Friday, April 13, 2012

Camera (photos of Cadbury & Magnolia)

This has a bad backdrop, but some symmetry as I'd folded down the wax a few days ago and then the petals did this on their own.

from the side, sort of like a water lily.

the red straws were all lined up into a solid rectangular block shape, just like the box when I brought it home, but they moved and I didn't bother to straighten them. Also, I took this from an angle behind. From the front, as seen, the pencils veer left and the straws veer right.

I tried taking a few photos of a magnolia tonight and they just did not amount to much. The resolution on this webcam is extremely, extremely low, so it's impossible to get anything very good and it's a huge laptop so it's cumbersome to move around and angle. With my other laptop, it was such a plain webcam too, and the laptop was no more than $200? $400? dollars (I think $2000), but you can get better definition with the higher res. especially if you can't focus with an aperature or use any of the regular camera features, you have to have higher res for decent photos.

But I took a couple tonight, just to show something interesting with cadbury eggs I got for my son and the magnolia is pretty, but it's so dull with these photos. I had it in a cup with water and it filled up at the bottom so looking inside it sort of looked like a water lily, but the photos don't play well.

With the cadbury eggs, I only took a photo bc I had placed some straws and pencils inside a candle one day and the design sort of matched what was on cadbury eggs, which, I checked, were made by 3 different places (hersheys in Pennsylvania, Canada, and UK).

Excuse the terrible appliance in the corner, I was just trying to get the candle and eggs. My candle was already that way before I went to the store and then bought the eggs, just thinking my son might like them (a day after easter). Then, I set them on the table, and thought, "How strange...there is a parallel design".

I did have a different candle inside, which matched the colors of the cadbury foil, and I had a blue and purple candle side by side, with the blue one melting into the purple one. And then I set an egg shaped candle in the center. Anyway, it's sort of reverse idea. The other candle had green and red and black and matched with the foil of the cadbury's with then the yellow pencils and red straws. What's weird is I think my mother knew what was going to happen. I had no clue. It's a long story. Anyway.

I sent out a card to my son today with a rose cut-out and then a different collage of a car crash and then my Dad, not knowing what I'd just sent, got a card for my mom that said "I'll love you...(inside: till I croak)". And he got her roses too.

I said, upon seeing the roses and card, "I just send Oliver a note with a smiley face and a rose on on page and then on the next one, a car crash with metallic objects. And I wrote "I love you" on it too."

Anyway, it wasn't meant to be a car crash but an intersection of objects. And then I found out there was a car crash today on the way to Coos Bay with some Hay cart pointed in the wrong direction on the side of the road and an older man holding a bleeding white dog. My Dad said there were about a dozen police cars out there and several ambulances but you couldn't tell what had happened because they'd already moved things away.

I had made a collage for my son a few days ago and then made one that same night, deciding on using mainly metallic objects and it just turned out that way.

So this card my Dad got my mom has two frogs on it. Which is why the inside says "till I croak." I said, "It doesn't really mean much unless you live a long time then, so you'd better put in a lot more a long time."

I just looked at my title "Cadbury & Magnolia". It sounds like a soap. Like Crabtree & Evelyn. Well, let me decide on a maggie photo. None of them are very good.

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