Saturday, March 24, 2012

Shannon Borg

This is for Shannon Borg, wine reviewer in Seattle:

I sent a letter to your workplace in Seattle and I have not heard from you.

Will you please contact me at the address, email, or phone number provided?

I am concerned that many of the photos I had are showing up in media in both Europe and here in the U.S. and I don't know whether that's a result of some of the photos which Wenatchee police stole from me at Steve May's house in Wenatchee, or if it from photos taken of my photos by camera while living at Mykal Holt's house in Wenatchee, WA, or from you or your partner or friends.

It's been about 3 weeks and I have not heard a thing so I don't know if you even received my letter, but I sent out two of them, one to your former workplace and one to your new workplace and the boss is the same.

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