Thursday, March 29, 2012

"The Little Guy Punching Off The Rapists and Assaulters"

Even better was hearing the segment about "the little guy punching his way above the weightiness" after having more confirmation my son has been sexually abused.

Not only that, he has been personally punched in the face and shown up with a black eye at a visit. He said it was a tall man. Maybe it was even my Ex Alvaro Pardo.

The Power punch.

Maybe it was Tony, the huge guy from CPS offices in Wenatchee.

I know it was a tall man because I've seen photos of something which make it clear a tall man is involved.

At the time though, the person around me was some shorter guy named Andy who was Greek and from Seattle. I had a weird vibe that he'd been around my son and was potentially violent. He was around me and then I saw my son and after that he was around me again and I had the creeps and a big warning flag.

I do know for 100% there is a very tall man involved.

Russ Strong is tall.
Jerod is tall.
Chris Rozollo is tall.
Tony is tall and huge and was the only man present and snarling at me the moment I got back from Canada--a definitely interested party, beyond CPS interest.
Sean O'Neal is tall.
Cops in that area, some of them might be tall.
My fiance Alvaro is tall. Yes, I believe my ex would do something like that. If he would not call knowing we are tortured, he would definitely punch my son or violently assault my family members. He wanted to tango until the statute for Hague had expired--that's how it's looking now. Then it was just delivering me into Wenatchee's hands and making it look like I left him and he hadn't intended all along to dump me off. He (or someone close) set me up in MD when I was at the courthouse and then said to me at the house, "Why don't you marry that guy then?" or something like encouraging me to marry this other person when I was engaged to HIM. Then, he tried to dump me in the hospital. Then he tried to dump me at the pharmacy by saying I hope it's been a good experience for you. All of the dump attempts were after Hague was out of my grasp. My ICARA lina. He even dumped me off one time, literally, at a motel, to "think it over" and I have no idea what that was for. I had no money, nothing. So if he's tried to dump me 3 times, because I wasn't getting entrapped or they had controlled me as long as they needed, why exactly was it my fault for saying I need more time to think it over in Wenatchee? Then he allows a bunch of cops to say I am a hooker and ban me from hotels and a year later he's saying he thinks maybe I am crazy. While I am getting tortured at Steve Mays house. He called me on the day of the Chile earthquake, to tell me this.

That goes for some of the FBI as well. Someone in my family would be safer if the FBI was not in on this and not intimidating people and lying.

If the FBI knew they could be in trouble for kidnapping my kid or refusing to take my report of hate crime and allowing torture, maybe they'd want to either entrap me or stall me until I couldn't file anything. This country has had my son and I under hostage conditions since we left.

Some young woman who is has blond straight hair as well, is a conspirator. I have seen other photos with this woman.

Not photos from my family. They're too afraid to admit to anything.
The FBI S.A. from D.C. who took my report about agents and tried to suggest things for me is tall.
Keith Lewis is tall. I know he's violent too because even his kids are trained to do bad things.

Since I was assaulted with technology while my son was still a baby, when in the company of Russ Strong and Olga from Argentina, with a tall cop present, I absolutely believe Russ is capable of harm. There is also too much odd Argentina stuff, like the Steel company guy who was from Argentina, who was tall and potentially violent and distanced. And then this doctor over here, who mocks my family, is from Argentina. The man flying the helicopter on the property in E. Wenatchee when I was with my son looked like the man I later met in D.C. who was the steel company owner from Argentina. Same face and hair. I am refering to the incident where I walked out of the house to put my son in his carseat and there was a large helicopter hovering above the barn near to the house, just above the trees and close enough so that I could see this man laughing and I had the worst feeling about him. I ignored it and put my son in and drove off. In hindsight later, I realized, he looked like the Argentina guy.

I wonder, uh, like, if Madonna is shagging Chris Dabney and knows people from Argentina where she worked on a set, if she knows any of these people too. He approached me wearing a black shirt like Dabneys after Dabney's best girlfriend "Nikki" (Dept of Defense) knew I was going out and got ready at her house.

Goodman, Amy Roe's friend's friend, is tall.
I would tend to think it's someone who can seem unnoticed going there, but maybe you can sneak in through the orchard undetected. I know cops were around there when I drove up with Alvaro.

Alvaro would do it.

If he would say "maybe you ARE crazy" over the phone to me, when he knew me, after putting up his two fingers into a "PEACE" sign, he would punch out my kid. Why go to the trouble of making this big deal about "PEACE" if he doesn't know what's going on?

It's just looking more and more like they tried to hold onto me and control me while they thought I could file a Hague claim for kidnapping and when that was not a concern, they dumped me. Tried to entrap me and dump me too. And then what? if I had actually married, it was going to be "maybe you ARE crazy" after a year and then stealing my son through a parental claim?

Ostevolle v. Ostevolle mentions "difficult" circumstances. I wonder who knows who stole my passport really and then my brothers and my parent's passports too. Who was going into my house to take my birth certificate by the way, and leading Canadian officials to think I was there illegally unless it was police.

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