Saturday, March 24, 2012

Torture, Archdiocese-FBI Fraud & Suicide Comment by Clark

Yesterday there was not only extreme and severe torture, but people around town mocking about it, indicating they knew. Old rich women driving by clasping their hands to their ear and laughing at me while seeing me notice them, I guess, because they knew my one ear hurt all day from torture. It was all on the left side of my body because that's where all the metal is.

If it was a natural cause, it wouldn't be isolated to this spot or region that is inbetween metal points. It would affect my right side of my neck or jaw or possibly ear as well. But it's not doing that, because the technology used is to specifically trigger the metal in a location on one side of my neck and jaw.

It was done wherever I was, so either I was followed by military knowing how to track me through this metal, or it was the interference from something people in town set up (which seems less likely but there is military and FBI here), or it was some ability to "turn on" some part of metal in my neck which affects the metal in my teeth as well.

Not only that, I had people referencing my pain and making comments about it from one woman (a receptionist) at EOU, to people in town, so there were people who knew what was happening to me all day.

I took 5 aleve and 3 advil and it did nothing. I took them all at once after trying other things and it did nothing to help with the pain. I couldn't sleep and I couldn't function so I mailed something at the post office and went home and did nothing but suffer while lying down. Then it was slightly better but still woke me up at night.

I figured someone wanted to drive me into the ER again for another CT scan and I refused to go. They know I'm being tortured and then the last time I was there, refused to even treat my pain with any kind of painkiller. They don't care about my pain but about getting their own diagnostics to satisfy their curiosity about what is happening to my body and once while there I was tortured while in their medical facility.

This also happened in Wenatchee at the hospitals and in Nashville, TN, the one time I was there. I walked into the hospital and the entire walk there I had no problem and then they put me in a room and either started frying me or using other technology to cause pain to my heart.

So it's no wonder that my Uncle Howard collapsed while he was in the Bonner's Ferry hospital trying to leave. These days, you can go into a hospital and be used as a guinea pig and/or tortured right there, rather than helped.

On top of the severity of pain to which I almost wanted to commit suicide, which is the fault of this country and FBI, which I wouldn't do, but because it was that bad, I had a headache and my entire body hurt and my mother said she had the same headache but they don't have the same metal in their bodies.

I couldn't turn on any electricity at my house last night or it enhanced the technology used to cause waves of pain and sharp jabs to my neck and teeth. Every single time I tried to turn on either of small heaters, it facilitated torturing me worse.

But it wasn't completely dependent upon heaters. I know that since I've had a certain filling the dentists all kept me from having copies of the records. And I'm writing about this now because just now, at about 12:104, someone decided to torture me through using technology that causes pain to the metal in my teeth. I've already had 4 ibuprofen today.

One man who suggested I commit suicide and said he was suprised I hadn't, was Professor Michael Clark with PSU. He was someone whose relative is a senior monk at Mt. Angel Abbey. There was another man who said the same thing to me when I was in Wenatchee, WA, or after some of the torture to me and my son there actually and I'll write about him later. He kept saying most people would have killed themselves and why hadn't I just killed myself and I was stupid for not doing so. He made it sound like he knew exactly how severe the level of torture to me and my son was and acted shocked I hadn't "offed" myself to the convenience of hate crime. Basically, that comment was made after I did have an attempt when it was only ongoing series of migraines that were triggered to keep me out of college or completing my lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon or The Willamette Week defamation case. I still had the Archdiocese case pending when I got hit with migraine after migraine, one right after the other and no breaks inbetween.

This was after they first colluded with FBI to take my car on a false citation through Judge Warren. It was collusion between 2 states then. So they forced me out of lawsuits and then I was still trying to keep up with it because I sent email to the federal court asking for instructions on things and I was still making notice of attempt to appear when needed. Since it was being managed in a big consolidation, I wasn't required to put in motions all the time at that point, but if I was to recover any monies from my damages, for my case, my case had been hauled into the heap with other cases. So basically, it wasn't immediately necessary for me to file things with the court though I was still trying to get documents and evidence from Marion county into the Federal courthouse becauase they had left out my entire notebook on the monastic policies and rules governing their corporation, which applied to the bankruptcy and determined whether or not their attempt to file bankruptcy for some of their abbies or groups was even valid at all.

My documentation which was omitted from the federal court and from public eye, proved that the truth was conveniently displaced and left out of the whole deal. They went to bankruptcy court on invalid grounds and I was able to prove it with documentation from their own Canon law (religious) which also helped to clarify the way they had structured their business on a secular corporate level.

It weakened their case.

So my thoughts then had been that either the other lawyers didn't know about it (because most might not care or dig that deep, as far as I had because I was curious and wanted to know) or they didn't care if it went to bankruptcy because it was maybe easier for them collectively or kept their own payrolls running. So maybe as long as they got paid, they didn't really care about whether filing bankruptcy for a Roman Catholic Archdiocese was even valid at all.

According to my documentation, it wasn't valid.

Which, if true, is a HUGE big business breaker.

So they kept it out of the record and tortured me. Or, used friends in high places to torture me. First they got their friends in the FBI involved and colluded to shut me down by taking my mode of transportation from me. That way, I couldn't even drive to Marion County to pick up the original documents they were leaving out of the record or examine all of the records they had missed.

The Archdiocese and courts were required to do this for anyone who had a case filed with that church--they were the ones responsible for making sure all documents got correctly transfered from state court to federal court because filing for bankruptcy was at their own expense.

So the federal bankruptcy court and their clerks didn't do this. They and the Archdiocese were responsible for this, not me. They correctly transfered everyone's case and documents except for my documents which called into question the legitimacy of a bankruptcy at all.

Remember, it was the "first one". It was an experiment for them and no one had tried such a thing before. So this was their test case baby. If they got what they wanted and made it work, they saved billions of dollars and assets. This was also billions upon billions of profit to their law firms like Bullivant Houser & Baily and others. A lot of people made money from this.

Since it worked out for them, after they tortured me, they then filed the next one in Spokane, WA which is not too far from where my Uncle Howard was living, in Bonner's Ferry, ID. It's right across the border.

All of the Judges reviewing my case for my son, from federal court in Spokane, have been Catholic. And these are the same Judges who hob-nob with Judges that handled yet another successful bankruptcy filing for an Archdiocese, 2nd time in Spokane.

The second time I attempted to bring my documentation over, when I found out about the Spokane filing, was when I was newly tortured again. I was already trapped to live in Wenatchee, WA because the Archdiocese, federal bankruptcy clerks, and FBI and Judges and police that were Catholic colluded to force me out of the process so I couldn't be heard and have any of my records filed where the public eye would see them and could call the entire process into question.

First my car was taken from me which forced me out of college at PSU and out of being able to drive to the Marion County Courthouse to find out if numbers were assigned to my various motions and point out my folder of evidence which was to be transfered into the public file at Multnomah Bankrupty court.

This was the exact point I was at, in my lawsuits. I had just been denied a continuance for medical problems (repeated bronchitis and I don't know if black mold in my apartment on Terwilliger had anything to do with it). So that was for the defamation case with Willamette Week AND the Abbey/Archdiocese. I had a chance to revive that case but I wasn't able to because of what FBI did to me later and how they colluded with Catholic Judge Warren in Wenatchee, to benefit a religious group's legal process.

So I had the defamation case on hold. I still had the chance to revive it but at that moment, what needed to be done, was to get all of the documents from my OTHER case, for intentional infliction of emotional distress and collusion by the Abbey/Archdiocese and police, over to the federal bankruptcy court.

They were supposed to do it. But they said to me, at the federal court, "If you think we're missing some documents you need to notify the Marion County Courthouse and have them send this to us." What they had done at Marion County, through several Catholic clerks there and Judge Lipscomb (also Catholic) was to exclude this information (which I filed as part of my case) from my case file.

I sent full copies to all parties and even gave a copy to a party that had nothing to do with my case, but had a case for David Slader on Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse. I sent it to him on a whim. I thought, "I'll be he might be interested in this." So I was happy to send over some proof about corporate structure which contradicted everything they'd been claiming in court. It was significant but he gave it back to me with sort of a wink and smirk saying he was not able to take it or keep it. I still had the satisfaction of having given him materials which I knew HE would know, mattered.

I still remember his exact look on his face because I had worked so hard at putting that evidence together and even though I knew he technically couldn't accept it, I knew he'd reviewed it. It was my own "wikileaks" maneuver and it felt good.

So I had dropped off a copy to all parties. I even think I maybe gave a copy to the Willamette Week lawyers for fun, but I am not positive about that. I know I copied all parties and then I gave this one Judge a copy who wasn't part of my case but had a different clergy sex abuse case that was run by Slader.

After this, they didn't upload this information at the federal bankruptcy court. So they said call Marion County and get the documents that were missing sent over. This was the point I was at when the FBI and Catholic Judges colluded to cut me out of court.

It was flat-out religious hate and obstruction of justice.

I called Marion County Courthouse and the clerks there were almost all Catholic. I had done the research and it was true. Not all of them but I looked up several of them were and they also took orders from the Catholic Lipscomb who had been presiding over that case. When I talked to them over the phone they said they had sent everything to the federal court. I said it hadn't been done because I'd checked the record and reviewed all the motions and documents entered and they were not there. So I said, "They are in that folder you tried to keep to the side which is part of the file."

Then they tried to argue with me, saying, "That's not part of the file. That's just extra information you sent." I said, "No, it went with a motion and declaration and was to be filed."

They said, "It's over 100 pages and we have to SCAN all of the documents and it would take too much time."

I said, "You are having to scan thousands of pages of documents for other cases so why is a couple of hundred from my case any different? It's supposed to be at the Abbey/Archdiocese's cost anyway."

They told me if I wanted to have anything included in what was sent to the federal court, that I then had to drive down there, to Salem from Portland, and "show" them which documents to send. I already told them all of it but they said to go in person.

So the first time I was ever driving in that direction, after this conversation, I was illegally held up.

I had said to them, and to federal clerks in Portland, "Why should I have to drive all the way from Portland to Salem to tell them what to do when they already know they have these documents?"

Since my case in Salem had been removed to Portland, with other Archdiocese affiliated cases, I had not driven that way even one time.

Since I was being told I HAD to drive to Salem, to this courthouse, in order to designate what other documents had to be filed, there were many people who knew and expected me to drive to Marion County Courthouse, in Salem, Oregon, for purposes of getting the documents the Archdiocese and secular firms did not want in public record, on record.

This is what occured inbetween the time I talked to the Portland Federal Bankruptcy Court and Marion County Courthouse, and was told to drive to Salem, Oregon to indicate what documents were not yet filed--

Judge Warren, Catholic, in Wenatchee, WA, put out a false "alert" to Oregon police, to pull me over for "suspended license".

This was done immediately after I protested about my documents not being filed as ordered by the court, upon my discovery that all my documents were not there. I had gone to the Multnomah Bankruptcy Court and used their computer there to look up my case online, in that lobby, and check all of the documents with regard to my case. An entire 100-200 pages was missing and it was the important documentation with regard to corporate structure and governance. I did not have the ability, from my house and computer, to look it up on my own (I think I didn't have access for some reason) so I looked it up on-site in the federal bankruptcy building.

I also attempted to have a case removed in a specific way, and when I got there, there was a man ahead of me who looked at me and said, "Ms. Garrett, you are served." So no one knew I was going to be there that morning to file something to protect my case unless they had surveillance of my phone line when I told Christa Schneider or unless someone connected to her leaked that information. This occured after I had met the FBI agents and they had been in my apartment.

It is even possible that the surveillance or tap for the benefit of the Archdiocese lawyers was done BY the FBI agents who were in my apartment. I say this because when I looked back on it, I had thought it was more that they were there to remove something that had already been placed in my apartment. I think I was served by the server, that morning, after meeting the FBI but possibly before. I think it was after. At any rate, Bujanda was scouring my place, looking along the edge of my desk up against the wall and around my place. His eyes were on my apartment, not me. When I told "Julia Thornton" who was actually, I believe, Laura Laughlin giving me a false name, she interrupted and said he was an FBI agent used to looking around. So the other part is that when I was around the corner with Bujanda, intoxicated, Garza was (pretending?) to be asleep on the couch. When he left, he looked around the corner and nodded over at Bujanda. So it's possible that he did something when I was out of sight even.

It doesn't matter how you look at it, the FBI was involved in forcing me out of my lawsuits and it's ruined my life. Then, they allowed torture of me and my son.

So basically, right after I was told I had to drive to Salem, Oregon and go to the courthouse in person, someone told the Catholic Judge Warren in Wenatchee to put an illegal suspension on my license that wasn't even true. After he did this, I was driving in the direction of Salem, Oregon and an officer pulled me over, and towed my car away. It was all done within a week or so of my being instructed to drive to Salem.

I first tried to protest it and said it was the court and Archdiocese/law firms responsibility (and it was) but they said if there was a problem, although the scanning was at cost to the Archdiocese's firm, it was my responsibility to tell Marion County to include the missing documents.

So it got set up ahead of me, to force me out of my lawsuit, by Catholics colluding from Judges to police to FBI. The only other thing going on was my reporting rape with Portland police so anyone worried about this or subsequent reports could have also found it to be a good idea to take everything from me. The only other things were then this Jewish guy and the rape report and possibly bad history from fear that I might report a Bechtold. I think the most plausible thing is that I was being deliberately obstructed from my lawsuit and from filing the very documents that the Archdiocese felt it was so important to keep me from filing. Since one of their lawyers was John Kaempf, who is Catholic and was part of the Board for Catholic Charities, to me it's likely that his connection to Catholic Judge Warren in Wenatchee, whose wife was President of Catholic Charities, was convenient for placing a false alert on my driving record.

It happened after I was interviewed by SSAs from FBI from California and D.C. as well, and after FBI had been in my apartment. Who else has authority to tear a car apart from one panel to the next?

Not only did Judge Warren assign a false alert to my vehicle after it was known I had to drive to Salem to get documents filed from there to be scanned up to the very public record, my car was torn apart when it was out of my custody and no one admitted to having a search warrant or doing anything of the kind. The door panels were loose and rattled, the locks didn't work the same, the hubcaps had been removed, everything had been torn apart, top to bottom and I picked up my car in less than standard condition.

Basically, the first time I drove in the direction of Marion Courthouse, to fix the record, I was pulled over by an officer who said an "alert" had just then been put out for my car.

Sorry, but "alerts" don't go with "suspended licenses" on a file in another state. He had been INSTRUCTED to pull me over, and select me out traffic, because of an "alert".

So The Bankruptcy clerks and Marion County courthouse tell me to drive over there. It was mainly Marion County telling me I had to drive because federal clerks just said I had to clear it up with Marion County. So it was Catholic Judge Lipscomb and his Catholic clerks telling me to drive there in person. In the meantime, they got their friend Judge Warren to put a false record on my vehicle. Then, the night I was driving torwards Salem, someone put out an "alert" to have my vehicle targeted and pulled over and towed.

When I first asked that officer why he'd pulled me over after I was stopped and parked at a gas station pump, he told me an "alert" had been issued on my vehicle. Then later he changed it to "speeding" but he first said it was an "alert". So that's why I asked him who put out the "alert". He didn't want to tell me and refused to tell me.

I was pulled over in Coburg, Oregon. I drove from Portland, Oregon, at night, to Salem, and then passed Salem (it was late at night) and continued torwards my parent's house in Coquille until I was pulled over in Coburg. Since I didn't start driving until nighttime, after talking to the Marion County Courthouse that same afternoon earlier, it could be assumed that I would go to my parent's house to stay the night and stop at the Marion Courthouse on return.

I had been told before that day, that I had to go to Marion Courthouse in person but I had first tried to resolve it over the phone. Then, on the day I finally realized I had to drive and was going to do it, I had talked to the Courthouse again and then I was on my way.

There is no possible way these people did not expect me to drive to Salem and if they knew I was trying to get these documents on public record, this is likely reason for the obstruction of justice and collusion.

Those documents were not "scanned" in and uploaded at the State level. At Marion County level, at district court, it was all hard copy and computer notation. It wasn't scanned onto a computer system, with the contents of each paper and motion filed. So a lawyer or public person could see a motion was submitted but they could not read the contents of that motion. When my case was transfered to federal court, all of the motions there were uploaded in full text. This meant anyone could read everything. Word by word, line for line. It meant lawyers outside of the state, and even public persons who gained permission to look at court filings, which includes media, could read for themselves what was submitted.

They did not want this to happen.

In fact, right after I gave them my documentation, they decided to file for bankruptcy. I had just shown a Judge that their argument's in State court at district level were lies. It wasn't true. I guess rather than tackle this with each and every case they fraudulently represented for, they decided to try to appeal to sympathy by filing for bankruptcy.

And of course, sympathetic articles were written about the plight of the Archdiocese and how impoverished there were already and how they could not afford to pay the victims and how broke they were. It was a clever ruse.

Not only could they try to bypass the fraudulent representations they had already made in State court, which amounted to perjury and was punishable by jail, they suddenly went for pity, and hoped to eliminate their debts all in one fell swoop. Then, at the same time, they only had to keep documents from me out of the record which introduced evidence into discovery for the public, insurance companies domestic and abroad, and other lawyers. They did not want to have that information scanned into the record.

They have used mafia and friends in the Department of Justice to torture my entire family over this issue. And you notice, torturing my son and kidnapping him from me and keeping him out of my care has been managed by large, by Catholics.

I never made it to the Marion County Courthouse.

That was 2005. It is now 2012.

During this time, I have been tortured.

First it was vandalizing my vehicles and trying to kill me by sapping my car battery of power while I was driving. I was even targeted for hit-and-run and that's on top of the migraines which were triggered artificially. Then after the FBI was in my apartment, someone felt secure enough to begin vandalizing my mailboxes, redirecting mail entirely, and repeatedly frying my printers and fax machines. They started frying my all-in-one copy/printer/fax machines after I had distributed my folder of information about Roman Catholic corporate structure and governance. I believe that's the timeline on it.

Then, I don't know what caused it, but I was repeatedly getting extremely sick and had bronchitis and was getting more migraines. After I forced out of freedom of travel, I still attempted to hold onto my cases while confined in Wenatchee, Washington and unable to commute. My one case was still alive and the other one stood to be revived. I was targeted with an onslaught of migraines, to the point of total incapacity and wanting to die. It had not been that bad since I had had 15 migraines in one month during college, on an occasion which drove me to seek assistance from the PCC-Sylvania disability offices.

While I endured the most severe migraines possible, doctors were slandering me and refusing to treat me for the excruciating pain. This combination, they already knew, would fully and completely disable me. I had started trying to put things together to send to the federal court directly from Wenatchee. I was going to have to make copies of what I had, the originals, and copy it all and mail it to the Bankruptcy court while I was staying at my Grandparent's house. When I tried, my new fax/printer/copier was disabled. At the same time it was disabled, I was made incompetent by the fact that I was suffering with migraine almost every day and being refused treatment. I was first slandered by Catholic doctors and nurses in Wenatchee, and then they tried to get others against me by claiming I was just a drug addict or a bad person because I was crying, upset or angry about not being treated. They later told me I'd been "red-flagged" by police, which, since police there told me I was "known by police from Oregon to Washington" would indicate it was the FBI, trickling down to the police everywhere else.

My cases finally closed because I could not respond to them.

I was illegally forced out of both of those cases and in both cases, the FBI helped. I can't say everyone in the FBI, but they steered anything to do with me, to Roman Catholic-connected FBI.

The excruciating migraines were followed with a shocking attempt to blackmail and threaten my Grandparent's by the firm of Bullivant House Bailey, on officia Bullivant letterhead. They threatened my Grandparent's against assisting me in any way and told them to "control" me, or they would "go after them" (different words, but not better than that). This was a letter sent to my grandparents in a plain manilla envelope with no return address and no indication it was coming from a law firm at all. I happened to intercept it, by complete accident. They never intended to have me find it at all. It was not sent to me and I was not copied on it. It wasn't passed over to me either--it was a mistake in mailing that led to my discovery of the threat.

Basically, John Kaempf is running his own law firm now when he should be behind bars. Recently, I saw my Dad react in serious fear when I mentioned John Kaempf's name and this tells me, confirms to me that this man and his mafia are responsible for some of the harm done to even my parents. There is no other reason for my own father to react that way unless this is true. I have no innate "hatred" of Mr. Kaempf or any other person, directly. They were opponents to my lawsuits and nothing more.

After my suicide attempt, I wasn't tortured. I didn't even have migraines. They quit triggering them. Instead, they threw me in jail the night before I was going to talk to the media about FBI collusion to block me from my lawsuits. I was pregnant. While I had my pregnancy I did not have migraines much or notice anything unusual until about the 7th month. At that time I was not able to recognize what I later recognized to be a form of torture by technology. It put me into pre-term labor for which I received a shot. It is hard to describe but once you figure out what it is, it's not hard to discern between natural pain and other forms of pain. I really don't know what might have precipitated this, as at this time I was cooking organic food for my baby, singing and watching comedies, and trying to focus on being in a happy and calm state because I believed my unborn would pick up on, or also feel my emotions and be affected by them.

It is possible I contacted police in Portland around that time. Or FBI. I recall I was trying to find out what had happened with my complaint and I had not heard from them at all. So it is possible I had been making some attempt to get information from them. The only other thing would be that I had started checking out books about Canada from the public library.

It was bad enough to be harassed and victimized in Oregon, and blocked from my lawsuits and having my car basically stolen from me. It was then pretty much end-of-the-road to be falsely arrested and thrown in jail for 14 days the night before talking to a reporter and being told all the police knew who I was from one state to another. I suffered in jail, and then the same Judge Warren refused to file even kites I wrote, when I was in jail (as required) or motions (when I was out of jail).

From that point, I knew I was leaving the United States. I looked up political asylum online, on my personal computer after I was out of jail in Wenatchee, WA, for supposedly assaulting my Granny.

I was researching laws on getting political aslyum in other countries, in 2005. I was then checking out books about Canada as well. My research on political asylum was extended to other countries besides Canada.

I had also gone to FBI offices in Wenatchee, WA, while I was still pregnant, at about 6 months pregnancy. So before I was assaulted, which led to pre-term labor, I had met with FBI personnel locally there to ask how to get my FOIA records. It was at that time that I reported Judge Warren.

Maybe assaulting me while I was pregnant was some form of punishment for trying to get FBI FOIA or maybe it was punishment for mentioning Judge Warren to Wes. I don't know, but my unborn child and I were targeted and then at the same time people were asking me to give up my child for adoption.

I guess they were worried I might go to Canada with him. So maybe the U.S. decided they wanted to make him into their personal property before I ever left.

I possibly checked out a book or two on other countries, for fun, but mainly I recall checking out books about Canada and then later being asked over by the phone by Christa Schneider where I would go if I left the country. I was pregnant then, about 6 months or more. She offered, "Canada?" and I said, "Yeah."

But that wasn't the only place I considered and it was actually not where I wanted to go. I just agreed to let her think this because already I knew something was wrong with our "friendship".

I had never mentioned Canada to her. I'd only checked out a book about Canada at the Wenatchee public library up to that point. I had also already done preliminary research about political asylum but I had other countries in mind and thought my computer activities were possibly monitored so I didn't make it obvious about where I thought about going.

When we were later being tortured, I went to Canada not because that was my choice but because I had no money to afford to go to my other choices and was not given time to prepare. They forced me out by trying to smoke us out through torture. And they had it set up ahead of time over there already. I wasn't in Canada until 2 years after I said to Christa that yeah, I'd go to Canada. My son was then 1 1/2 about, and he was 6 months or so when I agreed with her after she offered the idea. So someone had 2 years to set it up the way they wanted.

After my son was born, at first they didn't torture us. They were trying to steal him from me at birth, with a false accusation I was a drunk and drug addict when I wasn't. I refused to give him a Social Security number and they threatened me, telling me the state had an interest in my son (and how). I had told people it was going to be a girl and they had a ready family that had been waiting for a girl. Instead, it was a boy so I guess it threw the expectant family off.

I remember Christa angrily asking me if I'd known it was a boy. She acted like I'd known and I remembered thinking why is she angry? even if I did know it was a boy instead of girl, why be angry unless it upset someone's plans to take my baby "girl" from me? I had no idea it was a boy but I wasn't sad about it.

After he was born, at first, with no one torturing us and being happy with my son, I thought I might stay there two years, save up money somehow and then leave for out of country. I never changed my mind about leaving the country after what was done to me. I think the U.S. knew it too, and my refusal to take a SS# for him only increased their desperation. I might change that to "the criminal's desperation", because if the criminals that the FBI refused to protect us from thought I was leaving the country with my son, they would worry I might start over so well in another country that it called into question what was being done and allowed in the U.S. They didn't want to be undermined, they wanted to underscore what they'd started with me in defaming me.

We were not tortured until I questioned our traumatic childbirth, was still asking the FBI for FOIA, and then reinitiated trying to send documentation about Roman Catholic corporate structure and governance to Spokane.

I will check, but I wasn't tortured for awhile and I had lost my cases and never got documents into the public record about Catholic clergy governance and corporate structure. I tried again, after I found out the second bankruptcy case had been filed in Spokane, Washington. So I then made obvious effort to find out how to enter this documentation into the record in Spokane and I was tortured again, for trying. My research then was to find out how a person that is not party to a lawsuit can submit information or documentation to a court as a third party. Scholars do it, interested parties do it,'s done. So I was going to do it.

And the moment Catholics found out I was going to try to send something to Spokane, WA federal court now, after successfully blocking me from entering it into federal bankruptcy court in Portland, they tortured me. The only person I told about this was Christa Schneider. I told her over the telephone from my house in Wenatchee, WA.

My car was vandalized again, every single week, randomly and on Fridays and Saturdays both.

I never had Canada as my choice to leave the U.S. for, because when I had done my research I found it had a high percentage of Catholics. Since most of the religious hate crime came from them and was affecting even FBI treatment of me, I was not going to think it would be better in Canada. Before my son was ever born, I had plans for a non-Catholic majority (or high percentage) place. So when we were tortured, it was being smoked out to the next place, and had nothing to do with choice. Once there, I figured Toronto might be better than other parts, or somewhere with fewer Catholics, but we were forced into B.C.

The FBI knew all along and probably anticipated this is what I would do. If they couldn't steal my son from birth, into waiting arms of others, and keep us from leaving the country, they had it set up with people they knew in Canada ahead of time.

I guess they decided to offer me a chance to go to Utah with my son and when I didn't take their offer, and they thought I might take my son to Canada (which was only a couple of hours away) they decided to torture us to drive us there only to then lie and claim I was mentally ill and keep my son. Utah is nowhere near Canada afterall.

Maybe I'd have alleviated their concerns that I might escape to another country where we could start over, if I'd been willing to go to Utah. Not only would it satisfy the minds of those worried I'd take my son to another country, it satisfied the minds of anyone who thought I might try to submit motions to Spokane, WA in the second Archdiocese case, as a WA citizen, and I wouldn't be able to file any kind of lawsuit for medical trauma for me or my son either.

Utah would have made them feel better about their own interests.

Basically, it was premeditated to torture and steal my son from me. It was premeditated by Catholics and the Department of Justice. I'm sure they had great stories for others that weren't Catholic, scare tactics and ideas about how they'd be sued, but really, their concern was that as a Washington citizen, I might enter the same information into Spokane, WA federal bankruptcy court that their lawyers and FBI obstructed me from entering into public file in Oregon.


Torture is reeaaally so...chic. It's so "now". So 'a la mode'.

So it was move to Utah now or be tortured. But no one told me about the torture part. By that time, they were trying in many ways, to drive me into poverty and out of my son though. First they tried to take him at birth. Then they tried to drive me out of housing by not reimbursing me for travel to medical appointments--, and then no one would rent to me in the entire town so I took a house owned by my grandparents. And there, as in downtown Wenatchee, we were tortured.

I tried to go on disability for physical injuries and they refused and blocked me from it. They wanted me to have zero income and attempted to have me put my son into a daycare where there were 8 babies to 2 caregivers. It was the saddest thing I've ever seen in a daycare. A bunch of babies with no arms to hold them. THAT was where Social Services in Wenatchee wanted me to put my son. I refused. I said I was staying at home with him and wanted to file for Social Security physical disablity. They blocked me from it, and we were then tortured worse to smoke me out over to Canada where they'd planned for our arrival with about 2 years prior heads-up and notice.

I did research on political asylum in 2005 while pregnant with my son, and then again in 2007 when tortured with my son, and then I looked it up when I was told to leave Canada, while still in Canada, I looked it up on their library computer.

There was never any doubt, to the FBI and Department of Justice, of my intentions.

Instead of allowing me to escape to a part of Canada where we might fare better, or allowing me time to fly out with my son, or to even recover for his damages at childbirth, they kidnapped him from me and set it up. They gave me a false citation for that purpose.

If I had left the U.S. with my son for political asylum, in my mind, at the time Christa Schneider asked "Canada?" I had already decided, at least then, that we were going to Scotland.

She said, "Canada?" and I said yeah and then said, "How did you know?!" (or something like that) and she said it was across the border and close. However, I'd checked out library books about Canada before she asked too.

I had thought Scotland, then, because it didn't have as much Catholic control, and because I figured they would understand about religious hate crimes since they dealt with Ireland conflicts.

The U.S. was in denial about my family being targeted over religious hate crime. I ran into the same religious hate crime with the FBI and Dept. of Justice which was covering for the mafia and lawyers targeting me.

The U.S. has a requirement to protect their citizens from torture. That's just a given and a bare minimum. For me to be an innocent person and victimized by rape and jail and defamed and blocked from my lawsuits, I mean, that was back in 2005, and look at how many worse things they've allowed since THEN.

Most recently, they decided to twist it into a research and "national interest" debate and used a bunch of Catholics in psi govt. research to torture and experiment with me so that if I ever left, they could try to anticipate all my moves ahead of time.

They have completely ruined my and my son's life and they went after my parents and brother too, by attempting to control them.

I had decided on Scotland before my son was ever born. Then, all of a sudden, after he was born, I met a woman from Scotland at Starbuck's in Wenatchee who had a girl. The entire time we were watched by Boston Irish-Catholic Ryan who is a former Marine and now works on a federal dam in emergency preparedness. I used to talk to this Scottish woman at the Starbucks there. I hadn't known anyone from Scotland before. If someone knew Scotland had been in mind, I never told anyone. I didn't tell my family, any friends, no one. I looked it up online, with a bunch of other countries to mix it up. And I said yes to Canada when I never really planned or wanted to go there. Unless, if I were there, would have chosen Toronto, figuring some of them might still remember conflicts between religious groups that had pushed their ancestors to this territory.

How is this not involving the FBI? I mean, seriously. The shocking part is that it still continues and all day and night, the most excruciating pain and for what? to "smoke me out" again?

What happened to "investigation" and putting criminals in jail and calling people who torture others that are citizens in the U.S., for over 5 years, criminals? I had thought this one lawyer was sort of "out there" to suggest any clergy case of collusion or sex abuse could be an act of "terrorism". He suggested this for me. At that time, despite constant vandalism, I didn't think it amounted to terrorism.

Now? Oh definitely. The FBI has not allowed terrorism of me and my family, but I think they'd even paid some their own men and women for it.

What happened to the idea that you return property stolen in the commission of crimes?

What happened to:

"Here's your son Ms. Garrett."

A child is considered, by law, to be a "property" of his parent. All of the case law regarding constitutional right to one's own child follow with the right to "property". It's established and valid law. So when the government kidnaps and steals a child in the commision of crimes, I think the correct procedure is to return the stolen property to the parent.

Anything else, like "CPS" is a cover, sham, and a fraudulent cover for theft during commision of crimes.

Nice how the gov. wants to get people on pens from an office or some kind of petty theft now and then when they think they can literally steal PEOPLE while commiting crimes and aiding and abetting criminals that even happen to be on their own payroll.

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