Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mary Anne McIntosh, Judge Susan Owens & Helen Owens


Just wondering if the same Washington State "Helen Owens" with "Adoptuskids" is related to the Judge Susan Owens on Washington Supreme Court in Olympia.

Adoptuskids has an address showing in Seattle, Washington.

It's based out of Maryland.

Judge Susan Owens is the Judge that is gay friendly and presided over tribes for social service cases. She's in Olympia, WA now on the Washington Supreme Court.

I looked up Helen Owens and she's collaborated most recently with people in Maryland from Adoptuskids at conferences in Arlington, Virginia and D.C.

Which is reaaaaally interesting actually.

Why? and what does Mary Anne McIntosh have to do with anything?

Mary Anne is the AG for Wenatchee.

Guess why they put in Amee Tilger in her place, instead of McIntosh?

It's looking like it's because there is a conflict of interest. Judge Susan Owens and McIntosh might know eachother, who knows.

Mary Anne's main point in court, which was a bunch of lies, was to say over and over, for the sake of the record, "Ms. Garrett does not BELIEVE she has any mental illness or problem." Over and over, harping on the same point.

Which is totally besides the fact that she lied and said services were offered and provided when this was a flat-out lie. By law they are required to provide services before terminating parental rights. They never did. It didn't even matter to the Judge that I made this point. He totally ignored me. They even tried to interrupt me and kept cutting me off whenever I attempted to address this point. Not once did they provide any kind of "services" and their entire claim was about drugs (I was a big drug dealer and alcoholic they had said) and mental illness. They didn't provide counseling EVER and when I attempted to sign up for counseling, the offices blocked me from going.

So then she was loudly and repeatedly saying there was no time left for me to have counseling or services that would correct my "issues" in a reasonable time, "according to the perspective of a child, from a child's viewpoint."

She said this slowly, over and over. I kept wondering why this was the dramatic angle.


I found the case that AG McIntosh hoped would strike a big chord with Judge Susan Owens. It goes on and on about "from a child's perspective" and "so-and-so doesn't believe she has mental illness, therefore no hope of recovery."

Guess who is featured as the Guardian ad-litem for CASA in this case? A "Helen Owens". This was a case from 2000, Washington Ct. of Appeals.

So Helen Owens with Adoptuskids did a lecture with Vanesa Casavant from NW Resource Associates in Seattle. I looked her up on twitter and she's getting tweets about tribal laws. Probably, if her friend Helen Owens knows the tribal Judge Susan Owens, that's why. So it's likely the Owens are connected.

It's really great because their big conference theme in D.C. and VA was about the State "building a voice."

Which is really curious given mine was taken by torture in Seattle. They put Vanesa and Helen on a team with a Kathy and Stephanie from Maryland who were from "Adopt Kids Exchange" and then beneath it is a listing for the French lecture with a Genevieve (Jennifer) and others featured and a Salvador mention to the side.

I didn't have a good feeling about Vanesa when I saw her photo and I think I know why. She has this photo uploaded about "ollie" her dog and with a photo of some women gathered for a picture with a frame around it that says "GONG". The women are dressed in the same shirts that I had a photo of friends dressed in or close, with them leaning in on eachother, staged exactly the same, tilted heads and everything. And that photo of me with my friend Halea Meyers and others, disappeared into Steve Mays hands in Wenatchee, after being in Mykal Holt's house. It is the exact same display. I mean, to a t, no mistake about it.

Then she writes about "Ragnar's Relay" that she's in and has a hat on that says "I ate hills for breakfast" (noted, since I just brought up Ragnar and "Hils" last night) and talks about going to "Kate's Pub" all the time. For every 5 tweets, it's one about Kate's Pub.

Which is where my Ex stayed, who was from Maryland, which is the state where the other women were from that Vanesa and Helen visited for their conferences about "how to make money off of children through slick ads".

She mentions cancer and I don't know if she has cancer (like Mykal supposedly) or just supports it.

So here was Mary Anne McIntosh, letting each word come carefully out of her mouth to match the outcome a case Helen Owens was involved in.

And she knows Helen, who apparently knows Susan and she happens to be imitating a photo that was in my possession before it was stolen, and then she puts it on her blog.

So I feel REALLY secure about Judge Susan Owens.

Oh. Yeah. And remember, this is the same Judge wisecracking about my FBI report regarding Bujanda with "Tom", another Judge. So apparently, there is this connection between Judge wisecracking about my FBI report (which I had not, at that time, shared with others or made public), and this Vanesa woman who imitates photos I had before they were stolen from me.

And then here is the AG trying to cater her entire argument to fit into a case that Helen Owens was part of. And they are tripping over to D.C. and Arlington, VA, to hold conferences about swapping kids arounds like merchandise and selling them online with clever ads, with women from Maryland, where my "ex-fiance" is from.

Like these people are not criminals?

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