Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good Vibe (sort of left)

I don't know what it was but there was an undercurrent of a good sense of energy from somewhere and then it was like it left. Almost like a person was nearby and then left, but it felt sort of like the Holy Spirit so who knows.

It was there, for several weeks, off and on, but very strong sometimes and then very present and it was sometime last week, it dropped off.

So then I found out, just now, another relative had a heart attack. Almost died. I don't know if that had something to do with it.

It's a little odd, since I just mentioned contacting financial aid with a college and then this happened to him which is the exact same thing that happened to my Uncle Howard the term before, before Winter Term.

What's up? I talk to Eastern Oregon U people and a relative keels over? I mean, one right before November, when I inquired about Winter Term and then my other relative when I'm contacting someone about Spring Term.

I feel like I've been calling up hitmen.

Like someone with EOU financial aid is part of a mafia tribe or something. Or FBI. Who knows.

Before that, it was my Grandpa Garrett when I enrolled at PSU in 2002 and took Art History. I had lawsuits then, but I don't know. This whole college--legal matters combo seems to be the recipe for hits on my family.

My Grandpa(by marriage...I call him Uncle) had a quadruple bypass heart surgery as a result of the heart attack that struck sometime after another volatile conversation with EOU financial aid. Just last week, late last week.

There are not even that many people in that office.

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