Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bible Stuff & Torture As Biggest Threat To Democracy

Following my finding about "w" (waw), ya, and 6, my mother gave me a large thing of shiitake-ya mushrooms. She's had them and just kept them until yesterday; they weigh 6 ounces.

I had read that same night that one meaning for this symbol is "hook" or "peg" and it refers to the temple curtains. Right after reading this, I opened up my Bible and it fell on, "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and left..." (Isaiah 54:2-3).

Again, this is not a big deal, but I am stating my point about how I will be studying something in the Bible or think about something and then find a correlation that is about the very same thing next. So I was reading about hooks for temple curtains and "pegs" and how this symbol sometimes meant for pegs that hold down tents and then the very next thing I turned to was a section in the Bible about...tents, pegs (stakes), and the like.

So again, I think it is a reinforcement idea maybe, or just something to note or that highlights and emphasizes things.

After this I had written the post about the candle looking like a water lily and then decided to turn to something in the "Who's Who" book and I thought, "Why Susanna?" and then saw her name means "lily". And I saw that this painting about this section matched something that happened in a store but I didn't know the significance of.

Susanna is the story of a woman who is raped and forced to try to clear her name against corrupt judges. But for me, it made me think about something in particular and then I saw the painting above and these shapes on the collums, on both sides, which exactly matched an object I randomly found in a drawer only a couple of weeks ago. I don't even know why I went to that drawer. I looked only in that drawer and then one other one briefly, and looked at scarves. But in this drawer was a mirror with this shape from the painting that represents Susanna and it was on the right side. I moved it, for whatever reason, from the right to the left and turned it upside down, and it was the color (sort of) of the shape in this painting. I wasn't sure why I did this, but I did. Then I looked at this painting last night and it is the same color and shape of the object I moved and in this painting, the Judges are on the right and the woman who is innocent and accused is on the left. So I basically had gone into this store and moved an item (symbolic I guess) from the right side to the left and turned it facedown to where it matched what is in this painting (which I didn't see until last night bc I never picked up this book until a couple of nights ago). For me it helped me to feel that God must be on my side, even symbolically, because I had no idea what I was doing, and this later fit (sort of) what has happened to me.

Anyway. I also saw this one thing in this book that looks like a spool of thread which is something I wore on a string to church one Sunday but here it had a different meaning from the reason I wore it when I did. In this book it was a section about how it was how this woman identified herself, using the man's signet to show he'd been with her. But my wearing of something had nothing to do with this at all, it was more of an idea that I felt like wearing a necklace that Sunday and didn't have one so I took a thread and needle and thought to use a button for the pendant and instead used a white spool of thread (no thread on it, just the spool which was white) with red thread. The sermon that day ended up being about the difference between living water of the earth and living water, spiritually, refered to as the blood of Christ. It was not last Sunday (visited a church) and not the Sunday before (which was about hymns and the Irish), but the Sunday before that. The Sunday before last I was almost shaking I could feel the presence of God so strongly. I am really not sure what that's about because it wasn't like the people there are any different than anywhere, and I'm not "methodist", and it's not even probably my choice theology, but for whatever reason, prayers from somewhere or something, even when I have actually even experienced being tortured by use of technology there (very mild, but a little bit). I could hardly sing my voice felt so quakey. I mean, I sang, and I felt it, but my voice was quaking, and this because I could sense something.

Anyway. Tonight nothing really significant.

My Dad did a few things that showed he knew what I'd do first and then my mother, something specific, looked at me when I said something to her and she said, right at the door with a little smirk-smile, "I think you're jumping to conclusions" with emphasis on the word jump. She could not even see around the door and I was standing on the porch and right after she said this, this mother cat made this tremendous JUMP over a stream of water. I mean, that cat jumped so high her back was totally arched and she just sprang into the air. It was the biggest cat jump I've seen in a long time.

Then my mom was in the car and wearing this fuzzy green thing and I joked, stroking her arm, "You look so fuzzy I just want to pet you."

There hasn't been a lot to joke about actually. I laughed one time yesterday, at the end of the night when I decided to press my Thomas the Train toy and now, it's not just the choo-choo part that sounds off-key or out of tune, but now, this man's voice that has this English accent, he starts out with a tenor "Hello! I'm Tho..." and right about there his voice changes to baritone. Or bass even. It sounds like he's going through puberty. I had one small laugh from that.

I maybe laughed only a couple of times in the last week which is pretty sad. I think my parents and I are trying more to laugh or joke but there literally is torture happening. I am not lying,'s impossible to do anything like before.

I think I laughed the hardest, or giggled I guess, this one day after I finally felt my natural sense of energy coming back and started talking fast again, multi-tasking, and getting a lot done all at once. I was thinking as I walked, that was pretty fast! (and focused) and then this red car raced past and I have no idea why it struck me as hilarious but it did. Then, a couple of other cars did too but it just struck me all of a sudden as really funny and I was trying not to laugh but kept laughing thinking about it. Now, I don't laugh in recollection, but at the time, it was very funny.

I started picking up speed energy-wise, not feeling as drugged and tortured and it was getting back to myself and then I just worried that someone was going to attempt to dope me up again with the excuse that I was "manic" when I've never been manic. Just because I start talking faster than most people, or get all these things done in a whirlwind doesn't mean I'm manic. I am normally, naturally, in my most natural state, very high-energy. But it's been frustrating that some don't understand this and assume it's mania. Even in TN, just bc I felt like taking 4 or more exercise classes in a row and wasn't tired, wasn't mania. It was me. That is who I am, fundamentally. Just because I start talking fast, or moving fast and multi-tasking, or start writing creative poetry more than usual or want to paint, has nothing to do with mania. Yes, mania can and does occur in creative people. But mania is a spike that comes up that is normally not there and for me, if I'm not being "tampered with" my energy level is normally high.

I am only slow when I'm drugged up or being tortured. And being tortured has made it impossible to move through anything at normal speed and with my normal focus and attention. Once I set my focus on something, I am not easily distracted and it's only been torture that has changed things.

So it came to mind because I was starting to feel like myself again and less drugged and not tortured as much, when Newt Gingrich's campaign for "newt-a-mania" came up and I thought again about how I've had maybe jealous people trying to throw me into a mental illness category just because they resent my speed or focus when I am myself. I overheard a bunch of hostile talk in Nashville, TN at the Y when I was taking over 4 classes at the gym too, a bunch of asides in my hearing about mania all of a sudden. It wasn't to me directly, but right next to me and all the time. And my energy level has nothing to do with mania.

Did I have "mania" for 2 solid years when I proved I was able to handle 2 lawsuits, be an entrepreneur with a PT job selling books, go to church, socialize, and exercise while taking 20 credits at PSU and getting all B+s?

Mania doesn't last 2 solid straight years. I was not being tortured then, aside from migraine, and I filled up my schedule by choice, and met the demands and fortunately was able to document it because most of my work was public or in the public eye.

Since then, I've been slowed down and dumbed down by literal torture, and then whenever a moment of my old self returns, it's chalked up to "mania" because all of a sudden, it appears unusual for me to be productive at all. Anyway. I am not manic and right after my concerns that someone was going to do something to me to attempt to squash my energy level again, it happened and I've slowed down again, mainly from increased torture again (which my parents experience too) but possibly illicit medications as well (and I don't think it is my parents).

Being lasered all day and almost all night is enough to wear someone out.

I have noticed that some seem to want to challenge me, to see how I do at math and how quickly I work through a book, or by depriving me of prep time and then waiting to see if "she can do it in 2 weeks like she said she did for the other lawsuits".

I don't know who is setting up the challenge or contest, because they already know I'm being tortured and that these are not the same conditions as before.

I am not sure if they want to try to claim it wasn't really me doing the work before, or if they are asserting an idea that "she's old" and can't think or act the same way, or what. No, there is no possible way to measure how I work now while being tortured against how I worked in the past.

Recently there was even some kind of math deal going, on how fast I went through a math book. If I had only gone through one book it may have been fast. But this time around, I wanted to understand all the concepts and history and theoretical ideas. So it's taking 10x longer than usual and at the same time, I am being tortured. I only picked up math after I was locked out of a computer when I tried to get the attention of the UN and D.C. again.

My health problems are seriously a problem and not made up (the CT scans and pain are real) but even worse is being tortured with zero communications and then being harassed at a library to keep me out of there even. So I got some books because it was impossible to work on my legal case for my son, or a legal complaint, and it was either being tortured with nothing else to do or trying to learn some things while enduring torture.

What happened, is that I was tortured while even attempting to study math and then I finally filed the UN thing. I was already working on it I think, but things got worse.

So what was the point of some group wanting to obstruct me from studying math? I can't think of any reason other than that some of them are part of the same group that wanted to make me look stupid in math to begin with and go so far as to assign F's over it when I wasn't even in their class. No, math is not my favorite subject. But I am also not incapable of grasping the concepts. In fact, I was shocked to find I scored highest in analytical puzzles (logic) for the LSAT prep than the reading or other verbal tests and that was years after I was out of high school. I did self timed tests at Multnomah County Library in 1999-2001, for LSAT (legal aptitude...) and my highest scores were in the section most students did the worst at. I had a result that shocked ME.

So then when I am over here going through review, and being tortured, I have to ask why. I don't think it is anything other than anti-competition and torture for this reason (or any reason) is illegal. You don't torture people to take an advantage, I mean, in the U.S.? on their own citizens? it's shocking.

The other day I saw part of a girls' race (track and field) and while watching them run I thought something was wrong with most of them. They didn't look "strong". I said out loud, "Most of those girls look fragile or something, like a lot of them are going to end up with injuries after that race." Then I sat down and the winner (I hadn't seen who won) comes onto the screen. A young woman with a Georgetown slogan across her shirt, the number 15, and a blue headband. I said, "That's who won? She's from Georgetown? No WONDER I thought there was something wrong with the other girls."

What I know, is that as a victim of torture, on anti-competitive grounds, if this is allowed to me and my family, for religious hate or objectives, it's also extended to other arenas. And in that particular race it crossed my mind that something was "up" and then to see the winner, out of this pack of weakened competitors, was hailing from Georgetown, was not a huge surprise. I felt she had won because she was Catholic. And how would the other girls even know how to tell what was wrong with them? why they felt weaker? which of them is going to know how it feels to be tortured on lower levels or how to distinguish between actual health problems and being a target of directed assault by technology? at lower levels, it's hard to even tell the difference.

It is possible to target almost an entire group that is moving, and single out one person to NOT be targeted. I've witnessed it. It is also possible to target a group of women overnight or during the day to the point that they are fatigued or weaker by the time of a race.

How, exactly, do you trust your own government about anything if they can't refrain from allowing torture of their own civilians. Whatever the excuse, there is no excuse and the claim that I or my son is research or my parent's are fair game is not just leading to application of this torture outside of this country, but to things like races, and competition of every conceivable kind.

It could therefore be said the greatest threat to quote-unquote "democracy" is torture. So while someone out there tries to generate this "activist" or negative profile against me for the FBI and internationally, they have been the undoing of this country as a whole.

Torture of me to keep me from doing one thing or another or succeeding at almost anything, paves the way for torture of entire groups of runners in races to the point where the winners are hand-chosen ahead of time and the rest of the competitors have no chance. They'll take them out before they even get to the track.

Who's going to know? who is going to complain and say "there was something going on...I don't know but I think I was tortured." Right. Which of those young women would do that and which of their parents would attempt to support such an idea? even if it was the truth.

So much for "equal opportunity." Sure. Give someone "equal opportunity" and then torture them and wait to see if they get anywhere with their claim that they didn't succeed because they were "tortured."

First of all, people think you're just making excuses and you start sounding like a sore loser and then secondly who is going to believe you're being tortured and thirdly, if they do believe you, how are you going to prove it?

There is no democracy.

Show me the money.

Show me the money that has democracy and torture giving eachother a hug. You know, can't someone manage to put the two together on a dollar bill or something?

The excuses for torture of citizens, for "research" are bogus. Even if some of it were to be applied in "times of war" against "foreign enemies", that has nothing to do with the real-life applications that are being used in this country.

It is not going to affect just my family, with my "religious hate crew" or my parent's political or religious hate crew against them or exploiting them, in national interest or not. It is not just affecting sports and the outcome of sports (which ultimately leads to money right?). It extends to business and any kind of business and competition. That means entertainment business, restaurant business, wallstreet brokering, small business and big business, government business, and then it means politics and Senate and Presidency candidates are even susceptible to being tortured out of the game.

What are they going to say?

I lost the Senate seat because I was being tortured. ?

It used to be just blackmail right? Blackmail on domestic problems, some kind of illegal business, a bad divorce, homosexuality (back when). Now it's torture. Now, people get away with torturing others in this country.

It's not exactly commonplace yet which is maybe why no one seems to be that worried unless they are a torture victim. But by the time it does become commonplace, it's too late.

It's not going to start out with everyone being tortured all at once. Why not? because then everyone would know and it could lead to an uprising. Instead, they target certain families and groups and infiltrate into all positions of power that have control of the technology, and only after they've gotten away with it enough and eliminated some of the key players, will they then oppress anyone and everyone that gets in their way.

Are YOU going to be the one who "outs" those responsible for torturing civilians in this country? After they've intimidated enough people or bought them out and have power, how courageous will anyone feel in exposing the people responsible for mass crimes of terrorism within their own country?

Those behind this know what will happen if (and only if) they are caught: Jail. Do you really think the richest and most powerful who have been controlling this, are not aware of the risks they take? They take risks that they have people willing to kill over. Cold blood kill. And that's aside from "torture."

How successful is an anti-trust lawsuit or anti-monopoly lawsuit against a huge company when they know people who can fry any FBI agent that dares take them on? They first bribed half the FBI and move in people from their own groups or church, and then if someone even tries to do something right, and fight through the corruption, how successful is that team of lawyers really? How many of the lawyers are even on the side they say they're on?

If you're a small business owner, it used to be people could try to squeeze you out. Now they can torture you out. It used to be that law firms hired P.I.s. Now they just give a few bucks to the FBI agent or officer with Patriot Act provisions to bug your opponents house and car. I guess if you're dealing with Wallstreet trading, inside trading becomes a whole new ballgame depending upon what kind of operating system you're using at the moment. You probably have to have your own personal feet inside that trader's room just to know you're seeing the same numbers the guy next to you sees. Then in a hotel room nearby someone is getting a tip. For anyone using a computer to get their up to date info, they might get it too late while the email comes in on time for the next person or there are not computer problems out of the blue.

Have a milk business? It's too bad for you that you're not connected to the right church or people because according to the truck, the pick-up wasn't received on time and it's not their fault your system crashed. Don't cry over spilt milk. You're out of business now because, do you explain that you were being tortured and all the men in your family were suddenly having heart attacks and then the computer kept crashing which screwed up delivery which then led to spoiled milk and now you're out of business because,

1. you cannot control your operating system, or those who are behind the technology for it, and
2. you cannot control the criminals that use friends in government to torture you by use of technology.

If my family is tortured and my son tortured before my eyes, this can and does extend to every form of competition in this country.

The government basically turned into full-blown mobsters.

Which means, no one is safe. They don't target everyone now because it's too obvious. But what about presidential candidates or anyone who actually has a conscience? If you're at the top and corrupt and have gotten away with torturing people, you will focus your attention on torturing those who seem to be the biggest threat to your monopoly on torture. Which means, you will torture only those candidates that might be decent and who would expose such crimes.

The ENTIRE concept of "democracy" and even capitalism (in general) is "competition".

When this country started allowing torture as a means for interfering with competition, it lost it's classification as a "democracy".

And yeah, that includes Canada and other countries that do the same thing or have recently decided to collude with certain international officials for this purpose.

My migraines were being artificially triggered in 1997-1998 which means this form of technology was used, or technology was already being used, in general, to torture people.

The technology was there in 1997 which means it was there earlier. I can backdate to at least 1992.

And since it was there in 1992, I cannot say that just because this first happened to me then, this is when it began in general (of course), so it is possible that use of technology to torture people was being used internationally, on civilians, who knows how much earlier. It could have even been misattributed to natural causes, but who knows how long it's gone on.

I know that since 2006, it's been full-blown torture for me and my son, day and night. It did increase gradually. It was test here, test that, test there, testing, feeling out the territory, wondering if anyone would get in trouble and finding out who was who. I'm sure a few people who knew who was responsible have been bumped off by now. I wonder how many people have been killed just to keep it quiet. I guess if you can torture or blackmail people that's good enough and not as noticeable as death, but you can't spend time in the beginning, torturing everyone. Keeping a thumb on everyone. Blackmailing everyone. No, monitoring and continuing torture and the scheme behind it takes money and a lot of time. You don't have enough time to divide between all the people you want to get at, so in the beginning, it was more murder than torture. Right?

Just a lot of people dying all of a sudden. Some deaths looked natural and other deaths didn't look so natural. Then you have to recruit to get your covers into office for you. So you recruit to get a bunch of people who will back you up and take control from the inside while giving a "equal opportunity" impression to the outside.

Then it's torture and then lucky day for you, you get to cut down on costs paying for a P.I. and just use your local guys in intelligence and police to take advantage of the Patriot Act and surveillance to your advantage.

Now you hold all of the cards. And you're the state too.

You don't even have to worry about getting caught for raping and torturing little kids anymore.

Now let's make it look like a happy fun game we're playing. You know, to take the edge off. Let's make some jokes, pass out rewards and bonuses, and use curiosity and entertainment factors to keep torture sugar-coated. Let's appeal to the ego and make people feel they're part of an elite team--let's make it more "7 wonders of the world" and less "7 places that look like hell". A little more circus and a little less concentration camp.


There was this book on a table at my parent's house that didn't look like anything my mom or dad would have picked out. They read a lot, but this one isn't their style. It's called Spy vs Spy and I looked at it and then dropped it and said, "You know, I have about THAT much interest in 'spies' while being tortured in this country."

Why would I want to read some slicked up book about spies when I am a witness and victim to crime every single day.

Last night I picked up a book I got at the library that Obama wrote called, "The Audacity of Hope" and just felt tired looking at the title. My son was kidnapped from me and tortured. I read just the beginning, up to the part about his saying he is a moderate and if someone says facism is inside this country at our throats he would step back and say "look at russia" and when someone said there is torture he'd say, "look at egypt." I felt drained when I read this. I thought, "Oh no." I mean, that was 2006, so maybe things have changed and every president goes gray in office. But it made me worry because that's what I hear..."You think this is torture? Now read this! look at this! watch that! now THAT is torture." My parent's repeat what they have to say. But it's not from their hearts. They repeat what they are told to repeat and taught to be distracted and distract me and others who are tortured, with the idea that our torture in America isn't so bad.

It is bad.

We're threatened with jail or mental hospitals if we try to say it's torture.

I just felt disheartened after reading that part in the book and that the prologue or first chapter. I had to set it down. Then I prayed, "God, if you want me to go to a specific part for any reason, show me where, not that I will think it's totally important." And I opened up to the part where he's talking about passing bills for arms on the black market. He writes about how he was excited to pass a bill about shoulder-to-air missiles or something and regarding black market trading of weapons and then he calls up his wife to talk about it.

I pretty much just went to bed after that.

As for my energy level, I just now, at 11:32 p.m., got up to look at myself in the mirror because I have noticed in the last few days that my natural energy went down again and I was feeling drugged (along with being tortured) and sure enough, tonight, as it was last night, I have a droopy eye. I only get this when I'm medicated and when my energy levels were returning it didn't happen at all. I also have my feet cramping up and contorting which is a symptom of medication or from the repeated torture I was exposed to the last several days and nights.

Which is also maybe why I'm suddenly writing like this again, the way I do when I'm drugged up. The last couple of days they were more to the point and then as my eye got droopier and torture increased, I just start rambling again.

And I've been tortured while writing and working on this laptop.

Everyone is telling me to leave this country.

I haven't had anything from anyone that was out of the ordinary until recently. I had a couple of cookies at a Lutheran church that looked straight out of a box, that was last Sunday, and I didn't eat this homemade cookie they put in front of me. I took it, but then I pocketed it and flushed it when I was home. I even took a bite from it and then walked all the way to my house to then spit out the contents. So I know it wasn't anything from a homemade cookie thrust in front of me on Sunday. I normally wouldn't pick it up but I did, and then I couldn't put it back and I didn't want to keep eating it so I put it in my bag and then flushed everything.

Why? because I've been medicated illicitly more than once.

So if anyone thinks I might have assumed that was the cookie that "did it", I didn't even ingest it. I was given a bottle of Western Family "aleve" after Aleve worked somewhat in larger doses. It crossed my mind that this so-called psychologist in town or CIA could have altered something but it was sealed and I took them. I made bread from a bread mix I was given at a store in town, and I thought it had an odd taste. That's about it. I thought it had a weird chemical-like taste and flavor, not in keeping with what was advertised on the package but it was the same taste as this pancake mix I also got there.

It's not even the right timing for me to have a droopy eye even if I were having my period and put on drugs that interfered with migraines. By Tuesday my feet were cramping and my eye was drooping and then my mother was asking me to describe the pain to the metal in my neck on Wednesday. On Wednesday I was too tired to leave the house, which is not me at all and was bizarre considering I had high energy previously. It was pretty much the same fatigue one has after being doped up with meds and tortured for days at the same time.

I was telling people on Tuesday, at this church, about how I was injected with a substance in a federal government building in Knoxville, TN by 2 women wearing police uniforms. It was a vaccination to my shoulder. But it was an injection and I had a mark from it, that then swelled up and hardened and then I had worse swelling. There was a needle mark and then around it, a white raised area that developed, and around that, redness. I had this hardened bump on my arm from some kind of totally illegal injection, over 1 month later. I went from TN to TX and it was still there and by the end of a month I was in Oregon and showed my parents upon arrival.

They did not document giving me an injection. They were not nurses or doctors. They were 2 women wearing police uniforms. At the time they did this to me, I was stark naked and being forced to kneel by them. They made me kneel twice, ordered me to.

It wasn't like I was being disorderly and this wasn't even the mental hospital I was thrown into illegally in Nashville. I went from there to then make a valid 911 call which, get this, the U.S. is forcing me to PAY for. I was assaulted in a federal detention facility after I tried to get help when they KNEW I was being tortured and they knew who was responsible. They jailed me for attempting to get help.

First the U.S. threw me into a mental hospital for trying to report torture and get help and then the U.S. threw me into jail.

That's not the first time either. They allowed me and my son to be tortured first and then made a false arrest and kidnapped us from Canada. I've been jailed on false charges several times in this country, because of religious hate crime and anti-competition. What else is it? There is no other excuse.

So I am literally PAYING for my own abuse. They jailed me in Knoxville and experimented on me and while I was there, they injected me with some kind of foreign substance and I have no idea what it was.

When they threw me into the mental hospital, it was doctors and they told me what they were giving me before they injected me. I wasn't disorderly there either. They just did it to do it. They said they were injecting me with Haldol.

When I was later in Knoxville, it wasn't doctors and nurses. It was state and federal employees. Police officers (at least that's the costume they wore). They didn't announce they were injecting me and they didn't document it (to my knowledge). They also didn't tell me first or do it in a natural location. For the Haldol, that was illegal too, but had this auspice of legality and they told me they were giving it to me in my shoulder or hip, which one. That kind of thing.

At this federal detention facility, they just illicitly and completely illegaly injected me with ? what?

It was done near my wrist but it wasn't anything from handcuffs. I had bruising from the handcuffs and one hand was fractured but the injection site was not a scrape or cut or anything. It had the impression of needle and then that one spot got this raised hard and white surface in a circle and then around this it swelled but was red.

A normal vaccination would be done in the shoulder.

Afterwards I didn't notice any kind of drugged up feeling. I felt no different, physically or mentally. It wasn't like LSD. It was so strange I watched it and noticed while still in the first holding cell and while I was there they used technology to torture me.

They did it, while I was in jail, just to show me no place was safe. They wanted me to see that if I called 911 because I was being tortured, I couldn't expect not to be tortured even there in jail. So I sat there, being tortured, and watching this bump get larger and harder on my wrist.

It was done when I was naked and then took money out from inside of my bra and handed it over. I had in my open palm and it was stretched out to them. This one woman just freaked out but she wasn't even freaked out about the money. It was my bra pads she was freaked out over and she started to almost cry and then look enraged as if I'd personally killed her sister.

Why cry over my bra pads?

She saw my bra pads and almost burst into tears. This is a totally weird reaction for an "anonymous" police office to have, upon sight of another woman's bra pads. Then, when I said I had money to give her, she FLIPPED OUT into a rage.

This woman was NOT crying over ME. It was more like she was crying for herself or some other woman she was close to. So she almost burst into tears when I handed over my bra pads and then when I said I had money from inside of my bra, she turned into this maniacal, enraged and almost seemingly triumphant and hateful person. I wasn't fighting them on anything. I was naked. Like I'm going to fight or be disorderly while I'm nude.

It wasn't like she had an emotional reaction to some idea that I wouldn't give her the money because I had my hand stretched out for her to take it from me. She had her little emotional reaction before we ever got to the money part.

I was the one who should have been in tears, not HER. She was the one in the uniform wielding the power and the gun and I was nude and compliant as a victim of torture who was then dragged in for more torture, courtesy of the FBI. Maybe that's why every single FBI field office responded to my request for FOIA (even if it was just to deny my request) except for Knoxville. I don't know.

So this woman had an emotional, visibly tearful reaction when I gave her my bra pads. Then she flew into a rage when I tried to give her my money. It was definitely personal for her in some way. Who her little squad is, or group, I don't know. Who she cheerleads for and bumps people off for, I have no idea. But that was her reaction to me and if you ask me, it's strange if she didn't supposedly know who I was, was not connected to me in any way, and had nothing to do with my life.

So she screamed at me and forced me onto my knees to kneel and while she forced me to kneel she then cinched the handcuffs in a little and then yanked my shoulders backwards up over my head. While I was screaming in pain and asking for help a man started to come back but then I didn't want him to see me naked so I said don't go back there. These two women were the only ones present physically in that space. I don't know which one of them injected me. The one was twisting my arms and hands so hard it would have been extremely difficult to notice the exact moment of injection with the surrounding pain. But it was done. Whatever was done, was done by them and both of them witnessed it along with whoever was behind the two-way mirror.

They had the dressing room door wide open when I was naked. Basically, it was sort of a hall apart from this main lobby area and then there was a door to a closet type of thing that served as a dressing room. They had the door closed when they told me to strip and both of them stood on the other side of the door. They took my clothing items one by one as I took them off and handed them over. Then I was almost completely nude and they knew it and said give us your bra. So I first handed over my bra pads. Then they opened the door after this to take my bra and this woman stared at me with this sort of shocked angry tearful look after I gave her pads. So that's how I saw her expression over the pads first. She opened the door. Then I handed over the money or tried and she freaked out. The door was already open, I was naked, she went into a rage and forced me on my knees and then they injected me while assaulting me.

And the State of Tennessee is making me pay them for that experience. It was a bunch of feds there though and it was next to the nukes place so I'm sure at least one bona fide spy was present. I'd like to hope at least one was a good person maybe from a different country that is exposing this to be the truth as I tell it to be.

After my hand was fractured and I was injected (with no one announcing the injection and also, no forewarning at all or comment about it), she folded up a towel into a little bath size. Basically, this was a full sheet or blanket. I mean, one could have been wrapped up in it, full body, but no, she wanted to fold it up into a small little amount of cloth to be the same size as the bath towel I had around me when I was at the Y the morning of the "GREAT AND FANTASTIC MIDDLETON TRIUMPH!" I mean, afterall, isn't this what Mr. Middleton has been killing people for all these years? I mean, I have a LOT of questions about so many things that have to do with my being stalked and targeted so long and then coming to realize some of it is about someone English. (most of it, religious hate, but then this in the backdrop which I never thought about in my life)

The towel I was wearing (because I went to the steam room to warm up, as usual) was white. It was this little standard Y gym towel that anyone could pick up. Standard bath towel size, or a little smaller, and sort of thin material. I had it wrapped around my body and tucked in at the corner under my armpit and then another white towel wrapped around my head (I was going from steam room to shower and out and then back to steam room).

So this police officer literally takes this large white blanket and folded up into little folds so it was the same size as a bath towel. She had it wrapped around me so that it only went to my mid-thigh and exposed the rest of my legs and then exposed all of my arms and chest and had it low on my chest. I was dragged that way, in handcuffs, across the room of other guards.

It was sort of their mockery of the runway idea.

They deliberately folded up a large blanket into a tiny piece of material to then push me out in front of everyone with and then dragged me down a long haul while twisting my arms. I wasn't even free to hold the blanket up and keep it from slipping because my hands were behind my back. They held their idea of a towel around me and exposed me that way to all the men.

Once they dragged me down the hall to this room with windows (not the large one with plexiglass all around but the small cell that was monitored), I was then holding onto the towel around me and she said, "Now YOU KNEEL! GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND KNEEL!!!"

So she forced me onto my knees and then told me to put my arms out to the side, like I was on a cross or over my head..I think it was to the sides. I said, "I can't or the towel will fall and I'll be naked." So then she held the towel and then told me to do this and then left. When she left, I was in a freezing cold room with bright lights and then someone turned on technology while I was in there. It wasn't severe, but they used it in that facility while I was locked up. As soon as she left I noticed the odd development on my arm-wrist.

The thing is, even if it had not been an injection, no one gets a mark like that from a handcuff injury. I had bruises and internally a bone or two was fractured on one hand, near the fingers or center of hand. But the mark for injection was clearly a mark from an injection and it hardened like one and raised into a perfect circle like was a substance.

So since they didn't want to say out loud they were even doing this to me, and since they weren't doctors or nurses, what is anyone supposed to think?

It wasn't a sedative or LSD. I didn't feel drowsy after it was done or buzzed or numb or anything. So I basically don't know if they innoculated me with something, attempted to treat me for something, or experimented on me with a substance. My guess, given her reaction, was that I was not being "treated" for anything. There was no doctor or nurse around either so it's not like someone made an excuse saying I needed to be injected and then these police officers happened to know how to inject people medically and carried a substance with them.

So basically, my opinion is that they gave me a virus or something they later wanted to track and follow. After this, they let me go back home to see my parents after forcibly separating us for 7 years.

Then, after all that, they wanted me to consent to be used for research again, after first allowing hate crime to cut me out of any kind of healthy competition. They tortured me at Logan's, threw me into jail and psych wards, injected me with foreign substances and then thought I would be ready to rejoin my parents and used for more research while they abused my son for mind control.

How well is my son speaking and functioning in school?

I imagine he's having some problems actually.

He had a tooth fall out awhile ago. Did anyone take it to a lab to analyze it for effects of torture? Did anyone notice that he has enamel dysplasia like I said, and as was diagnosed and then altered later in the record?

By the way, my son is only halfway through kindergarten and his first tooth fell out. I didn't lose my own first tooth until 1st grade.

Even if you torture a kid, to cause them to be delayed where they were a genious before, it's harder to force nature back. His first tooth fell out early because he was not just intellectually ahead of schedule, but phsyically. And it's documented that this is true oftentimes, for the gifted.

Most gifted develop earlier in physical ways as well as mentally, including documentation of gifteds having their teeth come in earlier and therefore fall out earlier. My point is that since my son's dental records were illegally altered and edited, his growth pattern is still consistent with my testimony.

So even if he is no longer in the 100th percentile for tallest and best weight gain for kids, because he's been starved, stolen from, and abused (not by his caregivers but by the mafia and their FBI) his teeth still show his original template for growth.

So basically, when I say medical records "disappeared" and were thrown out and edited, it's the truth. When I saw the dentists and pediatricians in Washington are liars, it's the truth. Not one single dentist has evaluated my son since they trashed his original records. And not one pediatrician there is without conflict of interest.

For example, I first took my son to the Wenatchee dentist when he was 3 months old because that's when he cut his first tooth. He was 3 months old and had his first dental appointment.

Last time I checked, that office suddenly didn't have such a thing. No such record existed and they were telling me they didn't have record of a visit until the 6th or 9th month or something. And nowhere was there any mention of enamel dysplasia even though this was how I first learned about the term--through the dentist himself.

He diagnosed my son with enamel dysplasia when my son was 3 months old and presented with his first tooth, which was formed enough and exposed enough for the dentist to notice there was a problem and that it was evidence of traumatic head injury at birth.

After birth, and the extreme trauma and pain, my son went on to develop early and speak very early (before 9months and identifying numbers and talking).

His motor skills were also advanced. Doctors watched him aim for and kick a ball accurately at age 1 and he was walking before 9 months as well.

He was so smart, he was far smarter than me. I knew it and I read up to find out how he was matching up and to what level, and he was very near genious level, like my Dad and Mom.

So when those records started disappearing and we continue to be tortured, let it be known that my son's first tooth fell out awhile back, and it first showed up and came in at 3 month's of age which is when I first took him to the dentist who said his tooth problem was the result of, and evidence of a traumatic birth.

The same traumatic birth that supposedly never happened, which was recategorized as a "natural spontaneous birth" when it wasn't.

So now my son is almost 6 years old and his statute of limitations has almost expired for him to recover anything for his damages. I am the only one who will sue for his interests and to cover his costs. His current guardians were forced to agree they would never sue anyone and that they would do as they were told.

I will never live in Wenatchee. I will never agree to joint custody on any terms. My son was illegally stolen from me, tortured, and experimented with. He has been abused in Wenatchee and state employees have supervised his abuse.

My own mother and father live here and do as they're told. They don't do whatever they want to do. They are told where to work, where to live, where to travel, who to see, and they are tortured and told it's worse in other countries and if they don't recant their religion (christianity) they are told they will be killed. They are forced to go along with things and experiments and research that is anti-christian and violates their religious beliefs and that is in addition to basically being held hostage.

They were informed on how to raise me, and what things to deprive me of and if they didn't agree, it was worse. They were told what kind of suggestions to make to impressionable minds and instructed to follow through even if they didn't agree.

This country has controlled my entire family for decades and then when it turned into a religious agenda of hate, it just got 10x worse and now we are tortured day and night.

The FBI allowed my son's mind to be ruined and have been more interested in protecting criminals that hurt kids more than kids. They were not even honest about who was interviewing me and obstructing me from making a report of religious hate crime.

I've asked for few things. It's never been too much to ask and has always been my right.

1. I have the right to have my son returned to me. In the same way they took my son from me they should return him to me. That means, since they literally snatched my baby out of my arms, they should return my son to me WITHOUT argument. "Here is your son Ms. Garrett, we made a mistake and it's being cleared up."

Crimes of abduction and false arrest and collusion deserve investigation and return of the child to the legal guardian. The entire CPS case is sham.

2. I want this metal implant crap taken out of my neck and teeth as it's being used for facilitating torture of me and surveillance and tracking of me.

3. I want a safe place for my son and I, and my parents, and rest of family to live. We do not deserve torture and I write this as I continue to be tortured. So that's really promising. If I were not tortured, other things would fall into place.

4. I want those who have tortured my son caught. I want names, details, evidence.

And with that, it looks like I am going back to filing my UN complaint against Canada with inclusion of the U.S. because torture continues to be allowed and my son has not been returned.

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