Friday, April 13, 2012

This Generation of Ebal-Kineevals

Last night while writing my post about torture, I kept thinking about some statistic or document I read, that said the younger generation is not opposed to torture like the older generation is.

And I had listened to a "webinar" from my Business Law class about capitalism and how one generation makes the money and the next is sort of riding on the profits (or maybe that was a news thing I heard while listening to the webinar).

With these ideas, I have thought about what the younger generations are getting from the older generation and how this is shaping attitude and direction of the country. It seems counterintuitive that younger generations would support torture more than older gens. I would think, with maybe more progressive ideas from the younger generations, with regard to race, class (maybe), and homosexuality issues, they would also be very anti-torture. But for whatever reason, it's the opposite. It's the older generations that reportedly denounce torture and use of torture for interrogations, and the younger generations are reporting they think it's okay under some circumstances.

The younger generation is being misled and guided into accepting and allowing torture of others.

These ideas I have had in the last day, about why is this true, underscored something I turned to, randomly, from the Bible, and it's not just for religious but good for anyone to consider. It is Deuteronomy Chapter 11 and starts out with "love the Lord your God with all your heart" but then it talks about children, and how THEY have not seen what you have seen. It is about telling the next generation what you saw and witnessed so they do not forget. In this context, it's about how God did good things and how the next generation will not remember unless you tell them. But I read it also as instruction on how it is the responsibility of the older generations or those made aware, of any generation, to be witnesses of the truth. It's about how to bridge the generational gap, and inform the next one, people who have not seen things for themselves, about what was really happening. And how this shapes the future.

Then, my reference to "Ebal-kineeval" is a play on the word "Evil" and "Ebal" because in this chapter it goes on to talk about leaving now, what is behind and going to the new "Jordan", a place where mountains and valley "drink rain from heaven". And it speaks of the blessing and the curse. The blessing if you follow what you should follow, and the curse if you do not, and how, in Jordan, there are two mountains. I think it's figurative, but it says, pronounce the blessings from Mt. Gerizim, and the curses from Mt. Ebal. That's just explaining my title to this post.

The point is, my son is being retained illegally by Ebal-kineevals of the U.S. government (and tortured by some Commonwealth too). And it looks like the kids of the U.S. are growing up to be a bunch of Ebal-kineevals too, if they are twice as likely to accept torturing others as the previous generation. So I think it is time for those who have seen things and witnessed things, to explain why the new laws and new culture is not supporting a healthy country and why it is dangerous.

Then I read Psalm 31: 14-24, and about justice and mercy not fasting, and then also a section about Berea from the NT which describes how, even though apostles left one place, they were hunted down by "agitators" to the next place, because all they wanted to do was stir up trouble and prevent good seed from taking root and flourishing.

The main reason I'm sharing what I read is because of the point of making the truth known to younger generations, and with regard to acceptance or denouncing torture of human beings.

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