad feeling. Not necessarily about him, but about something, and it was a very bad feeling so I greeted more people and cancelled lunch and then went home.

The first thing I thought about when home was "I wonder how long Laura Laughlin watched children suffer in abuse, rape, and torture, in her "investigation project inn NY" before apprehending anyone."

What was the timeline I wonder. I mean, did they sit around watching kids get raped for 3 years?

My other thought now, is since she has been transfered from one clergy child sex bankruptcy state to another, how long before the claims came up was she in Oregon?

If the FBI doesn't prevent torture of me and my child, that is TORTURE. How can anyone expect them to defend kids on anything.

The FBI knows that they should have prosecuted the Catholic church under RICO and instead, they try to torture and bump off anyone that wonders why they feel so free to collude with the Vatican.

Here's a clip from Laughlin's bio through an official FBI website:
"While assigned to the New York office, Ms. Laughlin was a team leader on a public corruption/organized crime investigation. In that case, associates of the La Cosa Nostra (the Mafia) bribed city health officials on a city service contract to transport foster children throughout the five boroughs. Losses to the city were approximately $5 million."

You can tell where their heart is. "Losses to the city were approximately $5 million". At any rate, maybe it was mainly about transportation contract, but regardless, it shows familiarity with her dealing with mafia (she dealt with other ones too) and with CPS (i.e., foster children).

If she worked on a case that had ANYTHING to do with foster kids, she was working for and with CPS. It's not like some FBI guy running the Washington offices knew nothing about CPS. She was acquainted and she allowed and paid for torture of children.

I knew it. She transfered to Oregon at the start of the Archdiocese sex scandals. I should set up office to investigate FBI and bring THEM to justice.

Okay, so remember how, in my last post, I suggested it was odd that Laura Laughlin covered for religious hate crime in Oregon during the clergy sex abuse cases? and then how it was odd she transfered to Washington to head up FBI at the start of another clergy sex abuse case?

In THIS post, I wondered when she even got transfered to Oregon at all, or asked for the transfer. Because if she's acting as a Vatican bouncer and shutting out reports of religious hate crime, and following clergy sex abuse cases, it would follow someone might know to put her "in place" in Oregon at a convenient time. Which is what happened.

So now I wonder if she asked for the transfer to Oregon, or if it was assigned, and by whom.

On the FBI site, it doesn't mention her being in Oregon at all. It mentions Philadelphia and then Seattle. But she was in Oregon before Seatte, WA because I talked to her in Oregon and she was beneath the then-head of the Portland division. So why would the FBI leave that out of her bio?

This is the bio currently, for Laughlin. No mention anywhere of Portland, Oregon. I guess it mentions "Portland" at the beginning, at the top, but there is a Portland, Maine in the U.S. as well as a Portland, Oregon so who would know? And they left out the chronology of when she worked in the Portland, Oregon offices.

I talked to her in 2004, before she ever transfered to a job in Washington state. I talked to "Laura Laughlin" (but she went by Laurie there) from the FBI field offices in Portland and she tried to refuse taking a report about misconduct by FBI employees. I remember my conversation with her, and that I called the Portland FBI offices and I was talking to her, and she was speaking to me from a landline at that field office.

On her bio it says she was in Washington D.C. and then Philadelphia as an assistant to Special Agent in Charge in 2001. From that office, she must have gone to Portland, Oregon, but the FBI isn't wanting to fill in the time line now. The information was there in the past and they've changed it. She managed white collar crime and cyber-crime in 2001 in Philadelphia. Then it says she was promoted to a position in 2003 (it doesn't say where) and then that she got transfered (again?) in June 2004.

She was then allegedly transfered and promoted to Seattle in December 2004.

So Ms. Laughlin was put in place one month before the Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy in 2004.

She may have been there from 2003-on, because a promotion can also mean a transfer and it is clear from this bio that the FBI is trying to be vague and evasive for a reason?

Why? They are criminals and moved around their own personal criminal agents just as the Catholic church moves around their sexual predators.

The Catholic church and Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy for the first time in history, over child sex crimes, July 6, 2004, at the Portland, Oregon federal bankruptcy court.

FBI's Laura Laughlin was moved into place one month before they filed. Possibly earlier than an entire month even. It only says she was transfered to this in June 2004. It doesn't say what date in June. So if it was the end of June, maybe only a week or so before the Catholic church made their move.

I knew it. I at least had a hunch she was possibly moved over there or asked to be transfered there for a reason having to do with protecting her buddies. So she was at least there from June 2004-December 2004, but possibly was there even earlier, from 2003. If not, she swooped in with great timing.

After she was there was when I was approached by her fellow Catholic FBI coworkers. And then it was she who attempted to refuse my report of FBI misconduct and when I called and talked to her I still remember thinking, "Why does she hate me so much when this is the first time I've ever talked to her or heard her name?" She was seething with hate. I knew, in that moment, the only cause she could possibly have to hate me over, was maybe religion because the only adversarial thing I had going was lawsuits and they involved the Catholic church.

It wasn't like she said she wasn't the right person to talk to, she tried to completely refuse my report. Then later, I believe I called again and she wouldn't talk to me but had me talk to someone else supposedly, who said they would get back to me.

The same pattern this woman had, in trying to obstruct justice in Portland in 2004, carried over when she headed up Seattle later that year. She moved to Seattle after I had already started commuting there, inbetween Portland and Seattle.

And the Archdiocese of Spokane filed for their bankruptcy lawsuit in December 2004. The exact same month she transfered from Portland to Washington.

So this little bee-bonnet bumped in for the toast to the Portland Archdiocese bankruptcy claim in July 2004 and then bounced to Washington to welcome the next one. What big EYES you have Mrs. Wolf.

So, I wonder who killed the Georgia woman who was speaking up about trafficking of children by CPS? You, know, she talked about the profits people made off of those kids--government workers that profit.

I guess if it's not just CPS profitting, it's the transportation industry, and the "City" and the FBI that is called in to make sure the City gets their money made off of the kids.

I don't know if this question is really off-topic. I happened to be eating some peaches and then thought about Georgia peaches and that woman who, along with her husband, were killed after they tried to report how the government is attempting to make money off of the torture and abuse of little kids. She went all the way to an international conference on it, in Copenhagen.

You have people like Ms. Georgia, attempting to report trafficking of kids and corruption in government and then you have Ms. Laughlin, attempting to make sure the corrupt get their money that they all want to make off of the kids.

The Story Of Ex-Mafia Boss Laura Laughlin:

Breaking news today that Laura Laughlin has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder, torture, trafficking of children, and obstruction of justice. Ms. Laughlin is being led away in a chain-gang with lawyers from Bullivant Houser Bailey and several priests and administration officials for their part in a trillion dollar scheme involving torture to intimidate whistleblowers.

(I decided to listen to The Killers "All These Things I Have Done" bc I wanted to hear something by someone who wasn't Catholic and knew the lead was raised Mormon--not that he is now, but just something different, and watched the video. The donkey! That made me laugh esp. after reading some history. But before I watched it, I just listened to the music and in my mind, I imagined the chain-gang and as they are marching along their hands go down and then they wave up and then they go all the way down to their feet and they raise know ya gotta help me out...yeahhhh...")

I'd like to see the chains fall of the kids and the innocent and shackle attack the ankles of the people who have tortured my family. My son.

It is crazy that I've even been silenced or made to feel embarassed about being tortured. So many people know about, which tells you how far the criminal ring has spread.
Last night I was trying to remember her last name, Sharon's last name. The last time I was in a car with Jeremy Keen and Sharon "Beans" they were telling me not to sing. I started to sing along to a worship song they played in the car and they told me to shut up. Sharon showed up at the church I was going to and said we should be roommates. This was after the monk stuff had already started. Then she verbally abused me and humiliated me in front of people whenever anyone was over. She was just like her mother. I remember thinking it was strange that she kept this painting of a madonna in her room. If she wasn't Catholic, why was putting up a madonna icon at her mirror, as a supposedly "protestant" christian. When she invited over her friends from California, they left with more than half of my closet stowed away in their suitcases and I never saw Sharon again. If I did, briefly. It was the end of our apartment lease. Half of my clothing was from Nordstrom, and labels were hard-tack (can't remember) something like that. It was good clothing. They took almost all of my shirts including my mother's wool sweater I had which she bought in Germany, and they took two of my coats, one full length wool coat in an orange plaid pattern and another that was a $200 or more leather coat in a caramel color. It was a simple design. Plain, and short, with medium sized buttons up the front. It buttoned, it didn't zip, and it had a silky shimmering polyester lining in a color slightly darker than the caramel color. Sharon had 3 (2 or 3) girlfriends come over from California to stay at the end of our lease and they left with most of my clothes. I met Sharon after I met Christa Schneider who showed up there too. So the others always refered to Jeremy as "a strange bird". He was friends with Sharon, knew her somehow, and his parent's house was in Salem, Oregon while her parents were in Medford, Oregon and then they had all these California connections and friends like Schneider. On the night I was in the car with Jeremy and Sharon, they were both rude to me and if I tried to say even one thing one of them would cut me off and interrupt to talk to eachother instead. Then she dropped Jeremy off at his parent's house and he had gone to OSU I believe. He said he was into Business and making money. It's all she cared about as well. She was younger than me but must have had an inferiority complex because every chance she could, she was saying something to make fun of me, or belittle me, in front of others. She invited people over all the time and all she ever cooked was fajitas and smoothies. She had one good recipe and basically repeated it. Last night I just kept trying to remember her last name and everytime I remembered her face I saw her fang. Her eye teeth, one in particular, were fang-like. She acted really sweet but she wasn't very sweet, is what I discovered. I always had this feeling she wasn't really practicing the religion she claimed to be. She sort of hinted her mother was maybe Jewish but then she practiced what looked more like Catholicism to me, which freaked me out because I had already been introduced to some of the lawyers for the Mt. Angel Abbey. Things had gone down and then either it was at this time or later that I thought, I think there is a connection somehow to John Kaempf or Dick Whittemore. But maybe it was just Schneider, because she had connections to CA and the Whittemores and the Portland Dept. of Justice too. I never made fun of her, and never publicly. One time I confronted her and burst into tears over it and she acted suprised. But I wasn't publicly rude to her. She, on the other hand, would make reference to everyone (church youth group friends) about how I was so "Old" (she was 19 and I was 24) and how backwards and old-fashioned I was. If I asked for a check to be mailed instead of to an eaccount, she picked on me. I had about 30 books checked out and stacked up in the hall next to my bedroom because I was doing active research on a topic of interest and she talked about it to others as if I was mentally ill, and made derogatory comments about my reading. I don't think I ever saw her with a book except for some study the Bible guide and otherwise she was glued to the t.v. or her computer. If I made something to eat, she made fun of what I made. She made fun of my wood bead curtains and pointed it out to everyone. She asked me to be her roommate and when I told her I couldn't, because I could not afford that much rent, she said please do it anyway and I will pay the extra cost because otherwise I'm paying for the whole thing. I already had a place and rented from great roommates at an excellent price. But she kept bothering me to room with her, pleading even, so I did and then the moment I did she got snarky and snuffly about it, making asides, within my hearing, to guests about how she had to pay for almost all of the rent and I didn't pay for more than 1/3. I knew I should have stayed where I had been before and not moved but it was a bad decision. It was the first time I had tons of clothing ransacked and stolen from me, to be heisted off to California apparently. And after this experience, every apartment I went to next was broken into and I had things stolen from me. I never knew what Jeremy's deal was. He moved over and started going to this church around the same time she showed up, and then he roomed with Nick Fanelli. In our youth group meetings, he just stared at my knees. He stared at my knees, talked about my knees out loud and was constantly saying he wanted to touch my knee. He said I had killer knees. So everyone would be talking about something and he would just stare at my knees and then I'd ask what he was doing and he would say it out loud. I wore skirts that fell below my knee but when I sat, they were sometimes just at or above the knee. One minute he'd be friendly and the next, not. He asked me to marry him once. Then later he said just kidding. ? Then a couple of other women said oh that's just him, he's joked about it with us too and I said, "But he didn't even say it in a joking way so why say it at all?"

I went to that church, and then I was raped and I quit going and then I went back. When I went back, then Sharon showed up and asked me to be her roommate in Tualatin/Tigard when I'd been in Lake Oswego before. Jeremy and most of the others were there when I was going there the first time, before I quit for a short time. I guess I've been asked to marry someone 3 times in my life but the time with Jeremy was apparently not serious. He laid facedown on the ground one time and I said what are you doing? he said, "I'm prophesying" but he wasn't serious again. He would lie on the ground and then shake his head back and forth and pound his fists into the floor. Then he'd look up and grin and jump up. At some point Sharon wanted to host having her friend Mike Weber over so they came over and stayed with his Dad and he brought his cousin Jeff, from California. Then between Jeremy, Mike and Jeff, they said I should dye my hair dark brown. I said I'd done it before, a temporary dye and they said do it just so we see. Actually, I think Jeremy maybe said no, keep it red--strawberry blond. So I did, and showed them and I remember they freaked out about it and said I looked like another woman and I said who. I didn't know who. They kept talking back and forth with eachother and saying I looked like this other woman they knew but then they never said who. I later had my own cousin come to visit me from Wenatchee, with his friend, when I got a new place and we took photos of all of us and me with the shoulder-length straight dark brown hair with bangs. I maybe had my leather jacket still by then? not the wool one but maybe I had my leather one bc I had a photo with my cousin while wearing it. I guess I had been wearing the leather one the day things were stolen. When I got to Wenatchee, I visited my cousin's friend who went to jail for something a year after I met him and gave him a photo of me with the rest of us. I was in the middle, with my jacket, and my dark brown hair, and an arm around one cousin to one side and his friend to the other side. All of a sudden, after that, I had huge, major problems with police in Wenatchee. It was most likely from defamation by FBI already, internal stuff, since Laughlin went from Oregon to Washington, that's how police would know "about you from Oregon to Washington" because she coordinated things with the cops. But I gave to my cousin and tried to give another inmate a book about criminal law procedure and the guards harassed me. He said his lawyer hadn't even come to see him and wasn't doing his job, so I gave him this book. They refused to allow the book and wouldn't tell me why. Finally they told me why and said it was a hardback so I tore off the cover at Radioshack and then went back to the jail, and tossed it over and said, "There. Now it's a paperback." Then I contacted the public defender's office to find out why someone hadn't been in touch with him.

I think they didn't like that. The guards didn't like my giving a book to an inmate and the lawyers felt threatened by my looking over their shoulders and accusing them (indirectly) of negligence. I was never on the good side of the public defenders in that town and then I was at their mercy when I was put under false arrest. The guards also acted like I was a gangbanger just because my cousin's friend made a sign of some kind in the photo (which I didn't understand) and they treated me suspiciously. I told them I had just had a class in Portland, Oregon for juvenile justice and worked in the federal building for that class and it didn't matter. I went from being on top of college, 2 lawsuits, my own business, and social life, and getting experience in the Justice department with a goal of becoming a lawyer, to being tortured and treated like a criminal and blocked from my lawsuits, all after I made a report about FBI misconduct. The FBI has never fixed any of this. I've had almost 10 years of my life go down the drain and then they stole my son for their use on top of everything else.

My first contact with the Wenatchee public defender's offices was to call up and ask why his lawyer hadn't been over to see him. The entire offices didn't like me from that point on. They didn't want anyone asking questions there, and even if I was polite, they didn't like it. I was just trying to help. But it turned out his lawyer, the one not getting ahold of him, was Paul C. and then after he connected with his client, when they took my son from me, that's who they gave me. Paul Cassle (Castle). Paul Cassle already had a motive not to like me and on top of that, he had worked with the Judge presiding over my case as a business partner. They were both Catholic. The entire CPS case was a fraud to begin with, and then this 20 yr. military guy backed out on taking my case to appease "his country" I guess and because he didn't want to "insult" the FBI. So he tells me to do it alone or with him just as back-up and I was too traumatized. Right. Act like my own lawyer when I am suffering horrific nightmares and trauma from their tearing my son from my arms and refusing visitation and knowing what horror my son was enduring. So he dropped off, and then Wenatchee assigned Paul Cassle who already hated me. Cassel hated me because I called him up on behalf of his client to ask if he could check on him as he'd been left in the lurch for something over 3 weeks. Apparently, wasn't communicating at all. After I possibly embarressed Cassel at the public defender's offices, was he really on my side later? No, he was not. In fact, later he became the director of public defense and he "banned" me from his offices. Why? I guess it's because he didn't need to take any "tips" from me.

That's the story of my dying my hair dark brown and why I gave a photo of this to the guard to give to my cousin's friend. The guards acted pretty weird after that though. In hindsight I see who I looked like--Kate Middleton. I didn't know she existed but I guess everyone else did. It wasn't the first time I tried dark brown. I had done it before years earlier and had tried out hennas since I was 13 or 15 or so.

The one thing that is strange is that of all the pastors I've known in my life, I haven't ever had a problem contacting any of them again except for this one. The one that ran this church I mean, not Jeremy. I even worked for him on a staff that had only 4 people and I have left tons of messages by phone and email over the years and never got a reply. I have no idea why. I didn't leave on bad terms with them at all. I mean, no arguments, no blow-outs, no animosity (not for my part). It was just one minute I'm working for them and then I met the monks and sometime later, I wasn't going there any longer but I could never get ahold of anyone.

I didn't know the Middleton's existed, at all, until I was in Washington D.C. in 2008. When I was there, I looked up a few more things about Diana and then finally saw a reference. But I ignored it and all news about her sons bc I wanted to focus on just her. Later, after I was back in Wenatchee, I decided I might need to look. That was in 2009. And as soon as I did, I was being tortured again. That was when I found out there was someone named Kate Middleton. I never knew before or cared and even then I only read a couple lines. When I found out about her though, more began to unravel to show me, in hindsight, why some things were happening to me and who might be behind some of it. So none of my more recent inquiries and shock about Middletons has to do with having wanted anything but has to do with finding out who is responsible for torturing me and why. I definitely believe the Middletons have been part of an attempt to torture me but I had no idea and didn't realize this was in the background before even my lawsuits. Other's knew they existed but not me.

To later realize William is straddling a chair like Jeremy and figuring out he and his friends were from California, which is where Kate has resorted to (along with a thought to go to NY I guess), I follow some other things...For example. Did Jeremy know Gary? (I just had someone delete my whole section here so I have to enter it again). Did Mike Weber know Gary? Did Sharon with her friends from California who stole from me, did they know him? How were they connected. Did Jeremy know Gatov? Since I was raped after being around these others, how do I know someone didn't try to set it up with someone they knew? I noticed while researching the Spokane diocese bankruptcy, recently, that they hired a "Keen Realty" (though I think Jeremy spelled his Kean) from Great Neck, NY which is where one of Lorraine Rose's favorite products was from--the Hask Pure Shine. It sounds kind of nuts to say it but I always knew she had an attachment to the symbolism of that spray and I never got "why" until I found out who Kate Middleton was and noticed the connections between my employment and life here and people who got close to me with connections to her family. I had thought the chair thing was refering to someone I did but then it dawned on me, someone had William pose that way to reflect Jeremy Kean. Which is totally bizarre and Jeremy has dark brown hair, almost black like that too. And this is how he ALWAYS sat, at our youth group meetings and at house parties. He'd grab a chair, and flip it around and then straddle it, usually wearing slacks, and always with a dark black coat or jacket and some kind of oxford style long sleeved shirt, never wearing a tie.

Now, I get tortured by the Department of Defense and live on some kind of tripped out movie set for the CIA. That's basically what it feels like, living here, like I'm on a set.

I said this and my Dad said, "So go out and play your part."

This is after they said don't tell them I'm tortured (they are too). I said, "Why are you supposed to not acknowlege we are tortured? is it because they want to use Oliver so they have to do this to try to get away with it?"

Then my mother is saying it's about Satan or the Devil and "he tricked you" and talking about how the Devil is a liar.

I said it was the FBI and she tried to brush this aside and I said, "Regardless of who is doing this, it is the responsibility of the FBI to prevent it and not block reports. How it is even possible for my son to be tortured in WA unless something is wrong with the FBI leader? It's not possible."

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