Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mandamus (for FBI) & Conspiracy To Kidnap

I am wondering if I should apply for a mandamus to compel the FBI to do their job. I mean, aside from asking for FOIA and getting review, does one file a writ of mandamus just to get the FBI to investigate hate crime?

My son was stolen from me. So I've stated facts enough for investigation so either 1. The FBI isn't investigating because they are protecting criminals, or 2. They ARE the criminals.

I've been tortured all the way up to yesterday and this morning and then sat in my parent's house to be lasered up while sitting in one of their chairs. I believe the dog was lasered too, because he left where he was sitting next to me and my Dad, and went to the dog dish to get a drink of water.

I'm a little suspicious about the timing for some to want me to file for disability though, because whenever I'm about to file because of health concerns and to show the court I need continuance for this, I am blocked.

But if I bring up the FBI?! and collusion by the Catholic church to keep me from filing documents in court?! I'm suddenly being encouraged to apply for disability for being "nuts".

If the FBI were going to return my son as they know they should, why would they want me to apply for disability to be mentally ill on the record, when THEY have kept me out of counseling from even federally funded clinics in the past?

The last time I had counseling at a federally funded clinic, it was with Brett McDonald who told me to talk about anything except the FBI basically. I mean, she took notes, but if I mentioned the FBI, the pen stopped.

So I'd say it again, leaning back into the cushioned chair...

"...SO THEN, I was SHOCKED to find out the FBI..."

(I sit there watching to see if she's taking notes. Nothing.)

"...So the FBI came to my house and they kept saying stuff like they were lawyers for the FBI, like, wanting me to say no I wasn't sexually harassed and I said I don't know, what is the definition for sexual harassment?...

(I look, and she's not writing)

"...And then ________ and __________ and _________ happened with the FBI...and...."

(nothing. She's not jotting or doodling or anything. She's just staring at me.)

"So the FBI (AHEM!)...after that I was so upset I told the FBI woman, Julia THORNTON, that I was leaving for Washington because there were too many crimes happening to me in Oregon, so I was going to commute to college and for my lawsuits,..."

Brett: "So your stress was from the lawsuits right? The church?"

Me: "Well yeah, and also the FBI refused to investigate religious hate crime because I told her that's what it was and she cut me off. And then after the SSAs came over, my car was towed away from me the next time I tried to drive out of town..."

(no writing.)

What's going on here?

Oh, goody. (smack hands together and rub briskly). Now I get to be tortured and kept out of counseling TOO! and then when the FBI is done massacreing me and my son, and stealing him from me, they want me to sign up at the last minute for SSI to confirm I'm nuts so I can't go back and sue with a civil lawsuit (which wouldn't return my son to me or override an adoption anyway).

Even if innocent parents are thrown in prison for crimes they did NOT commit, if they're kids are adopted out from under them, they cannot get them back. Once the appeals and timeline for appeals has run out, it doesn't even matter if they are innocent, they cannot, by law, over-turn an adoption.

So that is basically what they're trying to do to me and my son.

You can file all the civil lawsuits you want to file, and claim emotional damages and get money, but you'll never get your kid back.

They say, "Yes this is wrong and here's some money, but we can't do anything about your kid because they are already adopted to someone else and the time has expired. Sorry."

So the U.S. Department of Justice is apparently positioning for this. Why? Because they kidnapped my son and they conspired to do it long before I even landed in Canada. They knew I would go there and they set it up beforehand, with people they knew there. It wasn't a last minute decision, and course of action. They made it appear that way when it wasn't. They already had notice I might go there and expected it, and most definitely expected it when they knew we were being tortured.

Just as "Julia Thornton aka Laura Laughlin" had notice from me that I was moving to Washington from Oregon, the Department of Justice had notice I might leave to Canada with my son. If I didn't have means to fly out of this god-forsaken place, they had already planned on our going to Canada.

They premeditated a kidnapping of my son. Not only that, they likely premeditated our torture.

It's all so very shocking to think the FBI would do that until you realize people like James Whitey worked for the FBI AND the IRA. Isn't Laura Laughlin, like, Irish or something from NY area? And her buddy Jim is just around the corner in California, where one of the SSAs came from? Which was it? Italian FBI mobsters or the Irish ones? Not only that, she lied to me in Oregon and then I wondered why I was having problems with FBI in Washington who flat-out refused to even take my calls or reports.

Then I get tortured at an Irish pub 3 blocks from the FBI headquarters where Laura works. Which is in the same week they closed their doors to me and wouldn't even let me go in after they told me on the phone to go in person. And who led me to the Virginia Mason hospital to then defame me to the nurse saying I was nuts? a woman who said only to me that she was Irish. That was only about 7 blocks from the Seattle FBI offices. The mental health woman they brought in, "Chris" was also Catholic and Irish (I think).

Real nice people ya got there. REAL nice. Like, so REAL, it's IRA!

So I'm wondering why I got screwed over by the Irish Catholic law firm in Wenatchee that Justin Titus worked at. I guess they didn't know Ryan, who was stalking me from the time my son was born, who hails from Boston, as an Irish guy. Catholic Irish. Wasn't Whitey from Boston too? Did Laura wear her green on St. Patty's Day? Did she celebrate this day in the same way she celebrated the day I was served with termination of my parental rights by a server wearing a St. Patrick's t-shirt?

How about the Irish Catholic guy who was at the Catholic church in Wenatchee when I went there to politely speak to a priest who already hated me? He was there, wearing this t-shirt that said loudly, across the front: CIA.

Really. What was that? a disclaimer for the FBI?

By the way, wasn't Laura Laughlin in charge of some big CPS deal over in NYC? Yeah, yeah, funny thing, because she worked side by side with CPS to reign in "human trafficking of children."

How bizarre that she then moves to the Pacific NW where she supervises some of the biggest mafia activity in the area, covers up for dudes, probably pays them under the table, and brings her own personal pets into the CPS offices in Wenatchee to watch me respond to clear torture of my own son.


So let's see, her past jobs, on the East Coast, were: mafia and CPS child trafficking. What a combo. I mean, really crazy when you think that she presided over the biggest torture gig in the State of Washington for years.

Who was SHE fucking? Whitey on the side?


So Whitey was a mobster working for the FBI and he ends up in jail. We've got the FBI working for the mobsters and when does SHE end up in jail? BITCH.

My son should be calling Laura Laughlin a bitch to her face, after she's behind bars.

I reported James Whitey to the Portland FBI without having any idea he WORKED for the FBI. It wasn't a big deal, I thought, I just thought I saw him jogging in my neighborhood. Then I've got Mexican Mafia that works for the FBI on my ass. In my apartment, and then the Irish Catholic supervisor is covering for them and her church, by refusing to take my report about religious hate crime.

REAL nice FBI.

Maybe Laura goes back to D.C. to fuck Dempsey on the side while the Mexican mafia go back to fuck around with Panetta.

Laura Laughlin supervised the torture of my son Oliver. Then she made sure her Catholic pals in CPS and the Judges screwed my son and I over while her other friends tortured my entire family.

Remember Christa Schneider, you know, the "friend"? She sort of asked me if I was thinking of moving to Canada and when, in the same way that Laura Laughlin aka "Julie Thornton" asked me when I was moving to Washington and why. I know Christa said her best friends were the Catholic-Irish "O'neils" from California (which is where her own family is from originally).

Basically, it was Catholics and Catholics. They colluded to kick me out of court illegally as a favor to their church and then they tortured my family just because they knew they could.

They premeditated and planned ahead for my arrival in Canada and had their key people set up. They made it look like it was unprepared when it wasn't. I was following the "Wales" car all the way to Canada, and Wales was some guy murdered under Laura Laughlin's watch.

It was the fucking FBI.

Which is why they then defamed me everywhere I went. I had 'reported' at least 3 of their own guys, not even knowing one of them WAS with the FBI. How many others? Most likely I was gang-raped by their crew too. Was Josh Gatov also FBI? I mean, is that why two Lake Oswego police pulled up that night and already knew who he was?

What do we really have here? A gang-banging FBI with a female mobster taking her lead from the IRA? oh, and doing deals with CPS? So she decides I'm a "problem" and too close to her pals or church so she slanders me in internal records to all the police in the Pacific NW, and then calls on the military to help out with torturing us? What else did she do? Give Middletons some of my personal records when their people asked from Europe or Australia?

Guess what? we even Mark showing up, the Irish-Catholic guy, right out of New Mexico, after I called the FBI there. How convenient. Mark knew Chris Dabney who was in D.C. and worked with another round of Irish Catholics at a pub owned by...Catholics in California. Dabney was sleeping around a Jewish woman while courting all the Catholics that came in from the Department of Defense and then I got fired when I was pregnant. That was really lovely. First they brought over all the Catholics from the Australian embassy and a few English, and then they threw me out while I was pregnant and left me to miscarry and bleed to death.

That pub, which never paid me and whose buddies with the federal government backed them, kept me out of unemployment along with Seattle then keeping me out of housing and unemployment later. Let's see, we have the good old Irish Catholic Laughlin at the helm with Irish Catholic Gregoire in Washington state and then in D.C. it was the Irish Catholics from Georgetown and the Department of Defense. And first, Laura was in Oregon, where I first had the problem. She moved over to Washington and like I said, supervised torture of me and my son.

And yes, her big project over on the East Coast was supposedly about child trafficking within CPS and with foster parents. I think the only reason she took that job was because she would be the one to go easy on them. She allowed torture of my child, and brought Anne Crane to sit in on it, so what else has she done?

I couldn't get away from the illegal pranks of the FBI even in TN. In fact, they collaborated to have me injected with Haldol at a psych ward after telling me to go there. If it wasn't Mueller from D.C. which Irish Catholic was giving directions to the other offices below him?

During this time, I had no idea my parents were being tortured in their own town. I think it started around the time they moved there but got worse when I filed my lawsuits because I never heard a desperate sound in their voices until I had filed lawsuits and then a year later, the FBI and mafia were working as one team, together, against me, in support of my opponents that worked for the Catholic church.

So let's see...I reported James Whitey to the FBI in Portland, thinking this jogger looked like the guy on the FBI line-up. I reported my ex for trying to buy drugs from me (who knows, maybe he's FBI too and wanted to get me in a sting), and I reported the Mexican guys after they forced into my apartment and then sexually harassed me after lying about wanting to hire me to work for the FBI. So now I wonder, was Josh Gatov also FBI? is that why he got tipped off to run? what about the PLF? is the Koch guy or Cooper woman FBI cartel?

Why don't we just call the FBI a cartel now. Maybe they're the middleman between the Department of Justice and Defense and the mafia. Anyone audited the FBI lately? I mean, are they paying their taxes?

Do they still pay taxes? or do they pay dues to their mob boss.

That woman allowed TORTURE of my son on HER WATCH, in her state. SHE is a criminal. Not only that, she has an odd and suspicious link to CPS right from the start. Supposedly she's cracking down on child trafficking and actually, it looks like she supports it.

First she's in Oregon to support FBI inaction during the Archdiocese bankruptcy case in Portland. Then she moves over to Washington state to support FBI inaction in the Archdiocese bankruptcy case in Spokane.

Who needs Judges? when you've got Laura.

I mean, she already knows the Judges right? How. How would Laura know the Judges?

They're probably taking suitcase after suitcase of evidence from the U.S. FBI stacks into the Vatican, with Laura's personal signature.

I wonder where the 3rd Archdiocese bankruptcy case was filed in the U.S.? because after I tried to file something in the 2nd one, I was tortured Full-time.

For years.

Unless what? WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? OHhhh!!!! Marry a Catholic man that worked for the FBI.

Nice fucking cover Laura. How about you get to be the homeless person for your cover this time around. Maybe, bitch, we can ask someone from a psych ward to inject you with Haldol so your cover looks even better.

Was it you who ordered my mother's face to be cut with a knife?

You supervise torture of little kids. What were you doing in NY? "Investigating" abuse and torture of kids for a little too long than the public would like to discover, until you "cracked down" with your big FBI whip? Did you let others torture those kids just long enough to satisfy the military and those who were using them for research and mind control projects?


You have not only supervised abuse of foster children, you supervised torture of children and you are bouncing from whichever state to the next that involves sexual assault and rape of even Catholic kids.

You have been protecting corporate predators of children and that makes you a fucking criminal. Not only that, you've been partial to protecting the Roman Catholic church. Which is exactly why you have people covering for the corrupt Catholic judges, police, and FBI and why you didn't want to take my report about religious hate crime and interference with my lawsuits.

I think your burden of proof, to clear your own name, is worse than mine She-Ra.

As to where the 3rd bankruptcy case was filed, to eliminate debt for the Catholic church at the expense of children and profit of lawyers, I have no idea because I've been tortured ever since I talked to Portland FBI and then moved next door to another FBI guy on my Grandparent's property in Washington.

It's been swell.

Guess what. If Laughlin knew the people in Oregon and went to Oregon, if she knew Schneider from Oregon, they both know people in NYC--FBI people. Then they bring over Fowler from NYC.

Why NYC?

They need a cover for Laughlin or something? Someone to order the beating up of my family in this state now, in Oregon?

Here's a question for Laughlin and the FBI: How many months or years did Laughlin supervise abuse and torture (human trafficking) of children in NY before bringing perpetrators to justice?

For me and my son, well, she's been watching our suffering for over 5 years now and doesn't flinch.

Look at how many children have been tortured by Catholic clergy.

What has the FBI done? Nothing.

When the Archdiocese of Portland became the first Archdiocese to file for bankruptcy in FEDERAL court, and to take all the State claims out of state and into federal territory, they sought help from the fucking FBI.

The FBI then had an immediate interest in the proceedings. Before, they were state cases, and crime is crime, and collusion is collusion and a crime FBI is supposed to investigate. But when the cases went to federal court, these Catholics depended upon their Catholic-vested friends in the FBI to protect them.

Maybe it's because someone in the Department of Justice knew that if people were suing the Catholic church for not protecting their children and for colluding to transfer criminals and allow abuse, the FBI was next on the list.

Most of the FBI is Catholic anyway and has an interest in protecting their own Catholic church more than kids. They've allowed funds to go from the U.S. to the Irish Republican Army but no other terrorist group and they put the IRA on a list of terrorists only after decades of supporting them.

So when the claims came from parents questioning abuse of children and why it was allowed, the Catholic church sought protection by claiming "privilege" and trying to say no one else in the hierarchy knew or there was no collusion or corporate responsibility.

What my evidence proved, which they didn't want filed, was that there WAS corporate responsibility. It proved they had lied in State courts and that their lawyers lied for them as well. It proved that there was a firm basis for asserting a claim of collusion and asking the FBI to investigate and prosecute the Catholic church under RICO.

They all protected eachother. The FBI protected the Catholic church and it became their territory even more when it went to federal court. The FBI also is familiar with more of the federal Judges than the State Judges. They go to the same parties. They go to the same church, same parties, and same office meetings. So when one of them needs to get an inside tip on the movements of a plaintiff, the FBI can provide that, as can police with access to surveillance from the Patriot Act.

If they all need some "muscle" to push people around, torture them and intimidate them to silence, they have mafia and military buddies along with their friends from church in police patrol. Need to shelve someone away as mentally ill? they know doctors who can do that. No problem.

So Laura was and is an FBI agent and head they could depend upon while they tried out their experimental test-tube cases for the church. She came from NY. What is that big church in NYC called? I wonder if she went to St. Patricks with some buddies from the FBI in NY and Department of Justice. Maybe that's where they hob-nobbed and colluded to come up with a plan to help the Archdiocese screw over kids, keep the FBI from looking guilty for allowing it, and profit the payrolls of law firms.

Who got rich? the kids?

Even the insurance companies got rich because they had an excuse to raise premiums. Lawyers got rich, FBI got rich, insurance companies got rich, and the Catholic church saved billions upon billions, more like trillions, in assets, property, and cash.

I just looked up St. Patrick's Cathedral and it's 1 mile from a small FBI office and 3 miles from the main Federal Way FBI offices. According to the map. I guess I was curious.

Look at this--this is some of the crap I missed while being tortured by the Catholics with the FBI:

In brief: $7 million donated for diocese settlement
9/28/2007 | Eastern Washington Catholics have donated $7 million of the $10 million parish pledge settling the Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane bankruptcy.

This is CRAZY.

I was right. I had not even seen any of the articles like this, but I said they filed for bankruptcy for sympathy and pity and they got it. They literally got their own church members to PAY what they owed.

Why is this crazy? Because the church was NOT BROKE. Not only that, they had lied to everyone and got away with it, by TORTURING people who tried to speak up about it and put records and evidence into the file.

This is totally crazy but it confirms their strategy. They made a pity plea for themselves when they should have been tried by the FBI and sent to jail for collusion to commit crime and aiding and abetting criminals. These are kids.

If they stiff kids, they torture too.

It was 2005, later in 2005, that Spokane filed for bankruptcy. I believe I had tried to submit information then and that's when I got hit with round after round of migraines. I then later attempted to file something again and told Schneider about it over the phone. I don't remember if I told her when I was pregnant or after I'd given birth, but I am positive I mentioned it.

Right after I brought it up again, I remember I was tortured and had vandalisms. It coincided with bad treatment by Catholic hispanics at medical clinics and other Catholics. In Wenatchee, it's a lot of hispanics that just happen to be Catholics but there were white nurses and doctors too.

When I noticed it had occured yet again after trying to file something to contest the lies made in court, I tried harder to report to the FBI in Seattle regarding religious hate crime. I had police in Wenatchee stalk me instead and my son and I were kicked out of medical care and they threw in a case to "ban" me from medical facilities at that time, I believe, to distract me from filing anything that would harm their case.

I suppose my evidence that I compiled, doesn't make a lot of sense to the layperson at first, and the best parts are in the middle or torwards the end of the documents, but the beginning stuff I included lays a framework for understanding how things work.

It proved that the corporate structure was being called one thing in the Archdiocese and church internal records, and something else in court. I had a few lawyers say it was different because religious structure didn't apply to secular business structure. However, this wasn't the case and if this argument had been true, that it was possible to have conflicting structures at once, I never would have been tortured and my son would have never been tortured either.

It wasn't true. There was a fine line and I knew the difference and was ready and willing to explain in court.

I was tortured, so I never got the chance.

I was not only tortured, the FBI thought it was a good idea to torture my son too, on behalf of their friends and their own interests I guess. Every single time I tried to get to a non-Catholic FBI or justice person or even doctor, in the beginning, it was impossible. They laid a trap ahead for me in every single category and then lied to everyone else.

Possibly, there was some kind of jealousy or competition before this, involving certain persons in England, because I can look back and find enough evidence to support this. But even if there was competition or an attempt to keep me out of college, or from certain classes, or to rape me, I didn't have full blown torture until after my lawsuits were filed, my Grandpa Garrett died in 2002, and then by 2003, I had my car battery being zapped of energy while trying to get things done.

It all started, the extreme vandalism and car problems, with the lawsuits and religious hate crime stuff. Anything else that was political may have added to it, or added motive for other groups on the side, but it was FBI-coordinated torture.

They sponsored our torture and they also sponsored helping a church get away with crime. It's possible other large churches had an interest as well, sometimes, because what was decided for the Catholic church then more easily applied to the Jewish synogogues and the Mormon church and Protestant churches. But it was mainly a concern with the Catholic church and I found they were lying and then I was tortured for it.

So all this other stuff has been slapped over that, but is it any wonder then, that the only time I WAS NOT tortured after they started, was when I was engaged to a Catholic man who had done work for the FBI?

I mean, anyone with any common sense can figure out that this is adding up to something bigger than the FBI wants to admit to.

If I had married a Catholic, it made the Catholic church feel better. If I married someone who had worked with the FBI, it made the FBI feel better. Since both parties were guilty of colluding against me and my son and committing crimes, they both felt pretty good about my marrying a Catholic FBI connected guy.

Why? They most likely felt it reduced their liability to zero.

They quit torturing me and my son and they didn't feel threatened. Only when I broke up with him did they torture us again and then they did almost even worse, to both of us. They were then determined to have me sleeping in the streets, injected with Haldol, seeing my son tortured before my own eyes, blackmailing and torturing my family with FBI directly involved (so who do you go to then?).

And by now, they have probably covered all of their bases in trying to destroy evidence. They got people killed off, married off, and felt like things were squared away. Who knows. Maybe they think I'm dying in a few years anyway, after they injected me with a foreign substance so all they have to do is torture me to keep me sounding crazy until I keel over.

It has been big, big money for a lot of people, and worth their while to torture us. They tortured me because I had the nerve to research things and the brains and determination to bring it to light. They tortured my parents because they are gifted and they were worried that this would work against them so they entrapped them to work for the government and witness torture too. They are 100% blackmailed.

Then, since they already knew my parents were gifted, they tried to excuse what was done to me and me not as religious hate crime, but "research" and national interest crap when that is not what is happening.

We are tortured out of religious hate crime and the FBI has been involved.

Where was the Irish Catholic stalker from the Marines who watched me and my son while I talked to a Scottish woman at Starbucks? Boston. The same place where the first clergy sex scandal broke out (not bankruptcy, just scandal). Where was the truck driver who came over after I called FBI in NM from? Boston.

These people have all had ties to two different groups:

The Catholic Church, and
The FBI, or
The military

Who possibly might have power to torture us? Well, look at the list I just made. Who else. They TORTURED me and my son and colluded to do this and then KIDNAPPED him from me. I mean, this is absolutely CRAZY and they want the world to think I'M the crazy one.

If you look at the wiki on Catholic sexual abuse scandal, as I just did, it's missing some blanks. I did notice they list Tucson, Arizona as filing for bankruptcy in 2004. The Portland, Oregon Archdiocese was the first though, and they filed in 2004 and I don't know why it's not mentioned here. But it looks like the Tucson one was possibly next but for my area, the next big one was in the state I moved to, in Spokane, Washington. If I knew then that it was filed in Spokane after these other ones, I didn't notice until later.

Portland, Oregon filed July 6, 2004.
Tucson, Arizona filed September 2004.
Spokane, Washington filed December 2004.

Then it was a bunch of places in Arizona and California mainly, from this list.

It also says loans were given to four American Archdioceses from the Allied Irish Bank from 2005-2007, which is the same timeframe wherein my son and I were tortured.
It doesn't mention loans coming to the U.S. from other banks but this isn't a complete article either. However, it points again, to the Irish-Catholic involvement in supporting the Archdiocese.

Which points again to our Laurie Laughlin & Co.

Not only that, if you WANT to look at who was in charge of the CIA at the time, guess who? Irish-Catholics in charge of all technology related matters. Not only was this woman Stephanie then in charge of that department with the CIA, her husband had been questioned, upon his wife's being sworn into a position in government, about his allegiance to Ireland, where he had spent college years and lived.

Everything in my case regarding my son failed for good when I was assigned to an Irish Catholic law firm. My lawyer was Justin Titus and he did what he could to ruin my case and everyone else in his office was Irish Catholic. They blocked me from obtaining evidence that was already available and from entering it into the record.

They're all a bunch of scumbags.

These are people who delighted in torture of children, who felt backed up by the likes of Laura Laughlin.

When does she get to go to jail.

One of the largest settlements was with Los Angeles, where Kate Middleton sailed into town to see the child of Catholic and English parents. It was settled for $660 million dollars. Let's just say her Dad knew how to work with the Irish killers and torturers, oh, and by proxy, FBI. It works out well for someone who would rather appease corporate criminals than children.

I was even assaulted by police in Knoxville, TN whose boss and chief was Irish Catholic. That's who was behind it.

It's not very removed to wonder why our dog is afraid of some English and Australian accents when he most likely witnessed torture of my parents. Some of the guys with British accents who were trying to read me and my parents while I was tortured at this church in Winston, Oregon recently, were from California. Which is where the owner of The Post Pub is from, which hosted so many galas for some English and Australian. It's not like there are only Catholics in the U.S. that colluded to target my family.

I had to look it up first to confirm but yes, I just checked and Coldplay's Chris Martin is Roman Catholic. It doesn't matter that he's "lapsed". I mean, I'll say, if it means he lapsed from being a decent person or a lawful one. It is my firm belief he is a cold-hearted criminal and has had something to do with torture of my parents. It would be really interesting to find out who he is connected to. Intuitively, it would not be something I would say, off the cuff. But I sensed something, getting closer to his territory again and I realized, there is a Catholic English problem that's been involved as well and he is one of them. Maybe he disliked me after I blogged, in 2007, about who would name their poor kid "Apple". It was around the same time I brought up the feeling I had that Britney's Catholic husband was going to take her kids and as much money as he could. She was being made out to sound more mentally ill than I believe she really was.

So the next thing I know, there is this English Catholic vendetta going and they're raging for the Middletons. First stop for Kate was to a Catholic friend's house to see their baby, born 9 months from the time her own wedding was announced.

So I show up over here and find out our dog is terrified of some English and Australian accents and it's a little odd. Then I find out there is an English person my mother has to work for and she has the same name as some English Catholic Archbishop in Washington and, coincidentally, Kate Middleton's former roommate. The same English and Australian people from The Post Pub in D.C. have ties to the owner who is based out of California. I mean, it's like some of the same gang. (By the way, aside from the "Hayes" of the world, I discovered tonight that Cardinal Dolan of St. Patrick's Cathedral in NY worked for another Archbishop "John L. May" and let's just say my experience at Steve May's house in Wenatchee left something to be desired--not that I can confirm any relation).

Right about the time I realize there is some kind of cruel and criminal Catholic English element going on over here, I hear this Chris Martin song "Paradise" where he is literally making fun of my family. I guess that sounds paranoid but not if you knew what I know and knew the same people I talked to in D.C. who know people in L.A. and Oregon and Washington.

So this song, the words are bad enough, but the little girl humming in the background, is imitating exactly what my Dad used to tell people, a lot of people, was a "sleepy song" I sang to myself while in the car. Both my mother and father told me about this and my mother is the one who mainly hummed what it was like, but my Dad too. So then there is this song that replicates what I did as a kid, which was an often told story, and he starts singing about "when she was just a young girl, she expected the world...." and then goes on with this dismal drivel that is sarcastic and mocking if you ask me.

Given the idea he has something to do with torture of my family, to hear this song with the humming as I did, in the same voice (we even had it taped on a cassette tape), gives me the creeps. I get the creeps seeing his photo or hearing about him. And if something is giving me the creeps about him, it's a pretty good intuitive feeling that something about him isn't right. So it's my gut feeling and I'll go with that. I mean, he is repeating even humming I sort of did on this cassette tape when I was two years old that followed my singing "Can she bake a cherry pie, billy boy, billy boy." This girl imitates my tone and the way I hummed, exactly.

I look at him and see a creep. Stay away from my family. I mean, it's bad enough to where I can see him with a knife even, or feel someone he knew could have wielded the knife that cut my mother. So I don't have a good feeling about him. My parents have never said anything but I just have a feeling. And how he got access to cassette tapes with my singing on it as a kid is about as much of a mystery as trying to figure out how Kate Middleton ended up wearing a copy of my mother's skirt from the 70s, in 2000-something, that I wore in the late 90s. A skirt which, by the way, disappeared from my closet never to be found again. Which is almost as puzzling as trying to believe a bunch of girls who visited my roommate Sharon, heisted a bunch of my shirts and coat into California. Until, I guess, I think about how Sharon knew Jeremy Keen, and Jeremy Keen started attending my church after I knew the Mt. Angel Abbey monks and then the Spokane Archdiocese hired some "Keen Realty" firm to manage their bankruptcy while I later find William straddling a chair like Jeremy in a photo shoot by a homeless person, with dark hair like Keen too. Which is only odd in that it was Jeremy Keen who told me, along with Mike Webber, who also randomly appeared with some guy named "Jeff", to dye my hair dark brown and flipped out when I did.

Yeah, the exportation of my goods into California, where they must have set up some kind of Gary LoveNest.

Just do me a big fucking favor people and stop calling ME crazy, and stealing from me and torturing me, and the FBI really needs to GROW UP.

I want my son back and I really think you need to consider the impact of not doing the right thing.

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